Abstract:With the development of numerical technique and computer technology, the numerical modeling of the solidification process is changing from macro to micro modeling. By micro modeling not only the solidified microstructure of materials can be predicted, but also the accurate information of latent heat releasing can be provided for the macro modeling. The complete coupling of macro and micro modeling can result in a more accurate prediction for the solidification process of casting alloys. In the paper the state of art of the microstructure simulation was given in order to describe the main methods of micro modeling, such as deterministic, stochastic and phase field modeling, etc. Because of the complexity of numerical simulation of the solidification microstructure, it is necessary to study deeply the microstructure simulation, which would be the important research orientation in the field of computational materials science. Finally, the existent problem and the future developing orientation were analyzed.
Ouyang Yifang , Zhong Xiaping , Xiao Hongling , Wu Weiming
Abstract:Two kinds of cryomilling mills have been introduced. The current status of research of cryomilling has been briefly reviewed. The applications for nm scaled materials with high thermal stability are especially emphasized. The mechanism of alloying for cryomilling and the stability at elevated temperature are discussed. The future trend of cryomilling is presented.
Bai Xinde , Jiang Zuozhong , Lin Wei , Xu Jian , Ma Wenjun , Ren Yonggang
Abstract:On basis of the internet resources, The concept and the processing of DU metal were introduced, including the physical and chemical properties and their applications in variety of fields. Specially the structures and characters of DU penetrators were described in detail. The aftermath of radiative pllution brought by DU on the warfield and force crew was discussed thoroughly. The unsolved problems of DU munitions and its development prospect were also presented.
Zhou Bangxin , Li Qiang , Yao Meiyi , Liu Wenqing
Rai Qunli , Wang Haowei , Fan Xiaolan , Zhou Yaohe
Wang Xiaofeng , Wang Dazhi , Liang Ji
Abstract:A ruthenium oxide coated activated carbon (RuO2/C) was synthesized as a new electrode material for aqueous electrolyte super capacitor. Some laboratory scale prototype capacitors were fabricated with the RuO2/actived carbon electrode material and tested in term of capacitance and high power discharge for their electrochemical performance.These composite super capacitors exhibited a satisfactory performance,such as the rated capacitance higher than 350 F/g,compared with that of single electrode material only.
Wei Yinghui , Jia Liansuo , Hu Lanqing , Xu Bingshe
Zhu Jingchuan , Chu Chenglin , Yin Zhongda
Abstract:The bonding strength of hydroxyapatite(HA)/Ti FGM implants fabricated by powder metallurgy was investigated by means of the in vivo implanting in rabbits and the shear strength testing. It was shown that the HA/Ti FGM possess a good biocompatibility and osteoconductivity, and can be integrated with bone. After implanted for three months, the FGM implants and the new bone formed around became one bony body. The bonding strength between FGM implants and the surrounding bone tissues raises quickly with increasing the implanting time, and can reach 6.49MPa after implanted for three months, higher than that of dense pure HA or Ti implants. Fractography observations reveal that the fracture occurred in the new bone near the interface during the shear testing of HA/Ti FGM implants, which indicates that its interfacial bonding strength even exceeds the shear strength of new bone tissues.
Yin Jingou , Wu Yinshun , Lu Jian , Ding Baofeng , Zhang Lin , Cao Bei ,
Abstract:Stress corrosion crack (SCC) susceptibility of titanium alloy TC4 in methane and hydrochloric acid methane solution was studied by slow strain rate tensile test (SSRT), SEM analysis and metallography observation. The experimental results show that TC4 is possessed of SCC susceptibility in methanol solution, and addition of methanol solution to hydrochloric acid methanol solution can greatly improved the SCC susceptibility of TC4 alloy. SCC of TC4 in hydrochloric acid mdethanol solution originates from the bottom of the corrosion pits.
Zhang Zhaohui , Wang Fuchi , Li Shukui
Abstract:Effective and reasonable computational models are established to simulate the penetrating processes for the tungsten fiber reinforced tungsten alloy matrix composite penetrators and the tungsten alloy penetrators by the DYNA 3D finite element program. The simulation results are compared and verified by the penetrating experiments. The reason that the penetrating performance of the tungsten fiber reinforced tungsten alloy matrix composite penetrator is superior to that of the tungsten alloy penetrator is discussed.These results can provide reliable theory,computational models and experiment bases for further research.
Li Shuangming , Zhang Fengshou , Hao Qitang , Fu Hengzhi , Jia Jun , Guo Jingjie
Abstract:The superalloy melt is easily contaminated by the ceramic mold material because the melt is kept in it for long time for the traditional process. By the new electromagnetic soft contact confinement process, the superalloy melt is half suspended by electromagnetic pressure, so the contacting area and time between melt and magnetic mold decrease. Simultaneously, the contamination is decreased effectively. The new technique combines the electromangetic soft contact confinement with directional solidification process for manufacturing the near net shape turbine blade castings of superalloys. The effects of the magnetic mold material and the height and position of susceptor on the magnetic flux density distribution in the inductor were comprehensively investigated. In the experiment, two near net shape blade castings with directionally solidified microstucture are successfully obtained by the electromagnetic soft contact confinement process.
Xiong Aiming , Chen Shenghui , Huang Weichao , Lin Hai , Li Miaoquan
Jin Yunxue , Zeng Songyan , Zhang Erlin , Zhu Zhaojun
Wu Yin , Si Wenjie , Jing Yuansheng , Miao Hezhuo , Yu Enping
Tan Chunlin , Bai Shuxin , Zhang Hong , Zhang Jiachun , Cai Xun
Abstract:Hydrogen Decrepitation (HD) has been used as an efficient and economical method in producing coarse NdFeB powder. This article studied the effects of hydrogen on the Nd Dy Fe B magnets, such as HD powder oxidation and magnetic performance of sintered magnets. The results showed that the hydrogen accelerated the oxidation of the coarse Nd Dy Fe B powder after HD process, and the dehydrogenated powder had higher oxidation resistance, especially degassed at higher temperature, and the hydrogen dropped the sintering temperature of Nd Dy Fe B magnets. The effects of hydrogen may focus on that hydrogen bonds accelerate absorption of water from ambient air, and the defects caused by hydrogen induce oxygen diffusing more quickly. The magnets could be sintered at a lower temperature with un dehydrogenated HD powder, but had poorer orientation degree.
Zhang Jian , Zhang Wenyan , Yang YananZhou Yinggan , Li Jianping , Yang Zhaoling , Xi Zhengping ,
Abstract:Some new magnetic properties would be produced during processing for the stainless steel fibers. The magnetic parameters had been obtained through a systemic testing and microstructure observation by XRD for the stainless steel fibers. The results showed that the change of composing phases, the internal stress and the microstructure had insignificant effects on the magnetic properties for the stainless steel fibers. It was important to optimize the processing parameters and to expend the application fields for the stainless steel fibers.
Li Song , Cheng Jiefeng , Ji Shijun , Sun Juncai
Geng Hongxia , Geng Haoran , Xue Xianying , Sun Minhua , Bian Xiufang , Zhao Peng
Abstract:Viscosity of Al 16% Si alloys modified by Ce adding with different contents was studied. The results showed that the viscosity increased with the addition of Ce and their content. The variation of liquid structure and the relations between the liquid structure and the viscosity were discussed and analyzed for Al 16% Si alloys according to the variation of the hydrogen content, the solidification structure and the DSC curves.
He Defu , Yin Deyu , Zhao Jianguo , Jia Fengming
Abstract:The burned resistant and reliability of initiating arc in GTAW for 1% CeO2 and 2% CeO2 tungsten bar have been compared in this research . It has been suggested that the tungsten bar with 1% CeO2 has a lower burned rate during manufacturing and better electrode performance in GTAW than the 2% CeO_2 tungsten bar .
Ren Fengzhang , Zhou Genshu , Zhao Wenzhen , Hu Zhizhong , Zheng Maosheng
Abstract:Mean and local residual stresses in Cu films and Ag films on 4Cr13 substrates are evaluated by cantilever beam method. The results show that the mean and local residual stresses in Cu films and Ag films decrease abruptly with the film thickness, then tend to be stable. The residual stress in the two kinds of films mainly originates from the interfacial misfit strain. Their interfacial stress is very large and the growing stress is small. The mean value of residual stress in thin Cu films is very large, even beyond the fracture strength of the bulk Cu material.
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