Qi Baosen , Yao Xin , Wang Chengguo , Xu Ying
Abstract:通过 X射线衍射、SEM分析及显微硬度测试等手段 ,研究了 Cr80 Al2 0 混合粉末机械合金化过程中的组织、相结构及硬度等的变化。结果表明 ,Cr80 Al2 0 混合物粉未经 96 h机械合金化后 ,其组织为 Cr(Al)的过饱和固溶体加上η - Al Cr2 金属间化合物
Ma Jianxin , Pan Hongge , Li Shouquan , Wang Xinhua , Chen Changpin
Abstract:系统地研究了 Fe0 .85 Mn0 .1 5 Ti0 .9M0 .1 (M=Zr,V,Ca)合金的贮氢性能。研究结果表明 :Fe0 .85 Mn0 .1 5 Ti0 .9Zr0 .1 合金在室温下经几分钟的孕育期就可吸氢 ,但合金在氢化过程中形成了氢含量很高的α相 ,导致合金的贮氢量降低 ,同时还使 p- c- T曲线的平台特性变差 ;Fe0 .85 Mn0 .1 5 Ti0 .9V0 .1 合金的活化性能进一步得到改善 ,在室温下几乎不需要孕育期就可以吸氢 ,但同时要降低合金的贮氢量 ,而对合金的 p- c- T曲线平台特性影响不明显 ;用 Ca取代 Fe0 .85 Mn0 .1 5 Ti合金中的部分 Ti则对合金的贮氢性能影响不明显。通过 XRD分析认为 ,上述性能的变化主要与合金中出现第二相有关
Hu Jiming , Wu Jixun , Meng Huimin , Lu Yanping , Zhu Yanrong , Yang Dejun
Abstract:通过热重分析和差热分析并结合 X射线衍射技术对 Ir O2 +Ta2 O5 混合氧化物的热形成进行了研究。结果表明 :摩尔分数 x<2 5 %时 ,在混合氯盐体系 x H2 Ir Cl6 +(1- x)Ta Cl5 中 ,热解产物中的固溶体为β相 (β- Ta2 O5 中固溶了 Ir组元 ) ;x≥ 2 5 %时 ,生成的固溶体为固溶了 Ta组元的 Ir O2 金红石相 ,而且数量在两个以上 ;只有当 x≥ 42 .86 %时 ,其中的金红石相固溶体才是稳定的。 Ir和 Ta组元在热解过程中相互促进的作用强度顺序为 :x=5 .2 6 %
Abstract:The RE containing superconducting materials, especially high temperature RE cuprate superconductors which have been discovered since 1986, are briefly introduced. The advances in the technology and applications of these materials are also described. It is indicated that the RE Ba Cu O superconductors, especially NdBCO bulks, are better than the YBCO for patch production, and exhibit the economic potential.
Zhang Dongming\+ , Fu Zhengyi\+ , Zhang Shouguo\+
Abstract:Recent development of theory and application of the RUSM (rhomb unit structural model) for amorphous alloys are reviewed.The RUSM is compared with some other models. The relationships between structure, composition and property established by the RUSM are presented. The hydrogen storage of amorphous alloy is calculated based on the RUSM.
Yu Zhentao , Zhou Lian , Deng Ju , Gu Haicheng
Qu Henglei , Zhou Lian\+ , Wei Hairong\+\ ,
Liu Peisheng , Fu Chao , Li Tiefan
Song Guiming\+ , Bai Houshan\+ , Zhou Yu\+ , Wang Yujin\+
Zhang Jinxu , Ge Honglin , Chen Xiaoying , Wang Xiaoying , Xu Jialong
Abstract:研制出一种以 Ti2 Co相弥散强化 α- Ti基体的钛合金 Ti- 8Co- 5 Al。实验表明 ,在变形温度为 72 5℃ ,应变速率为 1× 10 - 3s- 1 的条件下可获得断裂延伸率 70 8%。从实测应变速率敏感性指数为 0 .47,并结合试样断口处纵向剖面显微组织的扫描电镜观察 ,表明在Ti- 8Co- 5 Al合金中发生了α- Ti晶界及α- Ti/ Ti2 Co相界的滑移为主要变形机制的变形过程。采用 Ti- 8Co- 5 Al合金在 730℃和 1× 10 - 3s- 1 应变速率条件下成功地等温锻造出飞机零件 ,比 Ti- 6 Al- 4V合金低约 2 10℃
Zeng Dawen , Xia Hui , Xie Changsheng
Abstract:Laser cladding was done on the 45 # steel substrate using an auto feeding powder method. Effect of scanning speed on the microstructure and solidification process of the laser cladd Ni alloy have been systematically studied. Experimental results show that the clad microstructure is composed of primary dendrite and block(or needle) eutectic. The mophology of eutectic carbide is resulted from its chemical composition. Bright ribbon does not exist, and there is finer hypoeutectic microstructure at the interface between overlapping and clad layers. The clad microstructure becomes finer and inhomgeneous with increasing the distance from the interface. The increase of scanning speed results in finer structure, higher micro hardness, and better homogeneity. The solidification process is discussed based on the analyzed model. Some solidification parameters of laser melting bath are also calculated.
Liu Youliang , Shen Jian , Zhang Xinming
Zhong Ming , Chen Yuwen , Zhu Zhishou
Abstract:The influence of solution treatment on the phase transformation and microstructure of the alloy Ti Mo Nb Al is studied. The phase transformation and microstructural characterization of this alloy after different solution treatments are analyzed using optical and transmission electron microscopies(TEM),and X ray diffraction(XRD)technique.
Liu Xianghong , Zhou Lian , Wu Xiaozu , Zhou Nong , Zhang Pingxiang , FengYong
Lu Yonghao , Zhang Yonggang , Qiao Lijie , Wang Yanbin , Chen Changqi , Chu Wuyang
Abstract:The fracture mechanisms of various lamellar oriented polysynthetically twinned (PST) crystals of Ti 49 at%Al based alloy have been studied using in situ SEM technique. The results indicate that the crack nucleation and propagation strongly depend on the lamellar orientations of PST crystals. The oriented PST crystals possess different fracture mechanisms and morphologies, depending on the lamellar orientation
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