Xie Jian , Zhao Xinbing , Cao Gaoshao , Zhao Mingjian
Abstract:To obtain a new anode material for lit hium-ion battery,electrochemical properties on NiSb 2 intermetallic compound synthesized by levitation melting w ere investigated.It is found that th e reversible capacities of unannealed and annealed NiSb 2 electrodes are about 494mAhg -1 and 430mAhg -1 ,respectively,at the first cycle.T he discharge capacity of the unannealed NiSb 2 electrode is still maintained at 260mAhg -1 even after 15charge-discharge cyclies,while the annealed one was less t han 160mAhg -1 .Since NiSb 2 exhibits a superior property,it wou ld be a promising anode material for l ithium -ion secondary batteries.
Abstract:Titanium and its alloys have been applied widely in hard tissue replaceme nts of human body.Many methods were d eveloped in order to improve their surface bioactivity,including physical methods,chemical methods and electrochemi cal methods.The surface bioactivity method of titanium and its alloys are reviewed in present paper.The processing and bioactivity mechanism of every method are introduced,and the advantages and disadvantages of those methods are also presented.Co mparing with physical methods,chem ical methods have more ad-vantages as follows:simple equipme nt and process,uniform coatings on c omplex surface,and the similar stru cture and compositions of coatings to those of natural bone.For chemical methods,it is necessary t o enhance the efficiency and the bond ing strength between coatings and substrates.And the effect of lon g-term implantation and the bioactivity theory of chemical methods are d emanded to research deeply.
Yue Zhufeng , Wan Jiansong , Zhang Qingmao
Abstract:A constitutive relationship has been applied to study the behavior of str uctures and composites of the shape-memory alloy(SMA).The predictability of the constitu tive relationship is confirmed by th e uniaxial and multiaxial examples.The paper gives out the finite element algorithmic implementations,which is appl ied to implement as umat of ABAQUS.As two kinds of applications,CT(compact tensile)and TPB(three point bending)specimens and SMA-fiber reinforced metal matrix and met-al-fiber reinforced SMA-matrix com posites are analyzed.The different distributions of martensite fracti on of the CT specimens and TPB-specimens made of SMAs are expla ined by the different stress characteristics ahead the cracks.The relative study on the SMA composites shows that the bulk mechanic behavior depends on the volume of SMA and the non-SMA matrix /fiber pro perties.
Cao Zhongqiu , Niu Yan , Wu Weitao
Li Mingwei , Yin Zhongda , Zhu Jingchu an
Abstract:The FGM is taken to be a ceramic -metal composite with its component changing with position in the FGM along with the thickness direction.The residual thermal mic rostresses analysis is important to determine the material system of FGM.Based on an elastic mechanics analysis according to a spherical sy mmetric model,the residual thermal microstresses are determined as a fu nction of the elastic properties of the ceramic and metal phases,and the location.The results show that the r esidual microstresses have a charac teristic of short -range dis-tribution.And the maximal stresses locate in the interface of ceramic an d metal phases at every graded layer.In the end,the residual thermal stresses of ceramic-metal interfac es in ZrO 2 /Ni FGM cooled to room temperature after sintering have been analyzed.The results show that many microcracks would likely develop in the matrix of FGM.
Shang Junling , Li Bangsheng , Guo Jin gjie
Yang Yang , Cheng Xinlin , Li Zhenghua , Mo Wenjian , Gao Wenzhu , Pei Darong
Abstract:This work investigated the effects o f the metallurgical parameters on th e forming of adiabatic shear bands(ASBs )in some different state metals under the same explosiv e cladding process by observing microstructures and measuring microhardness.The results indicated that the shape,size and quantity of ASBs a re affected by the factors of pre-deformed degree,crystal structure,ph ase states etc.The mi-cro-hardness of ASB is higher than th at of the matrix.
Xie Zhenlin , Tian Wei , Chen Liansheng
Abstract:The grain aggregation and growth of N d-Fe-B permanent magnet alloy in the sintering are studied,it turns out when its shaping ,the orientation of the alloy powder i n the powerful magnetic field result s in the texture in the sintering.Those grains that combine earlier and have almost the same orientation com bine to bigger grains.They eat the sm aller grains around ,forming the pre ternatural big grains.This makes an apparent decrease of the coercive force,and also gives a modific ation to the orientation.So the rema ined magnetic induction intensity is improved slightly,but the maximu m magnetic energy product decreases.The aggregation and growth of grain s in the Nd-Fe-B permanent magnet alloy with the lower Nd,lower oxygen,and the uneven distribution of rich Nd happen easily in higher tem perature.
Li Fengjun , Liu Baicheng , Shen Houfa , Yu Jianli
Abstract:Artificial neural network technique was applied to calculate the locations of the metal front at time interva ls in the lost foam casting(LFC).Experiments have been conducted to validate the model.The results of simulation and experiments are consis tent,both in filling pattern and sequence.The fluid flow and the temperature distribution during the mold filling process of LFC w ere calculated through the numerical solution of the N -S and energy equations based on the calculate d surface positions and boundary con ditions.The application of the model on the computer simulation of LFC was discussed.
Huang Ping , Xu Kewei , Han Yong
Abstract:The titania film was formed by micro -arc oxidation on titanium alloys.The microstructure and chemical composition were studied by SEM,XRD.At the same time ,the hardness,elastic modulus and scratch resista nce measurement were carried out as well by nano -indentation and scratch machine.The results show that the micro -arc oxidation film which is consisted of cry stal and little amorphous phase has nano structure .The hardness and elastic modulus are 0.76GPa and 34.6GPa respectively.There is no film destroyed unless under high load.
Yang Haiou , Chen Jing , Li Yanmin , Fen g Liping , Lin Xin , Huang Weidong
Abstract:The samples of Rene95high-temperature alloy for mechanics property mea surement have been produced by the Laser Rapid Forming process.Through optimizin g the processing parameters the geom etric properties of the dense sample s were controlled accurately.And the heat treatment process plays a re markable role in improving the mechanics properties of the Rene95sample s.The testing results show that the tensile strength of the samples h as approached that of the C grade criterion of the powder metallurgy and th e ductility even exceed that of the A grade criterion.The mean micro hardness is HV 496.3.
Hu Jifan , Lu Hongliang , Sui Zhengui , Qin Hongwei , An Kang , Ji Chengjie
Abstract:Anatase TiO 2 nanoparticles were prepared with th e peroxide -complex heat decomposit ion method.We investigated the photo -catalysis degradation of the agroch emicals using the anatase TiO 2 nanoparticles.Results show that th e agrochemicals such as cis -trans cypermethrin emulsion and poly -hyd razine germicides can be well degrad ed.But the pesticides with complex o rganic acid are difficult to degrade completely.The photo-cata lysis degradation of the agrochemic als using the nano-TiO 2 provides a novel method for preventi ng the environments from the agrochemical pollutions and eliminating the agro chemical remainders.
Ren Yinglei , Jin Tao , Guan Hengrong , Hu Zhuangqi
Chen Changpin , Xu Haiou , Wang Wei , Chen Lixin
Abstract:The hydrogen storage properties of(100-x)%V +x%TiFe 0.85 Mn 0.15 (x=50,60,70)alloy have been investigated.It is i ndicated that the activation behavior of V -based alloys can be improved markedly b y the addition of TiFe 0.85 Mn 0.15 .All of these alloys could absorb hydrogen without the activation tre atment.For the 40%V +60%TiFe 0.85 Mn 0.15 alloy,the valid hydrogen capacity r eaches 207ml /g at 293K and 4.0MPa.The influence of the addition of TiFe 0.85 Mn 0.15 on the hydrogen storage properties a nd phase structure of alloy has been discussed.
Jiang Chengyu , Wu Mingfang , Yu Chun , Liang Chao
Abstract:在1103K,3min-30min条件下,使用72Ag-28Cu共晶钎料对TC4/TC4进行了钎焊试验。研究表明随钎焊时间增加,钎料中铜原子大量向界面迁移富集,母材Ti原子不断向钎缝溶解,在随后的冷却过程中产生共析转变并形成α—Ti Ti2Cu。试样加载1MPa,钎焊时间3min时接头常温拉伸强度为221MPa,延长钎焊时间接头强度呈增加趋势,30min时母材与钎缝界面模糊,此时强度最高达到373MPa,与不加载相比,强度平均增幅达80MPa左右。
Luo Qunfang , Liu Liqin , Wang Yaping , Ding Bingjun
Abstract:Ag 90 Ni 10 and Ag 70 Ni 30 alloys were prepared by mechanical a lloying(MA)and hot-pressing(HP)techniques.About 10wt%nickel dissolved in silver matrix during MA,which formed over saturation solut ion.In the HP process,the fine solut ion precipitates and dispersive nickel particles were deposited as s trengthening phrase.The final microstructure consists of finer and more dispersive nickel particles in sil ver matrix than that of conventional pow der-metallurgy AgNi contacts.
Liu Shourong , Hao Jianmin , Chu Lianqing , Song Junting
Feng Xiangdong , Wang Zhiguo , Zu Xiaotao , Dai Jinyi
Ju Xinhua , Ren Fengzhang , Zhou Gensh u , Xu Kewei , Zhao Wenzhen
Yang Mingtai , Gao Ge , Chen Jinhua , Qi Honglian
Abstract:叙述了用能量色散X射线荧光法(EDXRF)同时测定氧化物陶瓷材料组分的分析方法。该方法对样品无损,可直接测定ZrO2 Y2O3,ZrO2 CaO,ZrO2 Y2O3 CaO 3种陶瓷材料中的CaO,Y2O3和ZrO2;该方法快速、简便、可适用于粉末混合料和经高温烧结后的上述3种陶瓷材料;测定各组分的含量范围为:2%-25%的CaO,1.5%-20%的Y2O3,70%-98%的ZrO2,测定CaO和Y2O3的相对标准偏差好于2%,测定ZrO2的相对标准偏差好于1%。
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