Jia Chengchang , Ishida Kiyohito , Nishizawa Taiji
Abstract:用热扩散偶实验和热力学模型研究和计算了 Ni-Al-Cr系富 Ni区γ,a,γ’和β相的相平衡。用规则溶体和亚点阵模型计算了该体系900℃-1300℃区间的等温截面,计算结果与实验值相符合。
Bian Zan , He Guo , Chen Guoliang
Abstract:Zr52. 5Cu17. 9Ni14.6Al1.0Ti5 bulky glass sheets with thickness of 2mm were prepared by a water-cooled copper mold casting. The volume fraction of quenched-in crystallines were controlled by changing oxygen impurity content and overheating level. The results show: low oxygen content and enough large overheating level can improve the glass formation ability of the present ahoy. Fully amorphous sheet with a thickness of 2mm displays high fractured strength (1 710MPa). Samples with volume fraction of 2% still have high fractured strength (1 580MPa), but that of samples with volume fraction of 7% reduce rapidly to 1 220MPa. The reason for decreasing of fracture strength is that quenched-in crystals embedded on the amorphous matrix induce initiation and propagation of crack.
Yang Xiaoxia , Dong Wei , Yan Yingke , Liu Haiying , Liu Zengfang
Abstract:A new recovery Process of Pd in the lower-Pd alloy wastes is presented. Firstly, using hydrolytic property of Pd(NO3)2 (when heating), the Pd in the wastes is concentrated, and is PdO. H2O producted. Then, using a Pd[(NH3)2Cl2] method, Pd can be recovery and purified. The.direct recovery ratio of Pd reaches 92.8%, and recovery ratio is up to 98.4%. The new recovery method has the advantages of shorter processing cycle, less consumption of reagent and lower cost. It is one of effective methods of recoverying Pd from lower-Pd alloy wastes.
Lin Jianliang , Qu Xuanhui , Huang Dongsheng , Qin Mingli , Li Duxin
Abstract:Y203 -doped aluminum nitride(AIN) ceramic with thermal conductivity varying from 90 W/m K-162.5W/mo K at room temperature were produced by powder injection molding (PIM). The effects of the amount of additives and sintering condition on the composition of second phase. and the thermal properties are studied and discussed in detail. The experimental results show that the composition, distribution and oxygen content of the second phase have a great effect on the thermal conductivity.
Qu Xuanhui , Xiao Pingan , Zhu Baojun , Qin Mingli
Abstract:The history of research and development in high-temperature titanium alloys is briefly reviewed. the current status of particulate-reinforced titanium matrix composites is discussed in detail. Finally the future trends in the research of titanium matrix composite are also proposed.
Abstract:The principle of magnetic refrigeration, proof-principle demonstration apparatus and its development are introduced. The materials for magnetic refrigeration and their applications are reviewed. Some suggestions how to develop magnetic refrigeration in China rapidly are also presented.
Hu Lifa , Zhou Lian , Wang Jinxing , Zhang Pingxiang , Li Chengshan , Yang Shizhong , He Yanfa , Li Jinghui
Abstract:An experimental set-up was designed for measuring the self-field losses of Bi2223/Ag HTS tapes using a transport current method. The frequency of transport current can be freely changed from 0.5 Hz to 1000Hz. Its amplitude can be as much as 100A. The self-field losses of Bi2223/Ag tapes,which are made by the traditional PIT method with the critical current of 15.5A and SC/Ag ratio of about 0.25 were measured at 77K with differnt frequency transport currents. The results are compared with those predicted by the Norris equations based on the critical state model. When the frequency of AC current is low the AC losses of Bi2223/Ag multifilamentry tapes are domestically hysterestic; As soon as the frequencies are more than 200 Hz, the eddy current losses can not be neglected.
Fu Lianfeng , LinJianguo , Cao Chunxiao , Zhang Yonggang , Chen Changqi
Abstract:A special heat treatment process was used to separate the microstructural parameters, mainly grain size and lamellar spacing. The strengthening effect of grain size and lamellar spacing on fully lamellar alloy has been studied. The result reveals that the yield strength increases with decreasing grain size and lamellar spacing. A model of yield strength is proposed to explain the strengthening effect of grain size and lamellar spacing:
Li Xiaoqiang , Hu Lianxi , Wang Erde
Abstract:The mechanically milled Ti-Al binary composite powders were observed and analyzed using SEM, EPM and TEM. The experimental results show that with increasing milling time, particle sizes of composite powders remarkably and rapidly increase at first, then greatly decrease, and finally decrease to a constant. The Ti particles form "jujube-cake" in Al powders during mechanical alloying. With increasing time, a obvious lamellar structure forms, lamellar spacing decreases and TiIA1 interfaces disappear, and finally amorphous structure forms. However, the Ti-Al intermetallic compounds did not produce during the whole process.
Abstract:利用射流成型法制备了厚度为2mm的Zr52.5Cu17.9Ni14.6Al10Ti5金属玻璃薄板,通过控制氧含量和过热度来改变玻璃薄板中淬态结晶相的体积分数。研究表明:低的氧含量水平和高的过热度有利于提高该合金的 玻璃形成能力,形成完全非晶的合金;完全非晶的2mmZr52.5Cu17.9Ni14.6Al10Ti5大体积金属玻璃薄板其断裂应力为1710MPa,弹性模量为80GPa,弹塑性为2.2%,提高合金中的氧含量水平或者降低熔体过热度都有利于结晶相析出,基体中出现2%和6%的结晶相时,断裂应力分别降为1580MPa和1220MPa。淬态结晶相的析出改变了Zr52.5Cu17.9Ni14.6Al10Ti5大体积金属玻璃剪切流变的变形方式,使材料脆断。
Zhang Wenkui , Ma Chun-An , Huang Hui , Yang Xiaoguang , Tu Jiangping , Lei Yongquan
Abstract:Zr(Mn0.45-xNi0.55Vx)2(x=0.05~0.40)Laves相储氢合金中的Zr-Ni相类型主要有ZrNi和Zr9Ni11相。ZrNi11相在整个研究的成分范围内出现,而 ZrNi相仅在x=0.20-0.40范围内出现。Zr9Ni11相的含量与合金中的 Mn、V含量关系不大,而ZrNi相的含量随合金中的Mn、V含量变化呈增加趋势。Zr9Ni11和ZrNi相的晶格常数随合金中的Mn、V含量变化而出现波动。Zr9Ni11相为长程有序结构,有序堆垛方向为[100]和[010],同时ZrNi11相基本上被包围在C15相中间,并与C15相存在一定取向关系,Zr9Ni11相的<111>晶向与C15相的<110>晶向基本平行,两者的差值在2°~3°之间。
zhang Deyan , Zeng Weijun , Lin Qin , Lu Deping , Li Fang , Xu Lanping
Abstract:Surface layer of tantalum produced in the mixture of hydrogen and nitrogen has been investigated using SEM and XRD. It was found that the reactions on surface of tantalum in H-O-N atmosphere can be changed by plasma. The reaction products are Ta6N2.57 and/or amorphous phase instead of Ta205. Meanwhile, the roughness of surface of tantalum treated in plasamn decreases by an order, as compared with that of tantalum treated without plasma. The reason is that changed media and the interaction between tantalum and the cathode sheath of plasma prevent from forming the rough Ta205.
Wang Jingqin , Lu Jianguo , Wen Ming , Wang Baozhu
Abstract:采用粉末冶金方法制备了新型银稀土氧化物触头材料 Ag/La2O3,它的密度为 9.71g/cm3-9.96g/cm3,硬度为760MPa-970Mpa,电阻率为2.25μΩ·cm-2.38μΩ·cm。利用扫描电镜(SEM)及能谱分析(EDS),对Ag/La2O触头材料的显微组织进行了分析,发现La2O3在Ag基体中呈极细小球状(直径<0.5μm)及不规则形(直径<3μm)2种形态均匀分布,经激光模拟电弧作用后,La2O3呈细小球状(<2.5μm)分布于Ag熔化区中,有助于减少Ag液的飞溅侵蚀。经与Ag/SnO2及Ag/CdO触头材料的主要物理、机械性能相对比,所研制的Ag/LaO3触头材料与后两者性能相近,因此有可能成为一种可替代 Ag/CdO的新型触头材料。
Fan Jinglian , Huang Baiyun , Qu Xuanhui , Zhao Muyue
Yu Zhinong , Lu Xiaojun , Zheng Dexiu
Abstract:Dense MgO films for a protective layer of plasma display screen have been prepared by ion beam-assisted deposition. Properties of the deposited films and relationships between the deposition parameters and the properties have been investigated using X-ray diffractometry, scanning electronic microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The deposited films exhibit mainly (200) preferable orientation. From the cross-sectional morphology, the density and the refractive index, it can be known that the MgO films prepared by ion beam-assisted deposition are much denser and more adhesive to substrate than the films deposited by electron beam evaporation. Ion energy, substrate temperature, growth rate and annealing treatment affect the orientation of the MgO films. The best crystallinity of the MgO films can be obtained for ion bombardment with energy of 1keV. With ion energy of 1keV, the orientation. of the MgO films becomes better for lower substrate temperature or growth rate. Annealing treatment in dry air is beneficial to the grain growth further.
Zhang Song , Zhang Chunhua , Man H.C , Wu Weitao , Wang Maocai
Abstract:Cr13 stainless steel was surface cladded with Co-based alloy using a high power carbon dioxide laser. The microstructure, wear resistance and corrosion properties of the clad layer were investigated. The experimental results indicate that the high temperature corrosion behaviour and wear resistant property of the clad layer are 3 and 3.5 times better than those of the parent metal. Under the high temperature molten lead sulphate salt corrosion condition, the clad layer spalls off which is caused by intergrannular corrosion in the clad layer. The fine dendritic structure and the Co-based alloy oxides help to retard the penetration rate of the sulphur ion, which induces the intergrannular corrosion.
Liu Xiubo , Yu Ligen , Wang Huaming
Wang Xinhua , Li Shouquan , Ge Hongwei , Chen Changpin , Du Tianshen
Abstract:The hydrogen storage properties of the alloys Ml-Ca-Ni (Ml: La-riched mischmetal) was systematically investigated. The experimental results show that the alloys Ml-Ca-Ni have good hydrogen storage capacity and hydriding/dehydriding kinetics. It was also found that the hydrogen storage capacity of Ml0.8Ca0.2Ni5 is more than 180ml/g. An automobile hydrogen storage tank used Ml0.8Ca0.2Ni5 hydride with hydrogen capacity of 20 Nm3 was designed and manufacted . The comparison test results reveal that with hydrogen-gasoline hybrid as its fuel, an gasoline engine may save gasoline by more than 30% and its thermal efficiency increases by more than 10%. Moreover, in its exhaust gases, the CO level decreases by 70% and the contents of HC and NOx also reduce. A demonstration test of a bus was carried out.
Liang Zhenhai , Bian Shutian , Ren Suocai , Chen Xinguo
Abstract:An assembly of YA15 tube mill-the first equipment for rolling golf-club in China is described. Some key issues in the design and operational performances of the equipment are also presented.
Lin Jin , Zhao Ruqi , Wang Zhaoyu
Abstract:The synthesis and characterization of 1,1-diethyl-3-butenyl cyclopentadienyl lanthanide dichlorides are reported. The complexes [C5H4C(C2H5)2CH2CH=CH2]LnCl2. MgCl2. THF (Ln=La(1), Nd(2), Sm(3), Gd(4)) are characterized by elementary analyses, mass spectrography infrared spectrography and nuclear magnetic resonance.
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