Abstract:This paper presents a series of Al-Li alloys and their productive capacity all over the world. The application and improvement of Al-Li alloys are also described in the paper.
Abstract:brief introduction is presented for the recent advances in methods of preparing metal fibers including bundle-drowing. chatter- machining and melt-spinning. The status of study and applicataion of metal fibers is also described in this paper.
Abstract:inetics of isothermal transformation of supersaturated phase of ordered a2 was investagated with method of quantitative metallographic examination and X- ray diffraction. The relationship between the amount of 7 phase precipitation and the isothermal transformation time with the both method is agreed. The rate of isothermal transformation in alloy 45Al is larger remarkably than the one in alloy 42Al. Under the eutectoid temperature in Ti- Al phase diagram the rate of transformation decreases with temperature,ho it is.not able that the isothermal transformation curve becomes the shape of letter C.
Liu Chunfang , Tang Hui , Xu Jingren , Zhou Lian
Abstract:he lattice parameter c values of highly textured YBCO thick films were calculated by using an X-ray diffraction dual-line method. The lattice parameter values of samples prepared on Ni substrate rather smaller than those of sintered samples and thick films prepared on Ag-Pd substrate. Increasing substrate temperature during spray, sintering temperature after spray, and moving speed of smsples during zone melting makes lattice Parameter c decrease. Generally, the samples which have higher To have rather smaller lattice parameter c values.
Abstract:ffect of Zr addition on the property stability of CuZnAl alloy was investigated. It showed. Zr- doped could reduce martensite stabilization trend and improve property stability in the mid-temperature. X-ray diffraction results showed that Zr restrained the variation of order parameter and the formation of equilibrium phase when the alloy aged in the mid-temperature.This might have relation with the change of excess vacancy concentration which resulted from grain refining.
Li Yingquan , Liao Jichang , Deng Chaoquan , Wang Zhi , Xuan Linjie , Zhang Renqi
Abstract:he investigating results of preparing high Performance Si3N4 powder by carbon reduction and nitridation from SiO2 is reported in this paper.lt has been studied that the effeCt of the technological factors such as the nitriding temperature,the nitriding time and nitrogen flow,etC.on the colour,particle shape,Pareicle size, particle distribution and phase structure of the nitriding products. The forming conditions of the amorphism,SiO2 and SiC products are discussed.Results show that the nitriding technological factors influence obviously the performances of the nitriding products.High quality St3N. POwder with high a phase ratio,fine particle and homogeneous particle distribution can be prepared by the technological conditions of using the nitriding temperature 1450t,the nitriding time 2h and the nitrogen flow 2.5L/ min.
Yang jianchao , Pan Huibo , Chen Fengyun , Ju He
Xiong Zisheng , Zhu Rui , Deng Zuoqing
Wang Kunlin , Zang Donghong , Zhu Runming
Abstract:The effects of different aid-gases and technological parameters on laser cutting of titanium alloy have been investigated. The characters of cut plane and heat affected zone of laser cutting have been analyzed. The experimental results show that the best cutting quality can be obtained when argon is used as an aid-gas. The laser power and cutting speed have of feets on the cutting width and heat affected zone. The cut plane can be divided into two zones which have different appearance. There is a distinguishing boundary between the two zones. The width of heat affected zone on upper surface is narrower than that on lower surface.
Abstract:wo methods of measuring differential pressure of hydrogen- the gas flow method and the gas weight method are presented and compared each other during the hydrogen-charging to Ti-alloy.lt is shown that the results obtained by two methods are basically indentical.
Abstract:his article Presents the historical development of the implant metallic malerials in human body. The characters of the stainless steel, cobaltchormium alloys,titanium alloys and new type of biological engineering metallic materials-shape memory alloys are described. The domestic-oversea general situation and the PractiCeS of their application are also presented in this paper.
Abstract:he lst International Symposium on Structural Intermetallics is introduced in this poper.The important achievements in the field of Intermetallics in the world and their prospects in application developments are also reviewed.
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