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袁志山,吝德智,崔跃,冯昭伟,李君涛,尚再艳,朱明,熊晓东,王兴权. NiTi基高温记忆合金相变行为与组织性能研究[J].稀有金属材料与工程,2018,47(7):2269~2274.[Zhishan Yuan, Dezhi Lin, Yue Cui, Zhaowei Feng, Juntao Li, Zaiyan Shang, Ming Zhu, Xiaodong Xiong, Xingquan Wang. Study on the phase transformation behaviour, microstructure and property of NiTi based high temperature shape memory alloys[J]. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering,2018,47(7):2269~2274.]