In the paper, authors present the basic principles and technological features of the new processing technologies of the metalmatrix composite, such as self propagating high temperature synthesis.XD synthesis, Directed metal oxidation (Dimox) synthesis, Lancide synthesis and Spray- Atomized and codeposied synthesis,illustrate the mechanical properties of the metal matrix composites produced by the above- mentioned approaches, analysis advantages and shortcomings of different approacbes and pointout that SHS,XD,Dimox and Lanxide approach belong to the in stiu processing. Composites containing reinforcement generated in stiu are likely to have the advantages of .virgin uncontaminated intedeces and can be fur,ther tailored during sikudufucation processing to promote adequate bonding between the matrix and the reinforcements. In addition,this route of synthesis of composites may be more ecnomic as the reinforcements are not tnanufactured and handled separately.The shortcomings of the .in stiu processing are that the composites POssess low density and the quantity of the reinforcements can not be controlled easily. Spray atomization and codeposition processes belong to the rapid solidification technology.The basic thenes of the new processing technologies above should be created as the processiny,technologics are imprproved further.