2004, 33(4):337-342.
Abstract:Research and development of 2:17 type SmCo permanent magnets are reviewed. Considered are four magnets types : high temperature magnets, super-low temperature coefficient magnets, the radially oriented and multi-polar rings, high electricity insulation magnets. Manufacturing techniques described include: powder metallurgy (sintering), reverting-diffuse and quenching-bonding. The cellular microstructure was characterized, and the effects of components on microstructure were discussed. The coercivity mechanism over a wide temperature range was considered and directions for future research discussed.
Shao Yanqun , Tang Dian , Xiong Weihao
2004, 33(4):343-348.
Abstract:The preparation of nanostructured materials is discussed in the light of previous techniques used for the preparation of nano-scale TiO2. Almost all methods for successfully preparing nano-structured materials can be divided into two categories depending on the sizes of the interacting particles; such processes are designated coacervation and dispersion. These two processes not only provide the new way to design the new type materials but also boost materials processing science to a new level.
Zhu Lihui , Ma Xueming , Lei Jingxuan , Zhao Haifeng
2004, 33(4):349-353.
Abstract:Much research worldwide is concentrated on nano-cemented carbide due to its excellent properties and promising market prospect. This paper reviewes some developments in nano-cemented carbide. New fast sintering techniques should be employed because the key to obtaining nano-cemented carbide is to control the WC grain growth during sintering.
Zhao Li , Yu Jiaguo , Cheng Bei , Zhao Xiujian
2004, 33(4):354-358.
Abstract:This paper describes the basic concepts, characteristics and material composition of photonic crystals. Self-assembly techniques of preparing three-dimensional semiconductor photonic crystals are introduced in detail. In order to increase the refractive index contrast of the electrolyte, inverted opal is prepared by utilizing a synthetic opal as a template. Finally, we discuss applications of photonic crystals.
Zhao Yongqing , Zhou Lian , Alain Vassel , Zeng Liying , Qu Henglei , Mao Xiaonan
2004, 33(4):359-362.
2004, 33(4):363-367.
Abstract:Four kinds of microstructural instability of a TiAl-based alloy during rapid heating cyclic heat treatment were observed: (i) the formation of secondary lamellae, (ii) the spheroidization of primary lamellae, (iii) a discontinuous coarsening at grain boundaries and (iv) nucleation at phase interfaces. By comparing the starting line of continuous heating transformation with that of TTT diagram, the similarity and difference of the microstructure instability during continuous heating and isothermal heating conditions were studied. Ways of avoiding unfavorable microstructural instability were proposed such as: (i) insuring homogeneity of the composition so as to guarantee the identity of transformation temperature in the alloy; (ii) holding at the highest temperature for as short a time as possible.
Mao Xiaonan , Zhou Lian , Zhou Yigang , V. Ji , Zhang Pengsheng , Yu Lanlan
2004, 33(4):368-371.
Abstract:利用X射线衍射技术测试了TiC颗粒增强钛基复合材料Ti-6Al-4V 7%TiC(质量分数,下同)(T64),Ti-3Al-2.5V 7%TiC(T32)和Ti-6Al-2.5Sn-4Zr-0.5Mo-1Nb-0.45Si 3%TiC(T650)的内应力。发现该复合材料在800℃左右存在一个应力性质转变点,即在800℃以上处理,钛基体感生残余拉应力,增强TiC颗粒感生残余压应力;在800℃以下处理,应力性质相反。并且内应力随处理温度升高而增加,由Eshelby模型得出,该转变点和钛合金基体的相变点有关。
2004, 33(4):372-374.
Lin Meijuan , Wang Wen , Zhang Wengong
2004, 33(4):380-384.
Abstract:The P (MMA-co-St) copolymer containing dysprosium was prepared by the in-situ polymerization of a gel, which was obtained by doping directly dysprosium tri-isopropoxide in the monomer mixtures of methyl methacrylate and styrene (monomer mole ratio was 1:1). The effect of dysprosium tri-isopropoxide on the properties of P (MMA-co-St) copolymer was also studied. It was shown that the linear structure of P (MMA-co-St) containing dysprosium changed into a crosslinked network with increasing dysprosium content, resulting in improvement of properties, such as resistance to heat and solvent, storage modulus and fluorescence strength. Moreover the copolymer is a material with high uniformly distributed rare earth content and improved transparency.
Ma Xuedan , Zhao Yongqing , Zhou Lian , Wu Weilu
2004, 33(4):385-388.
Abstract:The deformation behavior of the alloy Ti14 in the semi-solid state has been studied. The results show that the liquid phase enhances the diffusivity of the constituents. The semi-solid deformation energy is more than that of solid deformation. When the Ti14 alloy is semi-solid deformed, the liquid Ti2Cu phase within grains and grain boundaries grows, thereby forming broadened grain boundaries and network structures.
Jiang Bing , Zhang Pingxiang , Zhou Lian , Li Chengshan , He Yanfa
2004, 33(4):389-392.
Abstract:A newly designed Bi2223 tape incorporating an Ag alloy wire in superconducting core is described. It is shown that the new structure considerably improves the superconducting properties of monofilament tapes. The maximum Ic is as high as 75 A, and Jc= 1.6104A/cm2 , increases of 30% over those of conventional superconductor tape. At the same time the mechanical properties of the new Bi2223 tape show considerable improvement.
Zheng Zhoushun , Qu Xuanhui , Li Yunping
2004, 33(4):393-396.
Abstract:The fractal characteristics of reduced cobalt powders for Powder Injection Molding (PIM), such as powder shape, projection border, and powder surface, are studied. A simple and suitable method which can be used to measure the dimensions of the fractal structure of particle profiles is introduced. An accurate quantitative method for characterizing powders for PIM using fractal geometric nomenclature is given. From the scanning electron micrograph, the fractal dimensions of the projected profile of reduced cobalt powders are calculated using the In Swing Structured Walk technique. Fractal dimensions obtained were in the range of 1.116 to 1.122.
Wang Yong , Gao Jiacheng , Zhang Yaping , Zhang Chunyan
2004, 33(4):397-399.
Abstract:A hydroxylapatite (HA) coating was produced by means of bionic mineralizing in a fast calcific solution(FCS)at room temperature. The pH changes of FCS during the deposition process were measured. The supersaturations of various calcium phosphates formed during FCS were compared, during which that of HA was found to be the greatest. Optimnal thermodynamic conditions were important for the formation of HA coatings in the bionic mineralizing process.
Li Mengjin , Sun Xiaofeng , Guan Hengrong , Jiang xiaoxia , Hu Zhuangqi
2004, 33(4):400-403.
Xiao Daihong , Wang Jannong , Ding Dongyan , Chen Shipu
2004, 33(4):404-407.
Abstract:The microstructure and mechanical properties of AlCuMgAg doped with Ce and Ti were investigated by tensile testing and microstructure analysis. It is shown that Ce and Ti doping increases the hardness and improves the tensile strength. Moreover, the Ce doping can improve the heat resistance of the alloy. By microstructure analysis, it is shown that the kinds of the precipitation- strengthening phases are not changed, although they decrease in size and increase in density. When both Ce and Ti were doped into the AlCuMgAg alloy, a new AlTiCeCu compound that is harder and brittle is formed, the precipitated phases were inhibited, and the tensile strength of the alloy decreased.
Zhang Wenyan , Zhang Jian , Zhou Yinggang , Yang Yanan , Bai Wenfeng , Xi Zhengping ,
2004, 33(4):408-411.
Abstract:对集束拉拔法制备的不锈钢纤维进行150℃~800℃退火热处理,用VSM测试热处理后的纤维磁性,用X射线衍射仪、扫描电子显微镜进行相分析。结果表明:热处理对304不锈钢纤维磁性影响较大,2 m的304不锈钢纤维在180℃附近退火,有回火马氏体生成,纤维的饱和磁化强度(Ms)增加,此后该温度范围内退火纤维的Ms降低;400℃热处理使得纤维矫顽力Hc增加较大,同时磁能积(Mr×Hc)配合较好,退火后可用作磁性纤维。热处理对316 L不锈钢纤维的力学性能影响明显。
Du Xinkang , Wang Jianjiang , Zhou Long , Wang Junying , Ye Minghui
2004, 33(4):412-416.
Fu Guangyan , Niu Yan , Wu Weitao
2004, 33(4):417-420.
Abstract:研究了600℃时Fe-15Ce合金在H2-CO2、H2-H2S及H2-H2S-CO2 3种气氛中的腐蚀行为,Fe-15Ce合金腐蚀后发生了Ce的内氧化或形成了复杂的腐蚀产物膜,而未出现Ce的选择性氧化或硫化,这主要是合金中存在着两相及Ce在Fe中极低的溶解度的结果。Fe-15Ce合金在本实验条件下的氧化-硫化腐蚀速度低于相同温度、压力下的纯硫化。
Yao Weihua , Zhang Zhongtai , Tang Zilong , Luo Shaohua
2004, 33(4):421-424.
Abstract:Low temperature combustion synthesis (LTCS) combines the advantage of solution-based processing with that of high temperature self-propagation. The process can be ignited at low temperature and is sustained by a strong exothermic reaction. As presently described the LTCS process was applied to directly synthesize La0.9Sr0.1Ga0.8Mg0.2O2.85 (LSGM1020) ultra-fine powder in nitrate-citric acid solution. The LSGM1020 powder prepared by this method has specific surface area as high as 120 m2/g. The effect of solution initial concentration and pH value on the properties of the final powder was investigated.
Li Jian , Xiang Lan , Jin Yong
2004, 33(4):425-428.
Abstract:By mixing NiCl2 and NH4HCO3 solutions at room temperature, NiO nano-particles were synthesized by hydrothermal modification and sintering. The agglomerated amorphous precipitates formed at room temperature were mainly composed of NiCO3. Ni(OH)2 and Ni(OH)2 crystallites and were converted to deposits with higher crystallinity and less content of Ni (OH)2 and H2O after hydrothermal treatment. NiO nano-particles prepared from the hydrothermal deposits were of higher dispersion than those from the amorphous precipitates. The primary thermodynamic calculation in Ni2+-NH3-CO32--H2O system indicated that the rise of temperature is favorable for the release of Ni2+ from the Ni2+-NH3 complex ions, accelerating the formation of NiCO3 and Ni (OH)2. The thermodynamic possibility for the formation of NiCO3 phase increased with the increase of temperature.
Li Qiulin , Li Tingju , Jin Junze
2004, 33(4):429-431.
Abstract:According to the characteristics of hollow billets, a hot-top electromagnetic continuous casting process is proposed, based on a combination of the hot-top technique and a cold crucible. Sn-4.5%Pb (wt%) was used as the experimental material to study the effect of hot-top and cold crucible outer mould on the distribution of electromagnetic field. The effect of the electromagnetic field on the quality of hollow billets was analyzed. The results indicated that use of the hot-top with screen and cold crucible outer mould, while imposing an electro- magnetic field of 12 kW with the frequency of 2 500, can improve the distribution of electromagnetic field in the mold. In this ways high quality hollow billets can be obtained, whose solidification macrostructure consists of equiaxed grains of high ratio and a smoother surface.
Zhu Jiman , Guo Liquan , Ma Jusheng
2004, 33(4):432-435.
Abstract:研究了铝板表面前处理以及阳极氧化过程中电解液温度对阳极氧化膜层抗热冲击性能的影响,并分析了影响机理.选择合适的前处理及阳极氧化工艺参数,可以制备具有优良性能的"理想"绝缘金属基板,其阳极氧化绝缘层的电阻率大于1013Ω·cm,击穿电压大于600 V,并且能够抵抗400℃热冲击.采用化学镀铜结合电镀铜工艺对基板进行金属化布线后,"理想"绝缘金属基板被应用于BGA封装中.
Miao Jiashi , Lin Junpin , Wang Yanli , Lin Zhi , Chen Guoliang
2004, 33(4):436-438.
Abstract:By high temperature pack rolling, the first high-Nb TiAl sheet with the thickness of 2.6 mm has been successfully fabricated on a conventional rolling mill. The overall rolling reduction is about 70%, and the surface condition of the sheet is very good. Microstructure observation indicates that during the high temperature rolling, dynamic recrystallization takes place. But the microstructure is not significantly refined by this recrystallization probably on account of the grain growth that occurs during reheating between rolling passes and final furnaccooling.
Gao Jiacheng , Chen Gongming , Yang Shaoli , Xu Chushao , Wang Yong
2004, 33(4):439-441.
Wang Qintao , Zhang Yumei , Hu Naisai , Peng Shiyun
2004, 33(4):442-444.
Abstract:A pulp-osseous implant (Ti-6Al-4V) for treating a mobilized periodontal tooth fractured after 15 years of service. The two pieces of implant divided in bone and pulp were extracted and washed by distilled water. The microstructures of the cross sections of both fractured pulp-osseous implant pieces were observed by SEM, and the compositions of the material attached to the implant surfaces were analyzed by EDAX. The fatigue source, slowly and fast developed fatigue stripe is presented were obviously showed on the cross sections of both parts. EDAX showed a higher percentage of Ca, P attached to the bone implant, as compared to that attached to the pulp implant. The fracture of implant in this case was due principally to metal fatigue, and partly caused by a lack of periodontal maintenance.
Dong Ping , Chen Yongzhong , Bai Chaomao
2004, 33(4):445-448.
Abstract:The X-ray stress constants of five crystalline planes of beryllium were measured by using a cantilever beam loading method on X2001 stress analyzer. The results show that the X-ray stress constant of each plane in beryllium is different, so the X-ray stress constant corresponding to a diffraction plane must be adopted in order to acquire the exact stress value on X-ray stress analysis. Because of the rather large penetrate depth of X-rays into beryllium, that effect on X-ray stress constant measurement must be taken into account.
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