Bai Yujun , Xu Xiangang , Geng Guili
Abstract:通过差示扫描量热技术 ,研究了热循环对 Cu- 2 3.6 Zn- 4 .4 7Al- 0 .2 3Mn- 0 .17Ni形状记忆合金中双可逆相变的影响。结果表明 ,X→ M转变温度随热循环的进行而降低 ,而马氏体逆转变的温度几乎不发生变化。
Abstract:Mechanism underlying the formation of dislocation is expounded on Thomas Fermi Dirac Cheng(TFDC) electron theory. The criterion condition on the limit size of dislocation is raised, and the calculated results of the limit sizes of a set of elements are given.
Zhao Yongqing , Qu Henglei , Zhu Kangying , Wu Huan , Zhou Lian
Abstract:研究了β型Ti40阻燃钛合金高温长期作用的第二相及其对性能影响,Ti40合金高温长期作用后,从β相中析出Ti5Si3相和α相,采用常规锻造工艺不高于540℃热暴露100h,Ti5Si3相沿晶界不连续分布,降低合金热稳定性能,700℃热暴露100h,Ti5Si3相明显,大大降低合金热稳定性能,合金呈脆性沿晶界断裂,采用等温锻造工艺540℃热暴露100h,晶内析出粗大的Ti5Si3相和α相,热稳定性能严重降低,呈宏观脆性断裂,采用常规锻造工艺合适的热处理制度,540℃,100h,250MPa蠕变作用后Ti5Si3相沿晶界不连续分布,合金有较好的蠕变性能,若热处理工艺不当,合金中有大量粗大的棒状Ti5Si3相和α相析出,Ti5Si3 相沿晶界连续分布,合金的蠕变抗力明显降低,采用等温锻造工艺蠕变作用后,合金中析出大量粗大的α相,合金蠕变抗力也明显降低。
Zhang Liang , Du Haiping , Shi Yinming , Shi Xizhi
Abstract:The GHM(Golla Hughes McTavish) model of ZN 1 Viscoelastic Material is combined with finite element method (FEM), which is the most frequently used method in Engineering. It can approach time consuming iteration in solving model parameters and responses by introducing dissipation coordinates . The parameters of GHM model are determined by nonlinear curve fitting in complex frequency domain. This is converted into nonlinear optimization problem with constrained condition. The results show that the method proposed in the present paper to determine the parameters of GHM model is correct, simple and effective to employ GHM model to perform dynamic analysis.
Abstract:Author has solved the sputtering transport equation and obtained a new general solution from the power law cross section. This solution also provided a new evidence to SC solutions proposed by author recently. In addition, author further analyzed the new transport theory published by Vicaned et al. A lot of calculations have been done to demonstrate that the agreement between Vicaned's theory and Monte Carlo computer simulation is not true.
Zhang Song , Zhang Chunhua , Liu Changsheng , Man H C
Abstract:采用连续波2kW YAG激光器在6061铝合金表面激光熔覆NiCrBSi合金,利用扫描电子显微镜(SEM/EDX),X射线衍射仪等分析检测设备研究熔覆层的组织形貌,化学成分及相组成,利用超超波感应空泡腐蚀设备对熔覆层在3.5%NaCl水溶液中的空泡腐蚀性能进行了系统评价,从而总结出激光熔覆层及基材的空泡腐蚀机制。
Zhang Yongzhong , Xi Mingzhe , Shi Likai , Cheng Jing
Abstract:Based upon the mechanism of conventional rapid form, the thin wall parts of 316L stainless steel were obtained through the laser melting of metallic powders which were delivered coaxially and then deposited on the substrate layer by layer. The obtained microstructure is fully dense and evenly distributed with the characteristic of rapid solidified microstructure. The mechanical properties are equivalent to that of casting and wrought annealed materials, suitable to the requirement for real usage.
Liu Sha , Yi Danqin , Yu Zhiming , Lu Bin , Wang Jianhua , Li Yongxia , Zou Dan
Fu Tao , Han Yong , Huang Ping , Xu Kewei
Abstract:The titania layer containing calcium and phosphate on titanium alloy substrate was formed by microarc oxidization and converted to the bioactive titania layer containing hydroxyapatite by subsequent hydrothermal synthesis. The porous bioactive layer has a high bonding strength. So, this technique is very suitable for the bioactive surface modification of titanium alloy implants.
Abstract:通过对两元 p-型梯度热电材料 Fe Si2 / Bi2 Te3界面温度的建模计算与实验验证 ,在固定热冷端温区内积分得出的 Z- ΔT值与界面温度 Ti 的关系曲线为 :Z- ΔT =0 .6 72 +11.7× 10 - 4Ti - 1.31× 10 - 6 T2i - 3.4 9× 10 - 9T3i该关系可用来表征两元梯度结构的热电性能。从拟合曲线上得出该梯度结构的最佳界面温度为 2 2 0℃~ 2 30℃ ,这与实验测出两单段材料 (Fe Si2 ,Bi2 Te3)长度比为 10∶ 1左右时所形成的界面温度较为接近。通过测试不同长度比的材料输出功率 ,也发现 10∶ 1梯度材料的最大输出功率较大 ,是相同温差下单段 β- Fe Si2 材料的 2倍~ 2 .6倍。
Liu Haiying , Wang Yaping , Ding Bingjun
Abstract:Nanostructured AgSnO 2 powders were prepared by high energy ball milling. After hot press sintering, the nanostructured AgSnO 2 contact materials were obtained. Compared with the AgSnO 2In 2O 3 prepared by internal oxidation with clustered at crystal boundary, the nonostructured AgSnO 2 Composite bulk has the microstructure with nano scaled SnO 2 particles dispersed on the silver matrix.
Yang Xun , Xu Jinglian , Fan Ying
Chen Shaokai , Zhou Lian , Wang Keguang , Wu Xiaozu , Zhang Pingxiang , Feng Yong
Wang Minmin , Zhao Yongqing , Zhou Lian
Abstract:The creep behavior of Ti alloys is complicated and can usually be divided into low temperature creep, grain boundary slip creep, diffusion creep and dislocation creep, so on. Some important factors, such as temperature, time and microstructure, influence the creep property of Ti alloys due to the different creep types. This paper reviews the effects of creep parameters, microstructure, and Si element on the dislocation creep behavior of Ti alloys, and the possible mechanism of improving the creep resistant of alloys are also discussed.
Wang Jinshu , Zhou Meiling , Zuo Tieyong , Zhang Jiuxing , Nie Zuoren , Hu Yancao
Abstract:The properties of the La 2O 3 doped molybdenum powder have been studied. The La 2O 3 nanoparticles on the surface of molybdenum powder can decrease the intensity of loss peak of molybdenum matrix but increase the peak of Mo3d by the reduction of La(NO 3) 3 doped MoO 2 by hydrogen. The surface of molybdenum powder exposed to the atmosphere can be reduced because the surface is mainly covered by La 2O 3 nanoparticles around molybdenum powder, as a result, the capability of antioxidation of molybdenum can be improved.
Yang Huabin , Ying Weihong , Yang Zhongpo , Lin Jingyu , Zhang Xiaoming , Guo Jihong
Jia Liansuo , Wei Yinghui , Hu Lanqing , Xu Bingshe
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