Hu Wenying , Xie Liying , Deng Ju
Abstract:y reference to the test standard on bulletproof clothing of American Association for Justice(AAJ),the bulletproof properties of uncovered target plates of a new Ti-120 alloy were studied,and compered with pure titanium TA2,stainless steel,Nylon and keviar etc.The results showed that the new alloy,which has lighter density than steel and cheaper.than Nylon,keviar,has a good resistance to perforation and small hollow of shell crater.Therefore,the Ti-120 alloy plate with thickness of 2.6mm will be ideal materials of bulletproof clothing
Yan Jianwu , He Guiyu , Zhu Shuangjie
Abstract:he electrochemical deposition of aluminium from NaCl-AlCl3 molten salt system has been studied by using cyclic voltammogram.In the basic salts the species reduced at the cathode are AlCl4 ions,while in the acidic salts the species reduced are Al2Cl7 ions.There are equilibrium reactions between the ionic species,which influence the reduction of aluminium at the cathode.The reduction reaction of Al2Cl7 is quasireversible,and the reduction mechanism is very complicated.There may be some pre-chemical step or camo-catalytic reaction mechanism.
Wang Xiaotian , Ren Xiaobin , Wei Yinhui
Abstract:The basic concepts and applications of the solid flame combustion synthesis are reviewed.Wherever possible, the comparison of some important special features between the solid flame and the gas flame and the comparison of methods between the combustion synthesis and the conventional material process are carried out.
Guo Cheng , Zhu Weidou , Jin Zhihao
Abstract:A definition of functioually gradient material(FGM) is given.The current status of the study on material design, material fabrication and material evaluation is introduced.Application forecasts of the materials in the fields of aeronautic and space transportation, biomediciue, mechanical engineering,optics,electromaguetism,chemical industry and nuclear energy engineering etc.are described.Finally,the prospects of the study are discussed in this poper.
Peng Qiao , Yin Zhengan , Liu Xuehong
Abstract:nfluence of medium,temperature and state of surface on the electrochemical behaviour of the anode Ru2O-TiO2/ Ti has been studied in detail by electrochemical methode.And by engineering practice in all four years through the application effect of the anode has been observed. The results show that the electrochemical performance of the anode is stable,and the engineering application effect is very good.The anode Ru2O-TiO2/Ti can be applied widely in cathodic protection.
Abstract:review is devoted to the progass of the compounds of Thin-Michler's Ketone and their application in spectrophotometric analysis of noble metal.Structure and function of compounds of Thio-Michler's Ketone,the conditions of coloring reagents in spectrophotometric analysis of noble metal,and coloring reactions,limit of detection, interference and range of determination are also discussed.
Shen Guiqing , Lu Guixi , Chen Fabao
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