Wei Huiyuan , Jiang Lixin , Chen Baisuo
Abstract:To the problems in the tube eddy testing, some improved ways are given by using a three-point probe matching the eddy instrument model ET-204 with low field voltage, and selecting a phase having the optimum singnal-to-noise ratio with impedance plane technique.The testing results show that the method possesses a jamproof capability for distant testing with high sensitivity.
Abstract:So far, many methods have been tried and applied in the synthesis of Bi-based superconductor powders including conventional solid state reaction route, solution self propagating high-temperature synthesis, co-precipitation route, sol-gel process, freeze-drying,solvent evaporating technique and micro-emulsion based powder synthesis. In this paper, the principles, advantages and disadvantages of these methods, and their applications in Bi-based superconductor powder synthesis are discussed.
Jiang Bingyu , Zhang Zhonglun , Yang Tianhua
Abstract:The method of production to prepare rare-earth hydrogen-stored alloys intended to be used for producing Ni-MH batteries is stated in brief. Multi-element rare-earth hydrogen-stored alloy ingots have been obtaineal by induction melting method of using ceramic crucible and water-cooling crucible, respectively. It is indicated that the concentration of impurity carried into the melt can be limited within some hundreds of ppm. By using a suitable water-cooling ceramic crucible, we can obtain the uncontaminated alloy ingots with homogenous and accurate composition. The process characteristics. of induction melting method with cold crucible and the result analysis of hydrogen stored alloy ingots obtained are introduced as well.
Abstract:The novel yielding criterion for porous materials is employed to study the densification, workhardening and poisson's ratio of sintered materials during plastic processings. Relevant functions under uniaxial compressive stress stste are derived for the abobve factors the experimental data in literature are cited to test the predictions. Besides, recompressing process is also researched.
Abstract:The crevice corrosion resistance of corn m ercially pure titanium and Ti-0.3% Mo 0.8% Ni alloy in boiling 25% NaCl and HCl solution was studied with electrochemical techniques. The results indicated that the Ti-0.3% Mo-0.8% Ni alloy have much better crevice corrosion resistance than commercially pure titanium. It is mainly related with the low hydrogen overpotential of the nickel which promoted the cathode polarization, increased the passivation ability. The nickel enriched in the internal crevice surface enhanced. the stability of passive film.
Abstract:After investisating the effect of using monochromaton and filter on the measurement precision, a critical formula of optimal conditions for using monochromator was derived. At last, a practical operation method was proposed.
Abstract:The development and features of cold hearth melting methods with electron beam and plasma are summarized, the furnace structure, operation principle and individual advantage of melting pure Ti and Ti-6Al-4V alloy are also stated in this paper.
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