2005, 34(6):841-844.
Abstract:A review of research development of surface modification of Zircaloy is presented. Pre-film, ion-implantation and laser surface treatment are mainly summarized. For pre-film methods, pre-oxidation in autoclave, evaporated coatings and anodic oxidation are briefly introduced, then, the effect and principle of Y, La and Nb are explained for ion-implantation, finally, the research progress of laser surface melting (LSM) and laser surface alloying (LSA) is presented for laser surface treatments.
Yan Yunqi , Zhang Tingjie , Deng Ju , Zhou Lian , Chen Changqi , Liu Peiying
2005, 34(6):845-849.
Xie Jian , Cao Gaoshao , Zhao Xinbing
2005, 34(6):850-853.
Li Qian , Jiang Lijun , Lin Qin , Zhou Guozhi , Zhan Feng
2005, 34(6):859-862.
Wu Xiaofeng , Zhang Haifeng , Hu Zhuangqi
2005, 34(6):863-866.
Abstract:Tungsten fiber reinforced Zr-Ti-Cu-Be-Co bulk metallic amorphous matrix composite was fabricated by a pressure infiltrating cast method. The deformation behaviors and mechanical properties were investigated. The results indicated that Tungsten fiber reinforced bulk metallic glass matrix composite not only holds high strength of pure Zr-Ti-Cu-Be-Co bulk metallic glass, but also exhibits the strain of more than 900% higher than those of pure Zr-Ti-Cu-Be-Co bulk metallic glass. The compressive failure mode of the composite shifts from shear to the localized fiber buckling and tilting with the increase of the volume fraction of tungsten fibers. The increase in compressive toughness comes from the fibers restricting shear band propagation, promoting the generation of multiple shear bands.
Liu Wenhui , Zhang Xinping , Xiong Shoumei , Y. Matsumoto , M. Murakami
2005, 34(6):872-875.
Abstract:Based on Ansys software, the influences of shape, size, position and pitch of holes on AZ91D Mg alloy die casting stress distribution were studied. The results show that the influences of shape of hole on stress distribution lie on the minimum included angle formed by two lines, one line is x axis, the other is the tie line of sharp corner apex and center of hole. The stress concentration increases with the increases of the minimum inclination and the size of hole. The influence effect of the open hole is greater than the inner hole. The influence is very faint when the pitch of holes is beyond a critical value, and the stress concentration increases quickly with the decrease of the pitch of holes. Lastly, the hole distribution and the strength of AZ91D Mg alloy for engine head mantle die casting are actually measured. It is shown that the results of theoretical analysis are in consonance with the experiments.
Xie Baohai , Wu Xiaozu , Chen Zili , Liu Xianghong , Fu Baoquan , Yang Xiaodong , Zhou Lian
2005, 34(6):876-880.
Abstract:Three different compositions of NbTi wires have been fabricated by using alternately pure Nb and Ti sheets with Ti contents from 42.5% to 56.6% by adjusting the relative thickness of the Nb and Ti sheets in the monofilaments. Two kinds of heating treatments were discussed and the Nb/Ti interface microstructure and diffusion morphology of cross-section have been investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results show that the Jc values are 2 800 A/mm2 at 5 T/4.2K and 4 200 A/mm2 at 3 T/4.2 K. With the increase of Ti content, Jc is higher at low magnetic fields (<5 T), but lower and decreasing rapidly at high magnetic fields. Jc decreases slight slowly for the lower Ti samples. At a given temperature, higher Jc can be gotten by using shorter time of heat treatment for the higher Ti samples, and by using longer time for the lower Ti samples.
Fu Yanyan , Yu Zhentao , Zhou Lian , Wang Keguang
2005, 34(6):881-885.
Abstract:研究了Ti-13Nb-13Zr合金在β相区和α β相区固溶和时效处理后合金的力学性能变化规律。利用光学显微镜、扫描电镜和透射电镜观察和X射线衍射分析,重点分析了不同显微组织对合金强韧性的影响。结果表明:含有一定数量初生α析出相的加工态组织具有较高的强度和断裂韧性。固溶时效处理后,随着显微组织的形貌、晶粒大小和数量的不同,其对强度和断裂韧性的影响也有所不同。
Ling Guoping , Wang Shangjun , Meng Liang
2005, 34(6):886-890.
Lu Jian , Yin Jingou , He Yu , Ding Baofeng , Zhang Tingjie
2005, 34(6):891-894.
Xin Yanhui , Lin Jianguo , Ren Zhiang
2005, 34(6):899-902.
Abstract:Laser surface alloying with C and C+Nb was used to modify the surface properties of Ti-46Al-2Cr-1.5Nb-lV alloy. The microstructure of the laser alloyed surface layer was studied as function of laser processing parameters. The oxidation resistance properties of the original alloy and the samples with the laser surface treatment with C and C+ Nb at high temperature were investigated. The results indicate that, by laser alloying with with C and C+Nb, the particles of TiC were "in-situ" produced in the laser surface layer. Nb exists in the TiAl matrix as the solute atom. The size, shape and distribution of TiC are strongly dependent on the laser processing parameters. By laser surface alloying with C and C+Nb powders, the oxidation resistance is improved obviously, and the sample alloying with C+Nb exhibits the best oxidation resistance.
Gao Jiacheng , Li Longchuan , Wang Yong , Qiao Liying
2005, 34(6):903-906.
Abstract:Magnesium has almost the same density, elastic modulus and strength as human bone. In fact human body contains much more magnesium than titanium. The challenge of magnesium is to improve its corrosion and biocompatibility to body fluids while it is used as implants. This paper reports the results of a study in which untreated or treated magnesium samples were subjected to cyto-compatibility tests and hemolysis tests. The results show that no the change of cells morphological or inhibitory effect on cell growth were detected in the cyto-compatibility tests. In hemolysis tests, the untreated magnesium had hemolytic effect, whereas the hemolysis of heat-treated and heatorganic filmtreated samples is within the demand (<5%). Therefore, it is very possible to use magnesium and its alloys as hard tissue substitutes if their surface is properly modified.
Yao Zekun , Liang Xinmin , Guo Hongzhen , Chen Shaokai , Zhang Hui
2005, 34(6):907-911.
Abstract:The influence of heat and force factors and their interaction, such as forging temperature, heat treatment process, deformation amount, on the element diffusion of Al, Nb, V at weld zone has been investigated for the Ti-24Al-15Nb-1.5Mo/TC4 dual alloy billet after welded in vacuum and rolled or treated. Investigations showed that the energy of atom motion can increase with the increase of deformation amount and heat treatment temperature, favorable for the elements diffusion and the homogenization of micro-hardness due to the change of shape and size for the grains and phases and short diffusion journey of fine grains at the weld seam. It is found that the concentration of niobium is high at the Ti-24Al-15Nb-1.5Mo side of weld seam. There are two reasons: one is niobium diffusion out from DO19 lattice when re-solidified during welding; the other is local deposit of niobium to fill up the vacancies when AI, Mo diffused out the lattice. The heat treatment route can affect the diffusion rate through changing the morphology of microstructure at weld zone.
Jiang Minhong , Xu Peng , Gu Zhengfei , Cheng Gang
2005, 34(6):912-915.
Abstract:Adopting bonding technology, the giant magnetostrictive composites have been prepared. The effects of preparation conditions, such as powder composition, powder size, magnetic field orientation and powder surface treatment, on the static elastic modulus and compressive strength for the giant magnetostrictive composites have been investigated in this paper. It is found that the powder size and the powder surface treatment have obvious effects on the static elastic modulus and compressive strength, and few effect for the powder composition and the magnetic field orientation, but the powder composition has effects on the static elastic modulus.
Chen Song , Hu Changyi , Guo Junmei , Yang Jiaming
2005, 34(6):916-919.
Pei Suhua , Zhang Xiaohua , Sun Haibo , Yu Lianying
2005, 34(6):920-923.
Abstract:Secondary ion mass spectra analysis (SIMS) has been employed to construct the diffusion model of Ga in SiO2/Si system during doping and to study the distribution of Ga in silicon. Based on the above model, conclusions have been drawn as following: (1) Ga has a linear distribution and enters Si due to the segregation of SiO2/Si interface. As a result, the diffusion model of Ga was established. (2) Through controlling the temperature and adjusting the time during pre-deposition, and combination of them, an idea purity distribution can be obtained. (3) The planar junction with high uniformity and good repetition will be obtained by the above process, indicating that Ga has ideally diffused into silicon through the perfect interface.
Zhang Kunhua , Guan Weiming , Sun Jialin , Lu Feng , Chen Jingchao , Zhou Xiaolong , Du Yan
2005, 34(6):924-927.
Abstract:A new type of silver tin oxide contact material was fabricated by reaction synthesis processing and hot extrusion in the paper. The phases of AgSnO2 (10) after reaction synthesis processing were determined by X-ray diffraction. Electrical contact life of AgSnO2(10) were experimented with direct current. The surface morphologies of melting range was examined by scanning electron microscope(SEM), and the element compositions of surface were analyzed by electro-probe microanalyser (EPMA), the microstructure and composition of the surface of arc erosion are also analyzed. Four kinds surface morphologies of the AgSnO2(10) materials were classified.
Guo Guangsheng , Li Duo , Wang Zhihua , Gu Fubo , Guo Hongyou
2005, 34(6):928-931.
Abstract:CeO2 superfine powder was well prepared by laser heating gas-evaporation method with a 150 W CW CO2 laser as light source and Ce2(CO3)3 as targets. All the effects of process reaction parameters on products have been well researched. Measurements such as XRD, TEM were used to characterize the superfine particles. The obtained results show that many parameters such as the laser power density, reaction pressure, sort and rate of airflows affect the size and morphorlogy of nanoparticles. The size of the particle changes within 50 nm-80 nm in Ar atmosphere, and 10 nm-20 nm in deoxidization atmosphere of H2.
Zhou Jianguo , Li Zhenquan , Zhao Fengying , Xia Shuping , Gao Shiyang
2005, 34(6):932-935.
Abstract:Monodispersed spherical Y2O3:Eu3+ nanocrystallines were successfully prepared by a novel gel-network coprecipitition process. The effect of reaction conditions on the resulting particles was investigated. XRD,TEM and fluoresce spectra were used to characterize the samples. The results show that the samples were spherical with a particle size of 13 nm-25 nm. Compared with micronscale Y2O3:Eu3+, a clear red shift occurs in the excitation spectrum of Y2O3:Eu3+ nanocrystalline prepared by the present work.
Jian Lina , Zhang Lingyun , Yu Rongli , Wang Huaming
2005, 34(6):936-939.
Abstract:A wear resistant Cr13Ni5Si2-based metal silicide coating was fabricated on a substrate of titanium alloy BT20 by laser cladding process of Cr-Ni-Si alloy powders. Wear resistance of the coating was evaluated under block-on-wheel dry sliding wear test conditions at room-temperature. Microstructure of the coating is consisted of Cr13Ni5Si2 primary dendrites and small amount of Cr13Ni5Si2/ Cr3Ni5Si2 eutectics. The laser-clad Cr13Ni5Si2-based coating exhibited an excellent wear resistance under dry sliding wear test conditions.
Gao Jianxia , Cui Chunxiang , Sun Jibin
2005, 34(6):940-942.
Abstract:Sm2(Fe,M)17 (M=Nb) alloy is prepared through HDDR (Hydrogen-Disproportionation-Desorption-Recombination) method. Influence of Nb element addition on the microstrcuture of Sm2Fe17 alloy was studied. The results show that the as-cast structure of Sm2(Fe,M)17(M=Nb) alloy can be improved effectively.
Ren Huijuan , Hong Guangyan , Song Xinyuan , Liu Guixia , Lu Jia
2005, 34(6):943-945.
2005, 34(6):946-949.
Abstract:Carbon/carbon composite has good mechanical properties and biocompatibility, but has no bioactivity. Titanium oxide film was deposited onto the carbon-carbon composite using ion beam enhanced deposition, then subjected to alkali treatment, heat treatment in vacuum, immersion in the simulated body fluid (SBF) and scratch test. It was found that a porous network of sodium titanate gel was formed after the titanium oxide film was alkali treated, and the gel layer could induce deposition of bioactive apatite layer in SBF. The porous gel layer became denser and the apatite deposition rate was decreased after heat treatment. The scratch test showed that the bonding strength of the alkali treated titanium oxide film was slightly increased after heat treatment, but bonding strength of the films was limited by the soft carbon/carbon composite substrate.
Peng Cheng , Cheng Xuan , Zhang Ying , Chen Ling , Fan Qingbai
2005, 34(6):950-953.
Abstract:Physico-chemical characterization of commercially available Pt/C catalysts before and after methanol oxidation experiments was carried out by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope and transmission electron microscopy. Meanwhile, the electrocatalytic performance of the glassy carbon electrode modified with the carbon supported Pt nanoparticles for the oxidation of methanol has been studied by means of electrochemical method. The experimental results showed that the Pt/C/GC electrode had high electrocatalytic activity for the electrocatalytic oxidation of methanol. The electrochemical reduction of the Pt oxide is inhibited owing to the strong binding of Pt to the support in the Pt/C catalyst. By means of SEM and cyclic voltammetric studies, it was shown that a surface structure-sensitive effect might exist during electrooxidation of methanol on Pt/C catalyst.
Liu Liufa , Lu Chen , Zhai Chunquan , Ding Wenjiang , Akio Hirose , Kojiro F. Kobayashi
2005, 34(6):954-958.
Abstract:通过实施不同的退火热处理工艺,调整合金中强化相的析出状态,制备具有不同退火状态的几组拉伸试样。对每组试样在未充氢和充氢后按相同的条件进行拉伸试验对该组试样的脆化作用。通过比较不同组试样的脆化表现通过比较未充氢试样和充氢后试样的强度和塑性,评价氢考察退火状态对Inconel 718氢脆倾向的影响。试验结果表明,随着退火程度的加强,强化相体积分数减少,氢引起的塑性损失下降,即抗氢脆性能改善。该结果说明,强化相γ″和γ′对Inconel 718合金的氢脆有促进作用。因此,根据不同工业应用要求,在符合强度要求的前提下,可以通过热处理改善零件的抗氢脆性能。
Wei Jie , Yang Hong , Yang Yuguang , Zhang Zhonglin
2005, 34(6):959-961.
Abstract:The SiW12 modified Pt electrode was prepared by a cyclic voltammetry scan in H2SO4 containing SiW12. During the preparation of modified electrode, we found a redox reaction of SiW12 in hydrogen area on the Pt electrode, but the adsorption increasing for the particles containing Oxygen in Oxygen area on the electrode surface. The electrochemical behaviour of this modified electrode in H2SO4 and its electrocatalytic effect to methanol oxidation were studied by cyclic voltammograms and I-t curves of constant voltage. The results show that the Pt electrode modified by Silicatungstic acid has not only the higher catalytic activity to methanol oxidation, but also the effect decreasing CO poison.
Ai Yunlong , Cheng Yugui , Yang Yanqing , Kang Mokuang , Liu Changhong ,
2005, 34(6):962-965.
Abstract:利用W,Mo,Si粉末燃烧合成复合发热元件原料,制备WSi2/MoSi2复合发热元件。通过显微结构和力学性能、物理性能的测试分析表明:复合发热元件显微组织细小、分布较均匀,结晶相主要是以固溶形式的(WxMoy)Si2以及少量(WxMoy)5Si3相存在(其中x y=1),玻璃相是以SiO2和Al2O3为主,并含有少量的Na,Mg,K,Ca等金属氧化物;断口晶粒细小,主要表现为沿晶断裂,抗弯强度和显微硬度较高;复合发热元件电阻率与MoSi2发热元件相近,没有老化现象:烧损温度高于MoSi2发热元件80℃,热膨胀系数低于MoSi2发热元件,热稳定性较好;复合发热元件表面膜是一种复合硅氧膜,成膜质量较好。
Li Zaiyuan , Zhai Yuchun , Tian Yanwen , Ma Jianghong
2005, 34(6):966-969.
Wang Yanyan , Li Shujie , Yan Liansheng
2005, 34(6):970-973.
Jiang Liqiang , Lin Min , Zheng Jingwu
2005, 34(6):974-977.
Abstract:Six kinds of cladding combination of nanometal with one or two layers were electrodeposited on the surface of NdFeB powders. The electrode potential of those powders were measured to be a mixed potential combined NdFeB and deposited metals. It was shown that the properties of magnetic powder were related to the property of deposited metals. The resistivity of magnets showed the mixed resistivity of NdFeB and deposited metals. It was found that the resistivity of the sample deposited by the nano-Zn/Ni film increased abnormally, and its (BH)m and Hc decreased in various degrees.
Wang Shaogang , Xu Jiuhua , Wang Lei , Jiang Chengyu
2005, 34(6):978-981.
Abstract:The feasibility of Al2O3p/6061Al composites materials brazing in resistance furnace protected by argon gas is investigated. Results show that the brazed joint with good quality can be got by using the reasonable brazing filler metal and proper brazing flux (HL401+QJ201) and the optimum brazing technological parameters. The mechanical properties of brazed joint, such as shearing strengthen and microhardness have been tested, and the microstructure analyses such as metallographic observation, XRD and SEM, have been done to discuss the mechanism of the brazed joint forming in theory, providing some information on how to get excellent brazed joint.
Yang Gang , Liu Ying , Gao Shengji , Wang Hongfeng , Tu Mingjing
2005, 34(6):982-985.
Zhang Song , Zhang Chunhua , Wang Qiang , Man Hauchung , Zhu Shenglong , Cai Qingkui
2005, 34(6):986-989.
Abstract:采用高功率连续波固体Nd:YAG激光辐照,在置于N2反应室中的NiTi形状记忆合金表面制备激光气体氮化层。实验表明:选择适当的激光辐照工艺参数,可获得致密的TIN增强金属基复合材料(MMC)梯度涂层,改性层的表面被厚度为1μm~2μm的TIN陶瓷层封闭,涂层内部TIN增强相呈梯度分布。扫描电镜(SEM)及能谱(EDX)分析结果表明,MMC改性层与基体NiTi合金间存在良好的冶金结合,界面处成分均匀过渡,表面Ni含量极低。显微硬度测试及磨损试验结果表明,激光气体氮化显著提高了NiTi合金的表面硬度和耐磨性。说明激光表面改性有效地改善了NiTi形状记忆合金作为生物医学材料使用的表面成分和性能,并将有效地抑制有害元素Ni^2 的释放。
Kang Zhanying , Chen Wenge , Ding Bingjun
2005, 34(6):990-993.
Abstract:Cu(NO3)2and (NH4)2Mo2O7 were used to fabricate Mo/Cu composite nanopowders by sol-gel technique. The influences of heat treatment process, solution pH value and the addition agent on the particle size were investigated by DTA-TG, XRD and TEM. The results show that under certain heat treatment temperature, the quantity of the addition agent influences the grain size of nanoparticle. When the quantity ratio of addition agent is 0.5, we can get fine nanoparticles with small grain size and homogeneous granularity. The particle sizes are varied under various solution acidities. When pH values change form 1 to 4, the particle sizes increase with the increase of pH value, the most suitable pH value is 1.
Duan Wenxin , Guo Conghui , Yang Zhimao , Ding Bingjun
2005, 34(6):998-1001.
Abstract:The discrimination between CuCr25 and CuCr50 alloys for the cathode spot craters with peak currents of 10 A and 80 A has been studied in this paper. The microstructure analysis showed that the CuCr alloys has an important effect on the discrimination, in which the size of Cr phase plays an main role in effecting the moving direction and distribution of cathode spot craters. It can well be explained why the chopping current of CuCr25 is less than CuCr50 by the direct measurements of chopping current and arc lifetime by oscillograph. All above useful conclusions will provide powerful supports on decreasing chopping current by minimizing the size of Cr phase for CuCr alloys.
Zhou Wei , Zhou Lian , Yu Zhentao
2005, 34(6):1002-1004.
2005, 34(6):1005-1008.
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