Tang Huiping , Huang Baiyun , Liu Yong , Ouyang Hongwu
Abstract:The main types,met ho ds of productio n,and failure modes for high-temperature protective coatings a re briefly considered.The paper emphasizes the importance of alumin ide coating s for high-temperature p rotection and of studies of high-tem perature oxidati on of the high-temperature coatings in general.
Zi Bingtao , Wang Hui , Xu Guangming , Cui Jianzhong , Ba Qixian
Abstract:Numerical simulation of pulsed magn etic flux density and L orentz force i n the solidifying sample inside a str aight solenoid coil during the solidification under tra nsient pulsed magnetic field was stu died using ANS YS5.5software.The simulation showed that both the axial and radial distribut ions of th e pulsed magnetic flux density and th e Lorentz force,during the sol idifi cation under pulsed magnetic field,were not only asymmetrical but also n onuniform.The simulation method is generally useful for studying solid ificatio n behaviors and structures during solidification under transient pulsed magnetic field.
Chen Zhiwu , Cheng Xuan , Zhang Ying , Yang Yong
Abstract:In the implantation of lithium ions i nto a nd dissipation from lithium/me taloxide Positive material,the voltage and sta bility of the material can be analyzed and predicted using the first principle m ethods.This paper reviews the theoretical background of first principle methods and presents the results of a recent study of LiCoO 2 positive electrode.The investigation of Li x NiO 2 and multi-element substitution should be a focal point of future rese arch .
Li Xiaoj ie , Yu Honghao , Wang Jinxian g , Zhang Yueju
Abstract:In this paper,an ideal liquid model of s ym metrically colliding was taken to analyze the distribution character of natural strain field.The results show that the strain at stagnation point is infinite, and stra in saltaion is completed in fivefold jet thickness at explosive welding interface.
He Zhirong , Zhou Jingen , Furuya Y
Yin Jinghua , Cai Wei , Li Meicheng , Zhao Liancheng
Abstract:采用磁控溅射方法在p-Si(111)衬底上淀积5nmPt膜,分别在350℃-600℃退火。原子力显微镜(AFM)观察和x射线光电子谱(XPS)分析表明,随退火温度的增加,平坦的薄膜表面变得粗糙,其相分布由Pt-Pt2Si-Ptsi变为Pt Pt2Si PtSi-Ptsi。
Zhang Xiaocong , Li Chengshan , Zhang Pingxiang , Zhou Lian , Feng Yong , Wu Yifang , Wu Xuan , Shao Huiming ,
Abstract:The influence of the phase assemblag e of precursor powder on microstructures and the properties of Bi (Pb)-2223/Ag tapes has been studied.The phase assemblage was controlled by changing the final c alcination temperature.The r esult s show that a precursor powder containing mainly the Bi (Pb)-2212ph ase and some other second phases which include(Sr,Ca )CuO and Ca 2 PbO 4 phase,and without any2201and 2223phases is considered a g ood choic e for the fabrication of hig h J c Bi (Pb)-2223/Ag tapes.Accordingly,calcination of the precursor pow der just below the form ation temperature of 2223phase is th e most favorabl e.A maximum critical current density of 12kA/cm 2 was obtained.
Xu Ying , Li Mingli , Lu Fengji , Li Hejun
Abstract:Th e Nanometer TiO 2 powder was put into the unsaturated p olyester resin for the simultaneous mo dification of strength-ening and flexibilizing.The impact strength was used to characterize th e ductility of the nano-TiO 2/UPR.It was found that the resin had the apparent brittleness-ductility t ransition phenomenon,a nd the content of TiO 2 at the brittleness-ductility transition point,was 6wt%.The bending stre ngth and impact strength of the nano-TiO 2/UPR were increased by 55%and 46%respectively compared with those of UPR.The micro observation of the impact fracture i ndicaties that,the fracture pattern of the nano-TiO 2/UPR changes from typical brittleness to typical toughness fracture near th e critical point.
Wei Qilong , Chen Zheng , Liu Bing
Abstract:The effects of an electric field appl ied du ring solution treatment on the precipitation kinetics in Al-Li all oy 2090h ave been studied using differential scanning calorimetry(DSC).It is found tha t electric field decreases the peak temperatures of?' and T 1 phases precipitation,bringing their curves forward.It le ssens the enthalp y of T 1 precipitation,while keeping that of?' precipitation unchanged.At the sa m e time,the electric field increases the rates of?' and T 1 precipitation in the first stages,while decreases those in the last stages .An electric field also reduces the activation energies of?' and T 1 phases precipitations.It is though t that the electric field increases t he concentration of vacancies and the hence solubility of alloying elements,there by decreasing the activation energies of these two precipitation mechanisms.
Zhang Xinping , Yu Sirong , Li Rui , Liu Yaohui , He Zhenming
Bai Xinde , Liu Xiaoyang , An Jin , Jin Zhaoxiong Chen Baoshan , Wu Zhiming , Liu Fangyan , Tong Shenxiu
Abstract:The abnormal blu e oxide films occurred at the heat-affected zone of zircalloy-4cladding tube af ter electron beam welding,were studied using XPS,EDX,TEM.The resu lts indica te that iron and tin in the a bnormal oxide film exist in the form o f Fe 2 O 3 ,SnO 2 ,and the ratio of Fe to Sn in abnormal blue oxid e film is higher than that of the norma l one.These results will provide the basis of the further researc h.
Yin Dengfeng , Zheng Ziqiao , Yu Zhiming
Abstract:The effect of Sc on microstructure an d tensile p roperties of Al-Li-Cu-Mg-Ag-Zr alloy has been studied using o ptical and t ransmission electron microscopy and scanning electron microscopy.The results sh ow that addition of Sc may refine the gra in size,and encourages the homogeneou s precipitation of T 1 phase throughout the matrix,The wid espread precipitation of T 1 phase promotes homogeneous deforma tion thereby improving the mechanical pr operties of these trace-Sc containi ng.
Abstract:The cavitat io n erosion of TiNiNb alloy and 0Cr13Ni5Mo stainless steel wa s investigated u sing rotating disc e quipment.To simulate the effect of the collapse of vapor c a vities or bubbles,a Rockwell hardness tester was used to exert a load on th e surface areas of the alloys.The results show that the cavitation ero sion resi stance of TiNiNb is greater than that of 0Cr13Ni5Mo.The TiNiNb a lloy is mo re elastic than0Cr13Ni5Mo stainless steel in the in dentation test,thereby permitting TiNiNb to absorb and relieve more imp act energy during cavitation er osion.This reduces volume loss,a nd leads to excellent cavitations erosion res istance.
Tan Qiangqiang , Tang Zilong , Zhang Zhongtai , Yao Weihua , Fang Keming
Yang Zh aoling , Li Jianping , Xi Zhengping , Zhang Jian , Wang Xin
Chen Wenge , Ding Bingjun , Zhang Hui
Abstract:Nanostructured W-La 2 O 3 composite powder was prepared by the high energy ball milling,or mechani ca l alloying(MA).Serially W-La 2 O 3 electrode materials were fabricate d by hot pressed sintering in vacuum .In each case the nanostructural evolutions was observed as function of milling tim e and sintering temperature using SEM,XRD and TEM.The results show that the si ntering densification depends on nanosize particle rearrangement ra sther than c onventional diffusion.The enhanced sinterability of MA W-L a 2 O 3 composite powder is attributed to their ultra-fine and homogeneously mixed state,high internal strain,as well as the sintering activation by impurity ele ments.
Zhang Gang , Wu Yingna , Liang Yong , Feng Zhongchao , Ba Ruizhang
Abstract:Three types of thermal barrier coatin gs (TBCs )were prepared by plasma spray(PS)on GH536superalloy substrate with d ifferent layers.One is the traditional TBC wi th Ni22Cr10AlY as bond co at and ZrO 2-8wt%Y 2 O 3 (8YSZ)as top coat,the other two TBCs have a t riplex structure with comp osite layers of 8YSZ +Al 2 O 3 and ZrO 2 ,respectively.The static oxidatio n test and thermal shock tests were cond ucted to evaluate the oxidation kinetics and thermal shock cyclic lifetime of th e TBCs.With the different failure criterions,the failure mechanism of TBCs was discussed.The thermal shoc k resistance of state-of-the-art duplex TBCs is the best.It is indicated that the higher oxidation resis-tance is obtained by using of composite 8YSZ +Al 2 O 3 ceramic layer.It has the better oxid ation resistance if using 8YSZ +Al 2 O 3 as the inner composite layer of TBCs,comparing with as the out layer.
Miao Hongyan , Ding changs heng , Luo Hongjie , Li Yongqiang
Abstract:以SnCl4^ 5H2O和SbCl3为原料,通过正交实验并借助于XRD,TEM等手段,研究了前驱物浓度、反应温度、保温时间和氨水滴加速率等工艺因素对水热合成锑掺杂SnO2纳米粉体的影响,探讨了不同分散处理工艺对纳米粉体分散性的影响。
Xiao Pingan , Qu Xuanhui , Qin Mingli , Huang Peiyun
Abstract:The influence of milling rate in range from 125r/min to 225r/min and the ad dition of from 0%to 4. 5%of the process control agents ethanol,stearic acid on the mechanical alloyi ng of a Ti-Cr alloy h as been investigated.The results sh ow that the higher t he milling rate,the smaller the powders as other milling conditions are unchang ed.Ethanol as a useful process control a gent lowes the impurity level during M A processing,but results in reduced fining efficiency.The reco mended addition of ethanol is under 1.5%.The abrasion of either milling balls or milling j ar can be controlled by optimizing the milling r ate and selection the best proc ess co ntrol agent.
Hu Lifa , , A.Sulpice , E.Mossang , Li Chengshan , Ji Ping , Wu Yifang , Feng Yong , Zhang Pingxiang , Zhou Lian
Abstract:Experimentally determined AC loss i n Bi2223tapes at 4.2K under applied D C magnetic field is discussed.Considered are the influences on the seif-field loss of:(1)The applied DC field(2).The resistivity of the sheath materia l.(3)The critical current and the number of superconducting filaments.All o f the experiments are performed at 4.2K and at appled magnetic fields of up to 5T.
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