Ruan Miqing , Fan Yinhe , Gu Haifeng
Abstract:The microstructural nonuniformity and fatigue properties of welded joints of austenitic alloys are investigated. The microstructural character of the welded Joints is studied using optical metallograph microscope. The experimental results show that the degree of microstructural nonuniformity is highest within the range of the bonded junction, and the fatigue resistance is lowest within the bonded zone. The results of low cycle fatigue test also show that, for the argon are welded 1Cr18Ni9Ti joint, the strain cycling fatigue lifetime of is only about half of that of the base metal, and the fatigue cracks always develop first in the bonded zone of welded joint.
Hu Wangyu , Zhang Bangwei , Huang Baiyun
Abstract:The concise developmental process, basic idea and applications of the analytic EAM model are reviewed. The theory, possible execution and attempted modifications to the analytic EAM model are discussed. Some key issues that need to be settled before the EAM model can be applied are also considered
Li Shuangming , Li Jianguo , Fu Hengzhi
Abstract:The advantages and disadvantages of containerless net shaping of four liquid metals confined by electromagnetics are discussed. A new containerless net shaping procedure for liquid metal confined by high frequency electromagnetics, which combines containerless melting and electromagnetic shpaing, is presented. The principle of this containerless technique is divided into four steps which are described in detail. The shape of the equimagnetic flux density lines is in agreement with the electromagnetically induced shape of the liquid metal. The stability of the electromagnetically shaped of liquid metal is analyzed. Finally, some applications of this containerless technique are introduced.
Ma Qin , Yan Bingjun , Kang Mokuang , Yang Yanqing Gansu University of Technology , Lanzhou )
Abstract:The present status of metal silicides for use as heating elements, high temperature oxidation resistant coatings as well as thin films for largescale integrated circuit applications are reviewed. Some applications problems and solutions to them are discussed. Research and development of the metal silicides as a new type of high temperature structural materials are also overviewed.
Zhang Tingjie , Zen Quanpu , Mao Xiaonan , Zhang Xiaoming
Abstract:A nanoscale rutile TiO 2 powder has been prepared from TiCl 3. The crystal morphology of TiO 2 powder sintered at various temperatures were studied in detail using XRD and TEM. The results show that there are many morphological differences between nanoscale rutile and common rutile, the former is simplex.
Abstract:详细观察了钛/钢爆炸焊接界面区内的变形组织特征,研究了复合板的钢侧塑性变形层和钛侧绝热剪切线与焊接工艺参数的关系。结果表明,过大或过小的变形层都将导致界面区内产生有害缺陷。合理的变形层宽度应控制在50μm ̄200μm之间,绝热剪切线长度不宜超过1000μm。
Xu Rengen , Wang Xinhua , Wu Jianming , Cui Liya , Chen Changpin
Zhu Dingyi , Jin Zhihao , Wang Yonglan
Abstract:The effect of a molybdenum net interlayer in the interface between Al 2O 3 and Nb on the shear strength of the brazed joint is investigated. The existence of the net in Al 2O 3/Nb brazed interface could greatly increase the shear strength of the brazed joint. As compared with the fracture of stripped off large pieces of ceramics from the interface of those brazed joints without the molybdenum net interlayer, the fracture of brazed joints with the molybdenum net interlayer changes into a mixed type of fracture occured along the interface. A dividing effect of the net during solidification contraction of the interface greatly decreases the residual stress in the brazed joint. The improvement in the fracture behavior of the brazed joint with molybdenum net interlayer is caused by the dividing effect.
Hua Wei , Wu Jiansheng , Zhang Lanting
Abstract:The microstructure and properties of hot rolled Ti 24Al 11Nb 2Si and Ti 24Al 11Nb 5Si intermetallic alloys are studied. The results indicate that the precipitate (Ti 5Si 3) in both alloys becomes finer and tends towards a homogeneous distribution with increasing the deformation amount. The larger the deformation amount is, the higher the values of four point bending strength of the alloys at room temperature are. Because larger amout of Ti 5Si 3 exists in Ti 24Al 11Nb 5Si alloy,the bending strength of Ti24Al 11Nb 5Si is higher than that of Ti[ 24Al 11Nb 2Si with increasing the deformation amount. The bending fracture morphologies of both alloys at room temperature show the characteristics of quasicleavage mode, and the bonding strength of phase boundaries is strong. The tensile experiments at high temperature show that the tensile strength and plasticity of Ti 24Al 11Nb 2Si increase with increasing the deformation amount. Because of Ti 24Al 11Nb 5 Si alloy having larger amount of Ti 5Si 3 and larger deformation amount, its tensile strength is much higher than that of Ti 24Al 11Nb 5Si, but its plasticity becomes much lower. The strength of both alloys decreases and their plasticity increases with increasing temperature.
Wang Lingling , Zhao Lihua , Zhang Bangwei , Hu Wangyu , Shu Xiaolin , Sheng Xia
Abstract:Fe TM B( TM =Sn, W, Mo W) alloy deposits have been prepared successfully using electroless plating. The magnetic properties of as plated and heat treated alloy deposits have been studied using vibrating sample magnetometry (VSM). The saturation magnetization of the alloy deposits increases with increasing iron content and decreases with increasing annealing temperature. The coercivities of Fe Sn B and Fe W B alloy deposits decrease to a minimum at 14 9 at.% B and 9 3 at.% B, respectively, and increase continually with increasing annealing temperature for Fe Mo W B. It has been also found that the ratio of remanence to saturation of the alloy deposits is not larger than 0 37 for Fe Sn B and Fe W B, and 0 53 for Fe Mo W B, furthermore it does not increase much even after heat treatment.
Pan Huibo , Liu Hong , Jao Wenqiang
Abstract:结合铝的表面处理和铜的生箔对阳极的要求,针对Ti/IrO2阳极,用热差分析、电极极化、X光衍射及强化寿命试验,研究了热氧化处理温度以阳有有的热分析曲线、电极电位、相结构和强化寿命的影响。在30%H2SO4(质量比),4A/cm^2,40℃±5℃下的强化寿命实验表明:小于500℃时,阳极的寿命受涂层的溶蚀控制。大于600℃,阳极的破坏形式以涂层脱落为主,而涂层在500℃ ̄600℃之间处理的阳极的强化
Zhu Naxin , Zhang Taixian , Cai Xuezhang
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