国家磁约束核聚变能发展研究专项(Nos. 2017YFE0300304和2018YFE0313100);国家自然科学(No. 11975213)
1.Science and Technology on Surface Physics and Chemistry Laboratory;2.Institute of Materials, China Academy of Engineering Physics;3.China Academy of Engineering Physics
National research project on the development of magnetically confined fusion energy(Nos. 2017YFE0300304和2018YFE0313100); National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.11975213)
高翔,张桂凯,向鑫,罗丽珠,汪小琳. Al3V表面氧吸附的第一性原理研究[J].稀有金属材料与工程,2020,49(12):4185~4191.[Xiang Gao, Guikai Zhang, Xin Xiang, Lizhu Luo, Xiaolin Wang. First-principles study on the adsorption of oxygen on Al3V surfaces[J]. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering,2020,49(12):4185~4191.]
DOI:10.12442/j. issn.1002-185X.20191092