The Doctoral Startup Fund (20192066, 20212028); The Laijin Excellent Doctoral Fund (20202021); The Scientific and Technological Innovation of Colleges and Universities in Shanxi Province (2020L0342); The Fundamental Research Program of Shanxi Province (202303021222178)
黄闻战,刘涛,陈尧,王录才,武建国,游晓红. SiC含量对两步发泡法制备的 SiC/Al 基复合泡沫的发泡稳定性、孔结构和压缩性能的影响[J].稀有金属材料与工程,,().[huangwenzhan, liutao, chenyao, wanglucai, wujianguo, youxiaohong. Study on the Impact of SiC Content on the Foaming Stability, Cell Structure, and Compression Performance of SiC/Al-based Composite Foam Prepared by Two-step Foaming Method[J]. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering,,().]