Kaug Xinting , Jiang Jiling , Liu Shuying
Abstract:brief introduction is presented for the methods of corn bustion synthesizing TiN including gas-solid,liquid-solid, and solid-solid methods.The effective factors of all these methods are also-discussed in detail. The results show that solid-solid methos is insensitive to nitrogen pressure and diluent,it is one of the simplest technology in the three methods.However,the most typical and common method is gas-solid cormbustion synthesizing method,due to the avilable of nitrogen resoursce.
Wan Juling , Gu Jialing , Chen Nanping
Wu Qingzhi , Li Zuochen , Wang Weimin
Liu Minghu , An Meiling , Zhang Sijing
Abstract:escribes a new process to produce palladium chloride directly with recover palladium by Zinc-magnesium recovery and mixed acid dissolving fro m waste C - Pd catalyst.Higher recovery of palladium and rapid red notion can be obtained cormpared with conventional aluminium reduction process.
Chu Shuangjie , Hu Keao , Wu Renjie
Abstract:Introduce the principle of magneto-optical recording and substrate materials of magneto-optical disk, specifically the properties,manufscture methods and protective film of the rare earth-transition metal(RE-TM)alloy amorphous film.And simply describes the properties and feature of oxide single-crystal,multi-crystal and multiple-story magneto-optical recording film. It is pointed out that the future developing tendency will be multi-layes magneto-optical recording materials.
Abstract:he development and researching situation of silver, titanium and aluminum based brazing filler for Ti and Ti alloys are reviewed. The advantages and disadvantages of them are discussed. The development tendency of brazing filler metals for Ti and Ti alloys is analyzed.
Pang Yunhong , Zhou Yu , Jiang Yi , Zhou Yigang
Wang Jingtao , Wang Haibo , Xu Yuzhong , Pang Yuhua
Abstract:Dendrite arm spacings of alum inium and Al-Mn, Al-Cu, Al-Li,etc.14 aluminium alloys with minor Rare Elements added have been studied. Present investigation indicates that minor addition of Rare Earth Elements La,Ce or Yobviously refined the dendrite structure of commercial pure aluminium and aluminium alloys.The refining effect of Rare Earth Elements on dendrite arm spacings was directly related to the"quality"and'quantity'of alloying elements in the base alloy,this was reflected by the solute transportation characteristic parameter Po proposed in this paper;The refining effect of Rare Earth Elements on dendrite arm spacings was also related to the cooling rate during solidification. The higher the cooling rate,the weaker the refining effect of Rare Earth Element on dendrite arm spacings.Although some additives were indicated to be very effective in refining grain size of aluminium alloys,their refining effect on dendrite arm spacings were found to be very weak.
He Guiyu , Chu Shuangjie , Hu Shiping
Abstract:he corrosion perforative equipment made of titanium used for mash shadow of colour TV has been manufactured successfully for the frist time in china.It has been running stable for two years since it was put into operation.The productivity and qualified products have increased by 10% and 6% respectively.It costs about 15% of that of imported one,therefore is a good alternative for the later.The design and manufacture of this production line have reached international level and open a new field for titanium application.
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