Li Peizhi , Zhu Hongyao , Gao Yuliang
Abstract:he structures of the oxide film have been studied for Zr-2.5Nb and Zr-1.0Nb-0.5Fe alloys. XRD analysis shows that the oxide film of Zr-2.5Nb alloy consists of monoclinic ZrO2 ((ZrO2)M) and (ZrO2)x. The oxide film of Zr-1.0Nb-0.5Fe alloy has been investigated by means of TIM. Clear grain and twin-substructure have been observed in the oxide film of Zr-1.0Nb-0.5Fe alloy.
Zeng Liying , Yuan Hongming , Li Shijiang
Yin Jingou , Zhen Han , Huang Bafan
Abstract:he effect of Al content on chromaticity of 18K Au-Cu-Al cast alloy has been studied by adopting of modern chromaticity system and X-ray analyse. It is found that Al content changes the color of Au-Cu-Al alloy. and play the role of bleaching.
Li Yimin , Huang Boyun , Qn Xuanhui , Liang Shuquan , Qiu Guanghan
Abstract:here are two chief technological factors affecting the industrial progress of metal injection molding(MIM).which are the production of powders for MIM and the MIM process. These two factors are analyzed systematically and the present status of MIM technology is described.
Bai Shihong , Yang Gencang , Zhou Shaorong
Abstract:It has been found that the refining effect can be improved with increasing electric current. By means of the experiment on elec-flux refining of the Al-4.5wt%Cu alloy. Furthermore, the grain morphalogy changed from small equiaxial grain to coarse transcrystalline grain. The same refining effect also can be obtained through circulating refinement under the condition of low current.
Abstract:he pringciple and advantages of SHS-casting is introduced. The experimental results on SHS-casting of Ni3Si based intermetallic ring products and centrifugal SHS casting of the metal-ceramic pipes are presented in this paper. The factors influencing the SHS casting process are discussed.
Zheng Maosheng , Zhao Gengshen , Zhou Genshu
Abstract:he effect of grain size on the phase transformation of nano materials has been studied with Heisenberg model. The quantitative relation between grain size and phase transformation temperature has been built up. The simulated results show that the theory matches the experimental data very well.
Cao Jingxia , Sun Fusheng , Cao Chunxiao , Gao Yang
Zhang Xiaoli , Li Yinquan , Yin Weihong
Abstract:he doped tungsten wires of resistance to high-temperature creep-sag have been successfully produced. By means of liquid-liquid mixing easily water-soluable AMT with K. Al. Si and spraying and drying. The properties of the doping powders, bars and wires of new process are different from those of common doping method. The average value of remanent elongation is less than 1.0mm for several high-temperature creep-sag tests.The proportion of first-grade wires is about 100%.
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