Xiao Lin , Gu Haicheng , Kuang Zhenbang
Wang Hualin , Li Hailin , Wu Dongdi
Abstract:he developments, which include the ignition temperature, ignication time, dynamic of burring reaction, technology, principle of interaction of titanium with carbon and experimental method etc, are described. The development trend of Self-Propagating High- Temperature Synthesis of titanium carbide is pointed out
Abstract:he process of nanometeral WC-Co powder.excellent performance and sintering behaviour of nanometral carbide are briefly presented.
Zhao Yongqing , Zhu Kangying , Li Zuochen , Wu Qingzhi
Cul Wenfang , Sun Qiuxia , Cui Jianzhong
Abstract:The corrosion resistances of 01420 Al-Li alloy under aged and pesk aged conditions have been studied systematically. The results show that the corrosion resistances of under aged alloy are better than those of peak aged alloy for intergranular corrosion, exfoliationcorrosion, salt spray corrosion and stress corrosion testing. The changes of corrosion resistance of alloy owe to the variations of quantity and distribution of S phase. The corrosion resistance of alloy will gradually lower with the increasment of S phase and its distribution in grain boundary.
Ge Rongde , Liu Zhihong , Chen Huiguang , Zhang Duomo , Zhao Tiancong
Abstract:he effect of ball-milling on the properties of ultrafine ZrO2 (Y2O3) powders prepared by coprecipitation under different conditions is investigated. It is shown by the expertimental results that the agglomerate size of as-calcinated powders can be effectively decreased by ball-milling but the primary particle size is hardly affected. The surface area of seriously agglomerated powders can be markedly increased by ball-milling but that of softly agglomerated powders is not evidently increased. The crystal size of as-calcinated powders becomes much finer after ball-milling because transformation of the powder from tetragonal structure to monoclinic structure occurs during ball-milling. It is also shown that ball-milling can be used to improve the sinterability of seriously agglomerated powders.
Abstract:he consumption of lithium and variation of hydrogen contents in the process of melting and casting Al-2. 8% Li alloys tube have been studied. Experimental and calculation results indicate that reasonable option for melting and casting process can decrease the consumption of isotope lithium-6 below 2%. The increase of hydrogen contents in Al-Li alloys is mainly caused by absorption of moisture.
Abstract:he explosive clad of Ta-10W liner tube and CrNiMo steel tubular sections has been studied. The interfaces of explosive clad have been examinated also. The relationship between explosive charg and deformation of tabular section is discussed. The effect of explosive clad on mechanical properties of tabular sections is analysed. The optimun process parameters of explosive clad are determined. The results show that the corrected optimum process parameters of explosive clad for plate can be used for explosive clad of inner liner tube. The thickness of explosive charge for explosive clad of tube with circular cross-section is about 60% of that for explosive clad of plate under the same conditions. Ta-10W liner tube of 0.4mm wall can be claded with inner wall of CrNiMo tube under the condition of explosive charge mass ratio R of 0.8. The interfaces of explosive clad are wavelike.
Abstract:he principle and optional conditions of inert gas fusion (impulse heating) method for determination of hydrogen with Sn-flux are described. The results show that the method for determinating hydrogen in Ti. Zr. Hf. Ta. Nb and their alloys is accurate. The POwer for analysing are 2500W for Ti. Zr and Hf and 2700-2800W for Ta and Nb. The heating-times are 30s for Ti. Zr and Hf and 40s for Ta and Nb, respectively.
Weng Wenda , Chen Zhiguo , Zhong Wenda , Wang Chengzhong
Abstract:he tests of single-direction tension and expanding with hydrostatic pressure (double-direction tension) have been carried out for 9 kinds of plate. The relationships ofperformance indexes for single-direction and double-direction tension are studied,respectively. A series of significant results are obtained.
Qin Shuyi , Zhang Xiyan , Liu Shikai
Abstract:new method of measuring the mean length of fibers in composites using SEM is presented in this paper. The fibers in preforms of Short Fiber Reinforced Metal-Matrirx-Composties(SFR MMCs) have been measured. The results show that the length of fibers is a Gauss distribution.
Abstract:his paper introduces the automatic controll principle and structure of hardware and software for the titanium and titanium alloys dispense system controlled by the computer
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