Abstract:The microstructures of the alloys near the Al3Ti-8Mn composition region of the Al-Ti-Nb-8Mn quaternary system change with variation of the Nb content. The microstructures have been investigated using optical microscopy, scanning electron mi
Zhao Zhenbo , Liu Cheng , Derek O , Northwood
Zhang Tingjie , Zheng Quanpu , Mao Xiaonan , Zhang Xiamin
Abstract:The microstructure of a titanium alloy matrix composite with 10 vol % TiC particles was observed. Based on strengtheningmechanism of a multiphase alloy, various microstructural strengthening behaviours in the composite are estimated. The Mises yieldcriterion is used for estamating the combined modulus strengthening and matrix strengthening. The predlcted yield strength is comPared to the observed yield strength of the composite.
Liu Chunfang , Wu Xuan , Wang Feiyun , Yang Zhijun , Feng Yong , Zhang Pingxiang , Wu Xiaozu , Zhou Lian
Chen Jiazhao , Zhou Xiuli , Zhu Dachuan , Li Ning , Tu Minjing
Shi Rong , Zhang Jinxu , Weng Xiaojun , Su Jian , Hu Gengxiang
Abstract:The microstructures of the alloys near the Al3Ti-8Mn composition region of the Al-Ti-Nb-8Mn quaternary system changewith variation of the Nb content. The microstructures have been investigated using optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy(SEM) and transmission electron microscopy(TEM). It is determined that in Al67Mn8Ti22-based alloys modified with Nb the secondphases can be DO22 Al3 (Ti,Nb), L10 TiAl or Ga2Hf type of Al2Ti. The microstructures of four typical experimental alloys, A67,Mn8Ti23Nb2, Al59Mn8Ti30Nb3, Al65Mn8Ti26.5Nb0.5 and Al65Mn8Ti23Nb4,are presented in this paper. The second phase Al3 (Ti, Nb)particles con be dispersed blocky or dendritic,the L10 TiAl particles are ripple-like or needle-like, and Ll10 TiAl arrays alternately withL12 matrix. The netty Al2Ti phase is plate-like under TEM and distributes across the L13 matrix.
Abstract:The effects of brazing temperature, holding time and joint clearance on the interface reaction during of titanium vacuumbrazing have been studied. The results show that the interdiffusion takes place between the filler metal and the base titanium duringthe brazing process; the base titanium dissolves into the molten braze alloy and the filler metal in to the base titanium. A nickel-richdiffusion zone is formd between the base titanium and the brazing solder. In it the nickel exists in the form of a Ti2Ni compound, andalso trends to penetrate into the titanium grain boundary.
Wang Aihua , Xie Changsheng , Li Shudong
Abstract:The microstructure and small energy multi-impact (SEMI) behavior of the transition region between a laser-clad Fe-Albronze coating and its aluminum alloy substrate have been investigated. The results show that the transition region consists of severallayers. The layer adjacent to the clad region is composed of nonuniform block-like Cu9Al4 and Cu3Al phases. The middle layer is characterized by a mixed structure of block-like Cu3Al and needle-like CuAl2. In the layer near to the substrate the volume fractivn of needle-like CuAl, phase decreases and volume fraction of a-Al phase increases when approaching to the substrate. Under SEMI loading,cracks initiate in the CuAl2, phase-rich region. Laser scanning velocity has a significant influence on the volume fraction of CuAl,phase, and thus directly affects the SEMI resistance of the transition region. The laser-clad bronze coatings produced at a scanningvefority of 10mm/s to 14 mm/s has better resistance to SEMI than those produced at higher scanning velocities.
Abstract:The measuring of characterizing the T1 phase in an aluminium-lithium alloy is established by analyzing the relationship between electron diffraction patterns and micrographs of T1 phase in aluminium-lithium alloy. The response of T1 phase size to heattreatment processing and rare-earth element content are discussed.
Song Zhitang , Zeng Jianming , Gao Jianxia , Zhang Miao , Ling Chenglu
Abstract:The microstructures and morphologies 0f Pt/Ti electrodes produced by ultra-high vacuum (UHV) electron beam evaporating and dc-sputtering at various temperatures have been investigated using X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and atomicforce microscopy. The results indicate that the microstructures and morphologies of Pt/Ti electrodes are dependent on the variousgrowing modes of Pt/Ti crystal grains. A dense columnar grain structure and texture were observed as a resu1t of electron beam vaporation. UHV electron beam evaporation results in a continuous and stable Pt/Ti film at high temperatures and is reccomended as a bottom electrode processing method for the preparation of ferroelectric thin films with fine properties.
Mao Zhonghan , Chen Jing , Bai Wenchao , Zhang Wei
Abstract:The in fluences of magnetic field heat treatment and multiple tempering on the magnetic properties of an AlNthe magneticsteel horseshoe intended for a YF-65 servo valve are studied in this paper. After optimum magnetic field heat treatment and multipletempering, Br, Hc, (BH)max and the appliance gap magnetic flux density are 1350 mT, 62.1 kA/m, 54. 1 kJ/m3 and 225 mT~235mT, respectively.
Fan Jinglian , Qu Xuanhui , Huang Baiyun , Li Yimin
Abstract:The conditions for producing silicide in a si-containing titanium alloy have been studied. The microstructure of several heattreated specimens have been analyzed using EM400 TEM. The results show that the silicide produced under some conditions, and it'snucleation is heterogeneous. The silicide has hexagonal structure with the fo1lowing lattice parameters: a = 0. 767 nm, c = 0. 585 nm,c/a=0. 763. The silicide has a orientation relationship with a phase.
Liu Fengsheng , Shi Wenfang , Gong Weiguo
Abstract:The progress in purifying automotive exhaust gas with noble metal catalysts is reviewed. An 4utomotive exhaust purifierconsisting of a monolithic cordierite substrate, a wash-coating and a noble metal catalyst coating is introduced. The properties and development of noble metal catalysts, aided catalysts and stabilizers are described. Further improvement of the purifier is discussedbriefly.
An Baolan , Li Bo , Zhang Guorui
Abstract:A simple accurate method has been developed for the determination of neodymium in the Al-Nd-Ti alloys. The sample wasdissolved in sulphuric acid (1+1) and the neodymium was separated from titanium, aluminum etc. through precipitation in an oxalicacid solution with pH 1. 5~2. 0. The neodymium content was calculated through weighing the neodymia obtained by calciningneodymium oxalate. This method has been successfully applied to routine analysis. The recovery of neodymium is 98. 5%~101. 3%.Relative standard deviation is 1. 34%.
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