Abstract:The preparations of reference materials (RM) used for chemical analysis of Ti and its alloys have been reported, including the preparation processes of RM, the homogeneity tests and the certification of compositions. The process and guality norms of the RM are in accord with the:Technical Norm of Primary Reference Materical.
Abstract:The Ti-54wt% Ni shape memory alloy has been invest igated with a HVEM. It was found that the intense diffuse scattered streaks appeared in SADPs of B2-phase. In situ observation during heating showed that the streaks were related to the instability of the crystal lattice of B2-phase. SADPS taken form an area during tilting a specimen show that the diffuse scattered streaks are formed from the rel walls intersecting fundamental reciprocal points. SADPs of B2- Phase with the zone axises [012], [023], [011], [(?)33], [(?)33], [(?)11] and [(?)35] were taken. These SADPs show that the diffuse scattered streaks in SADPs usually lie in three different directions, intersect each other and form a network. Each streak consists of several sections. These sections lie in a line only in the [111] SADP. The sections are parallel each other, but do not lie in a line in other SADPs. Diffuse scattered streaks do not intersect the super-structure diffraction spots and centre spot, but the fundamental diffraction spots and can intersect each other at the positions without the diffraction spot. It can be assumed that the diffuse scattered streaks are formed by the rel walls lying on the {112}~* planes, intersecting at the fundamental points of the reciprocal lattice, and with certain dimensions. The rel walls can be used to explain the geometric characteristics of the diffuse scattered streaks and the change of angles between streaks in different SADPs. Finally, the formation and distribution of the rel walls as well as the length of diffuse scattered streaks in SADPs have also been discussed according to the diffuse scattering of electron by the transverse acoustic phonon waves with the wave vector lying on {112}~* planes in the lattice of B2-phase.
Liu Zhiyi Cui Jianzhong Bai Guangrun
Abstract:研究了时效析出相对8090铝锂合金回复与再结晶的影响。透射电镜观察表明320℃/8 h时效的试样在350℃温轧后形成的是有残余位错存在的位错胞结构,而450℃/8 h时效的试样中对应的组织是边界整齐的亚晶结构。经500℃/15 min保温,前者是带有混乱晶内位错的亚晶组织,后者是无混乱晶内位错,且具有可动性晶界的亚晶组织。晶界角度测试结果表明,保温后亚晶的平均晶界角度随析出相间距而增大。研究表明,析出相通过对位错的钉扎而影响回复过程,最终影响再结晶核心的形成。
Hao Hongqi Jin Zhihao Wang Xiaotian
Abstract:We review some theories of the interface formation and reactions and the residual thermal stress at the interface between ceramics and metals, and also introduce the brazing methods, brazing fillers and the evaluation methods for the properties of the ceramic-ceramic and ceramic-metal joints.
Tang Wei Fu Hengzhi Zou Guangrong Shi Zhengxing
Abstract:The developing processes of microstructure of NdDyFeB green compacts in the different heating stages have been analysed in a thermodynamic principle, and some kinetic phenomena such as particle rearrangement, solution-precipitation, formation of solid skeleton and ploygonization have also been researched. It is shown that the density of magnets varies with the change of microsturcture, leading to the change of magnetic properties. The presence of Nd-rich liquid phase, the elmination of gas absorbed film on the surface of grains of different sizes are helpful for densification of magnets. The grain coarsing, polygnonization of grain shape and pore migration are keys to obtain the final densification.
Yang Guanjun Zhang Taixian Cai Xuezhang Deng Ju
Abstract:The interfacial characteristics of Ti/TiAl, Nb/TiAl and NbTi/TiAl composites were studied by using the simulated specimens. The results showed that the interfacial reaction layer of the explosion specimen was thicker than that of the HIP's specimen, and there are obvious differences in the interfacial characteristics for these three HIP's specimens under the same condition. The HIP's Ti/TiAl and NbTi/TiAl specimens had thicker interfacial reaction layers and higher interfacial bonding strength than the HIP's specimen.
Teng Xinkang Xu Jingren Du Minghuan
Abstract:对MTG区熔生长法,慢冷法,粉末熔融生长法这3种方法制备的熔融织构YBCO块样品进行了交流磁化率和磁阻的测量。根据实验结果计算了样品的钉扎势,并且发现3种方法制备的样品在150 mT外磁场下均显示出基本消除弱连接的特性;粉末融熔生长法所制样品中有较纯净123相和较好织构,质量最好。
Yang Huabin Pang Wei Hou Xueling Wu Bende
Abstract:研究了羟基磷灰石(HA)和中性玻璃(G)的混合涂料在TC4多孔钛基体上的界面复合强度。探讨了中性玻璃含量、基体表面状态以及烧结工艺对这种涂层复合种植体的复合强度的影响。指出:复合的实质是中性玻璃与基体的润湿结合,最合适的玻璃含量为50 wt%,提高复合强度的关键,在于基体表面的TiN蒸镀处理,当TiN厚度为2~3 μm时,复合强度可达7.2 MPa。最佳烧结工艺为:900~950℃/30 min。
Abstract:The effects of impurities(such as Fe, Ni, etc.)in Mo powders on the formation of light corrosion spots of Mo disc surface have been studied at the same conditions for Mo powder formation and sintering and Mo bar post-working according to the phenomena and data during powder prepartion.
Liu Suying Qi Daheng Kang Xinting Jiang Jilin
Abstract:The 904~# ceramic-glass coating is studied to protect titanium alloy at high temperature. The samples coated and uncoated were compared for oxygen content, oxygen polluted layer thickness, microstructure and micro-hardness by using Auger electron, X-ray, metallograph, as well as micro-hardness analyse. It is proved that the 904~# coating has a good protecting ability.
Abstract:A method of quality apprarisal for gold products was introduced and several useful formulas for purity calculation, impurity element-estimation and temperature effects have been also deduced.
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