Lu Dehong , Gu Mingyuan , Shi Zhongliang , Wu zhengan , Jin Yanping
Wu Ruiheng , Zhou Lian , Feng Yong
Bi Gang , Wang Haowei , Wu Renjie
Abstract:The physical phenomena of solidification and the mechanical properties of aluminum matrix composites are reviewed.Nucleation and growth of the matrix, solute distribution and fluid flow in the cast aluminum matrix composites are changed by the addition of reinforcers, especially in the case of nonequilibrium solidification under differential pressure and under variation of the cooling conditions. Such changes greatly influence the dendrite structure of matrix, precipitation, solute segregation, interface reactivity, solidification defects etc., and properties of the composites.
Qu Henglei , Zhou Lian , Wei Hairong
Chen Wenzhe , Zhang Sa , Qian Kuangwu
Xiao Yude , Li Wenxian , Li Songrui , Ma Zhengqing
Qian Cunfu , Du Hao , Wang Hongxiang
Abstract:The alloy LaNi 5 is a typical hydrogen storage material. Hydrogen storage batteries using LaNi 5 base alloy as cathodes have outstanding advantages. According to crystal structure of LaNi 5, the maximum hydrogen storage quantity of the LaNi 5 alloy is 1 33 H/M, that means 8 H atoms can be absorbed in a cell.
Abstract:Based on the anisotropic crystallographic theory, a model of low cycle fatigue (LCF) life time of a nickel base single crystal in a multiaxial stress state is proposed. The model indicates that LCF life time has a power relationship to total shear strain of modified octahedral slip. The detail distributions of stress and strain in a hellow cylinder specimen under tension torsion LCF loadings are analyzed in detail. The LCF life time model has been confirmed successfully using the results of tension torsion LCF tests of CMSX 2 NI base single crystal superalloy.
Huang Qingwei , Gao Jiqiang , Jin Zhihao
Li Yimin , Qu Xuanhui , Huang Baiyun , Zheng Zhoushan , Zhu Lei
Abstract:A novel W nano ThO 2 electrode has been prepared by hot pressing. Through vacuum arc discharge, electron emission sites on the cathode were examined using SEM. Also, the electric field strength of the starting arc was measured. As compared with the traditional electrode, the W nano ThO 2 electrode has a higher electron emission ability and a much lower work function.
Zhao Feng , Yang Zhimao , Ding Bingjun
Abstract:CuCr25W1Co1 electrical contact alloys were prepared by a vacuum smelting method and their properties were measured. The results show that selective strengthening by W and Co improves the breakdown fields of CuCr alloys, and that vacuum smelting is an effective method to produce CuCr contact material, it saves Cu and Cr, improves properties, and is suitable for large scale production.
Zhang Xiaoming , Yin Weihong , Wang Xuecheng
Abstract:Using pure Ti and Ni powders, a porous TiNi shape memory alloy has been prepared by self propagating high temperature synthesis(SHS). The porous SHS samples possess a regular shape, stable dimensions, and relatively satisfactory porous interconnections etc. The density, maximum pore size, permeability, pore structure, element distribution and phase composition of the porous samples have been analyzed. The results show that the SHS process used for producing TiNi alloys with high porosity and low density possesses many advantages, such as full alloying, homogenous composition, high porosity (over 50%), simplifying processing, energy savings etc. Accordingly it is an ideal method for producing TiNi alloys.
Abstract:The working principle of polishing equipment for polishing the outer surface of zirconium alloy tubing for nuclear reacts is described. Some key issues in the development and operation features of the equipment are also presented. A free polishing method and four polishing heads with various sizes of abrasive tapes are adopted for long and minor zirconium alloy tubing, and multiple pass polishing can be conducted in one cycle of operation. An adjustable instrument with various functions can keep stabilize the operation of the equipment. The polishing process is controlled automatically.
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