Zhang Jin , Zeng Dechang , Zhong Xichun , Liu Zhengyi , Liao Jia
2005, 34(7).
Liu Daoxin , Tang Bin , He Jiawen
2005, 34(7):1009-1012.
Abstract:Both CrN hard coatings and CuNiIn solid lubricating films were produced on the titanium alloy substrate by the ion beam enhanced deposition (IBED) technique. The electrochemical corrosion behavior and galvanic corrosion sensitivity of the IBED films and titanium alloy in NaCl solution were studied by using electrochemical measurement methods. The oxidation resistance of the IBED films was evaluated by the elevated temperature static oxidation method. The results show that both the electrochemical corrosion resistance and the oxidation resistance of IBEDD CuNiIn film are better than those of bulk copper. IBED CuNiIn film is contact compatible with titanium alloy substrate in Cl- solution. IBED CrN film has good corrosion resistance compared with the titanium alloy in both Cl- solution and HCl + HF mixed acid solution, it can directly contact with titanium alloy in Cl- solution. The oxidation resistance of CrN film is better than that of the titanium alloy substrate.
Yu Kun , Li Wenxian , Zhang Shijun
2005, 34(7):1013-1016.
Fang Wenbin , Zhang Wencong , Yu Zhenxing , Wang Erde
2005, 34(7):1017-1020.
Abstract:The absorption and desorption kinetics of the metal hydrogen storage materials are related with the grain sizes to some extent. By means of the absorption and desorption kinetics equations, the effects of the grain sizes of Mg-Ni-MnO2 hydrogen storage materials on their absorption and desorption kinetics are calculated. The results show that the reaction rates of absorption and desorption are greatly different among the Mg-Ni-MnO2 hydrogen storage materials with different particle sizes; the smaller the particle size is, the better the absorption and desorption kinetic. The experimental results of the absorption and desorption kinetics of the Mg-Ni-MnO2 materials prove the kinetic equations to be rational.
Zhang Hua , Lin Sanbao , Wu Lin , Feng Jicai
2005, 34(7):1021-1024.
Abstract:搅拌摩擦焊接显微组织的一个显著特征就是焊核(Weld Nugget)的形成。采用AZ31镁合金为母材,通过金相和透射电镜分析搅拌摩擦焊接焊核的形成机制及接头不同区域的显微组织特征,并建立AZ31镁合金搅拌摩擦焊接的组织演变模型。结果显示,紧靠轴肩生成厚度约为37gm~47gm细密组织层。机械热影响区存在部分动态再结晶和较明显的塑性变形晶粒。焊缝底部有一厚约100gm~130gm的粗大组织层。熔核区的组织比较细小,沿厚度方向晶粒大小不均匀。同时提出一个焊核晶粒细化的简易模型,分析认为焊接过程中热过程和热机械搅拌作用对FSW接头组织的形成起决定性作用。
Wang Yongxin , Chen Zheng , Xu Lei , Liu Bing
2005, 34(7):1025-1028.
Abstract:以2090 Ce合金为研究对象,对不同时效时间的室温拉伸断口进行了半定量分析,探讨了拉伸性能对断裂特征的响应关系,重点分析合金分层裂纹的形成过程。研究表明:2090 Ce合金的断裂方式以韧窝、分层开裂和沿亚晶界开裂3种为主,随时效时间的延长,韧窝、分层开裂逐渐减少,沿亚晶界开裂比例逐渐加大:分层开裂程度与时效程度有密切关系:分层开裂过程与试样内部受力状态、晶界状态有密切关系。分层最先发生在试样中心,随后在二分之一、四分之一……处反复发生,最终将试样分割成一系列平行的薄板。时效后期由于亚晶界的弱化,使裂纹倾向沿亚晶界扩展,从而抑制分层开裂的发生,同时导致合金强度,尤其是塑性的下降。
Wang Hui , Ren Zhongming , Xu Kuangdi , Huang Hui , Wang Qiuliang , Yan Luguang
2005, 34(7):1033-1035.
Abstract:The solidification behaviors of nonferromagnetic Al3Ni precipitated phase in Al-8%Ni alloy with a high magnetic field applied have been studied experimentally. It is found that the magnetic field induces the crystals of Al3Ni phase to orient with their c-axes parallel to the field and the long axes of the crystals are perpendicular to their c-axes. There are several Al3Ni congregation planes parallel with each other, which are perpendicular to the field, that is, regular Al3Ni laminated alignment structure is formed in the alloy. In the planes, there are several big Al3Ni congregations, in the inner part of which there are aligned Al3Ni crystals.
Yin Dengfeng , Yu Zhiming , Tao Ying , Yi Danqing
2005, 34(7):1036-1038.
Li Hongxia , Tian Baohong , Lin Yangming , Li Shikai , Liu Ping
2005, 34(7):1039-1042.
Fu Hanguang , Xing Jiandong , Li Yanxiang
2005, 34(7):1043-1046.
Yu Xuebin , Wu Zhu , Xia Baojia
2005, 34(7):1047-1050.
Abstract:The effect of rapid quenching on phase structure and hydrogen storage performance of Ti-28V-15Mn-10Cr alloy is investigated. X-ray diffraction (XRD) results show that two phases of BCC and C14 Laves of the as-cast alloy are transformed into a single BCC phase after rapid quenching treatment. The lattice parameters of the alloy increase with increasing of quenching rate. It results in a flatter hydrogen absorption-desorption plateau and a lower hydrogen absorption-desorption plateau pressure. With increasing quenching rate,the activation of Ti-28V-15Mn-10Cr alloy becomes worse.
2005, 34(7):1051-1054.
Wang Zhen , Ni Jiansen , Xu Hui , Zhou Bangxin , Hou Xueling , Chen Gang , Yang Xiaoling
2005, 34(7):1055-1057.
Abstract:采用熔体快淬及晶化热处理工艺制备Nd10Fe75Co5Zr3Cr0.5B6 5纳米晶合金.快淬薄片(17m·s-1)在710℃,4 min晶化处理后,晶粒尺寸为50 nm~60 nm.该快淬薄片经710℃,4min晶化处理后制成的粘结磁体的磁性能为Br=0.67 T,JHc=707 kA·m-1和(BH)max=74 kJ·m-3.
Hou Xueling , Kong Junfeng , Jin Hongming , Li Zengfeng , Pang Wei , Shi Yongjin , Luo Jianjun , Tan Ping , Zhang Hanliang
2005, 34(7):1058-1060.
Sun Jibing , Cui Chunxiang , Wu Ruiguo , Wang Ru , Zhang Ying , Liang Zhimei
2005, 34(7):1061-1064.
Zhong Xichun , Liu Zhengyi , Zeng Dechang , Zhang Jin , Wei Xingzhao
2005, 34(7):1065-1068.
Abstract:A series of Er2-xPrxFe17 alloys were prepared by the arc melting under the purified argon atmosphere. By means of X-ray diffraction pattern and SQUID magnetometer, the structure and magnetic entropy changes in Er2-xPrxFe17 alloys were investigated. The results show that the crystal structure is Th2Ni17-type hexagonal for Er2-xPrxFe17 alloys; the Curie temperature of Er2-xPrxFe17 alloys can be shifted to the room temperature around by a small adjustment of composition. Magnetic entropy changes (-?SM) near Curie temperature are relatively large in a comparatively wide temperature range for Er2-xPrxFe17 alloys. Er2-xPrxFe17 alloys are provided with great potential in application for the room-temperature magnetic refrigeration
2005, 34(7):1069-1072.
Shi Liwei , Li Yuguo , Wang Qiang , Xue Chengshan , Zhuang Huizhao
2005, 34(7):1073-1076.
Wang Yinling , Li Meicheng , Zhao Liancheng
2005, 34(7):1077-1080.
Abstract:Thin VOx films were prepared by magnetron sputtering onto p-Si(100) substrates. X-ray diffraction (XRD), atomic force microscope(AFM) and four-point probe method were employed to study the influence of the preparation parameters on the phase composition and resistance-temperature characteristic of VOx. The thermal stability of the films was also investigated. The results show that VOx films prepared by this method have relatively high temperature coefficient of resistance (TCR) and perfect thermal stability. They are promising to be used as thermal sensor materials in the microbolometer.
Tong Hongyang , Wang Yaqiong , Xu Wenlin
2005, 34(7):1081-1084.
Song Xiaolan , Qiu Guanzhou , Qu Peng , Yang Zhenhua
2005, 34(7):1085-1088.
Abstract:以Ce(NO3)3·6HzO为铈源,(NH4)2CO3·H2O为沉淀剂,并加入一定量表面活性剂PEG4000,采用液相沉淀法制备前驱体Ce2(CO3)3·H2O,前驱体经热处理合成纳米CeO2.根据XRD线宽法研究了纳米CeO2热处理过程的晶粒生长动力学,结果表明随焙烧温度升高,CeO2晶粒尺寸显著增大;300℃下焙烧时间对CeO2晶粒尺寸影响不明显,700℃下CeO2晶粒随焙烧时间延长而长大,且焙烧初期粒径增长较快,超过180 min后增长速率变慢;700℃时CeO2晶粒生长指数为5,即符合5次方动力学方程,晶粒生长速率常数为1.986 5×104 nm5/min;由于纳米尺寸效应,使得CeO2晶粒生长活化能在低温区和高温区不同,低于400℃时为25.64 kJ/mol,高于400℃时为87.64 kJ/mol;认为热处理过程CeO2的晶粒生长为扩散生长机制.
Xu Haiping , Sun Yanping , Wang Junwen , Zhan Hongquan , Chen Xinmou
2005, 34(7):1089-1093.
Fan Caimei , Xue Peng , Ding Guangyue , Sun Yanping
2005, 34(7):1094-1097.
Abstract:The compound nanoparticle of TiO2 doped with rare earth ions Y3+ was prepared under the optimum condition of preparing nanoparticle TiO2 with sol-gel processing. TiO2 and doped TiO2 were both characterized by XRD, TEM and DRS. The experiments of photocatalytic degradation phenol was used to investigate the activity of Y3+/TiO2 and its effect on the reaction process. The XRD results show that TiO2 and doped TiO2 are the mixture of anatase and rutile, and the ratio of anatase to rutile was 3:1; doping can retard the development of grain size of TiO2 and decrease the diameter of TiO2 to about 10nm. DRS are used to investigate the ability of absorbing light and the shift of spectrums of TiO2 and doped TiO2. The results show doping makes the light absorption increase and the spectrums of 1.5Y3+/TiO2 and 3.0Y3+/TiO2 both show red shift. The results of experiment of photocatalytic degradation of phenol show that the optimum doping content is wt(Y3+)=1.5%, and the photocatalytic degradation ratio of phenol increases by about 20% compared with the undoped TiO2.
2005, 34(7):1098-1101.
Abstract:在25℃~100℃的温度范围内,测定了PdY8.5Ru0.19合金吸放氢、氘的P-C-T曲线.与纯钯相比,合金的P-C-T曲线坪区变窄,坪压降低,有显著的同位素效应,但迟滞效应较小.合金吸放氢氘的P-C-T曲线可拟合成p=A(er/B-1)形式.吸氘热焓为-13.9 kJ/mol·D2,熵变为-9.4 J/mol K·D2.进行了25℃下合金吸氢、氘速率的测量,合金吸氢、氘速率常数分别为KH=2.39×10-4 mol·s-1,KD=1.16×10-4 mol·s-1.而且合金的氢化过程用渐进转化模型描述.
Wang Meiling , Hui Xidong , Kou Hongchao , Chen Guoliang
2005, 34(7):1102-1105.
Abstract:Zr-based metallic-glass matrix composites, which were reinforced by continuous tungsten fibers, were prepared by melinfiltration casting. The interface reaction and diffusion were analyzed by using X-Ray diffraction, SEM and EPMA. The influence of Nbcontent of the matrix alloy on the interface reaction and diffusion was also investigated. The results illustrate that for the Zr55Al10Ni5Cu3matrix composites an interface eutectoid reaction between W fiber and Zr in the liquid phase takes place and a W5Zr3 phase is formed athe interface. The interface moves to the direction of the liquid phase. For the matrix alloy containing Nb, the addition of Nb in the liquidcauses a significant change of interface reaction. Nb in the liquid phase exhibits a preferential adsorption at the surface of the W fiber, thusreduces the adsorption of Zr atom in the liquid phase at the surface of the W fiber. The activity of absorbed Zr at interface is decreasedand depresses the interface eutectoid reaction between W fiber and liquid. In this case the interface is a simple diffusion layer only. At thesame time the diffusion coefficient of Zr in the W is decreased by Nb addition and the interface moves to the direction of W fiber.
Lv Hong , Kang Zhijun , Zhang Xiaoyong , Chu Jianxin , Wang Linshan
2005, 34(7):1106-1108.
Abstract:To study SiC and other material joining, the wettability of Cu-Al-Si-Ti brazing alloys on silicon carbide was investigated by sessile drop method. It was found that the Ti content and the wetting temperature affected greatly the contact angle. The interface of brazing alloys/silicon carbide was observed and analysed by SEM and XRD. The result indicated that the interface consisted of two layers, e.g. one of them was a thin interface layer with TiC, the other was a thick interface transition layer with Cu-more content and Ti-less content. The diffusion of element Cu determines the property of transition layer. This kind of brazing alloy is a good candidate for the high temperature brazing silicon carbide.
2005, 34(7):1109-1113.
Bai Bin , Xiao Yunfeng , Lang Dingmu , Liu Qinghe
2005, 34(7):1114-1118.
Abstract:The feasibility of reduced-friction coating against U-Nb alloy made by plasma spray technique was investigated. Sn soft coating, Sn/ ZrO2 dual coating, Sn and ZrO2 mixing coating and ZrO2 hard coating were prepared by plasma spray technique. The sliding friction behavior of these coatings against U-Nb alloy was evaluated. The friction characteristic of Sn coating is similar to Sn/ ZrO2 dual coating and its friction coefficient is the lowest among the four coatings. Friction coefficient of ZrO2 coating, into which Sn was added, is decreased little, while friction coefficient of ZrO2 hard coating is stabilized at high value with the increase of sliding number of cycles. ZrO2 coating by plasma spray technique plays no role in reducing friction against U-Nb alloy. Plough is the main friction mechanism of these coatings.
He Shiwen , OuYang Hongwu , Liu Yong , Tang Huiping , Huang Yuanping
2005, 34(7):1119-1122.
Guo Shibo , Qu Xuanhui , Duan Bohua , Qin Mingli , Zhang Yang
2005, 34(7):1123-1127.
Abstract:研究了在1260℃烧结时,烧结时间对Ti-6Al-4V烧结坯力学性能的影响.结果表明平均晶粒尺寸为45 μm的氢化-脱氢粉末样品在1 260C烧结3 h~6 h,其相对密度为95.6%~96.7%、拉伸强度648 MPa~686 MPa、屈服强度526 MPa~615 MPa,但延伸率仅小于4%.90%气雾化(晶粒尺寸为32.5 μm)和10%氢化-脱氢混合粉末样品在1 260℃烧结2 h~6 h,其相对密度大于95%、拉伸强度800 MPa~848 MPa、屈服强度712 MPa~762 MPa、延伸率7.4%~9.5%.混合粉末样品的力学性能几乎达到美国ASTM粉末冶金的标准.
Liu Yuan , Li Yanxiang , Zhang Huawei , Wan Jiang
2005, 34(7):1128-1130.
Xi Yulin , Chai Donglang , Zhang Wenxing , Xi Shengqi , Zhou Jingen
2005, 34(7):1131-1134.
Abstract:Specimens of MB15 magnesium alloy reinforced with SiC whiskers (SiCw/MB15) were fabricated using powder metallurgy route (PM). The influence of SiCw on the 150oC aging behavior of MB15 alloy was investigated by microhardness-testing, and SEM, TEM and tensile tests studied the influence of powder-mixing methods on the distribution of SiCw and the mechanical properties of SiCw/MB15. The results reveal that the double peaks exist in the age-hardening curves of both the unreinforced and the reinforced MB15 alloy, and the addition of SiCw can accelerate the age-hardening process of MB15 alloy apart from increasing its micro- hardness, moreover, the mechanical properties of SiCw/MB15 composite are significantly influenced by powder-mixing methods of PM.
Ma Yunzhu , Huang Baiyun , Fan Jinglian , Xiong Xiang , Wang Denglong
2005, 34(7):1135-1138.
Zhang Zhongwu , Chen Guoliang , Chen Guang , Zhou Jingen
2005, 34(7):1139-1143.
Abstract:80.7W-13.2Ni-6.1Fe(atom percent)tungsten heavy alloys were prepared by mechanical alloying (MA). The volume fraction of the remanent crystalline W in the as-milled materials and the W atom percent in amorphous phase were measured using a method similar to the internal standard method and the route of amorphization. The mechanism of the amorphous phase forming in the process of milling was analyzed. The results show that the crystalline size of tungsten reaches 11 nm~20 nm after milling for 60 h. Ni dissolves in crystalline W and then amorphization of W supersaturated solid solution occurs after milling for 20 h. Forming of the supersaturated solid solution is attributed to dissolving of the small particles with large stored energy into W continuously and the critical size of the Ni particles which can dissolve in the W is 3nm calculated based on the stored energy model. During milling, the volume fraction of the remanent crystalling W is decreased, and the W contents in the amorphous phase remain content, approximately 63W-37Ni(Fe), due to the Fe contamination dissolving into W continuously.
Li Jian , Li Qingkui , Wen Junjie , Zhong Haiyun
2005, 34(7):1144-1146.
2005, 34(7):1147-1150.
Song Peng , Hu Jifan , Qin Hongwei , An Kang , Zhang Ling
2005, 34(7):1151-1153.
2005, 34(7):1154-1157.
2005, 34(7):1158-1161.
Abstract:Various processes of the Mo/Si thin films deposited on Si (001) substrates by RF magnetron sputtering technique were carefully investigated and the MoSi2 thin film with the single tetragonal phase and low resistivity was successfully prepared. X-ray diffraction, scanning electrical microscopy, atomic force microscope and Four-probe resistance meter were used to determine their structures, surface morphologies and electrical properties. Results show that the electrical property of the Mo/Si films depends strongly upon their microstructure and the phase composition. The as-deposited film mainly belongs to amorphous. After annealing at the high temperature. The great change of the film crystallization structure takes place, and its phase composition varies with the as-deposited processes. The effect of the crystallization enhances obviously, and the square resistance of the film drops greatly.
XueChengshan SunZhencui WeiQinqin CaoWentian ZhuangHuizhao
2005, 34(7):1162-1165.
Abstract:Hexagonal GaN micro-ribbons were synthesized through nitriding Ga2O3 films under flowing ammonia. Ga2O3 films were deposited on the Ga-diffused Si (111) substrates by radio frequency (r.f.) magnetron sputtering. X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), selected area electron diffraction (SAED); X-ray photo electronic spectrometer (XPS) and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy were used to characterize the structure, surface morphology, composition and optical property of the synthesized samples. SEM images show that GaN micro-ribbons with 100-300rim in diameter are randomly distributed on the uniform films. XRD, XPS and SAED analysis suggest the micro-ribbons are polycrystalline GaN with hexagonal structure and preferentially grow in the [001] direction. The PL spectrum has a remarkable blue shift compared with the reported values of bulk GaN, which might be ascribed to quantum confinement effects.
Ma Jin , Yu Xuhu , Ji Feng , Wang Yuheng , Zhang Xijian , Cheng Chuanfu , Ma Honglei
2005, 34(7):1166-1168.
Liu Jiaxiang , Gan Yong , Piao Shengjie
2005, 34(7):1169-1172.
Xu Shiqing , , Ma Hongping , Zhang Zaixuan , Shen Weimin , Jiang Zhonghong
2005, 34(7):1173-1176.
Abstract:制备了一种新的Er^3 /Tm^3 /Yb^3 共掺氧卤碲酸盐玻璃。研究了基质玻璃的热稳定性能、Raman光谱和上转换发光。发现:氧卤碲酸盐玻璃具有好的热稳定性能和低的声子能量,在980nmLD激发下,可同时观察到明显的蓝色(476nm)、绿色(530nm和545nm)和红色(656nm)上转换发光。上转换蓝光(476nm)是由于Tm^3 离子1^G4→3^3H6跃迁,上转换的绿光(530nm和545nm)是由于Er^3 离子2^H11/2→4^I15/2和4^S3/2→4^I15/2跃迁,上转换红光(656nm)是由于Er^3 离子4^F9/2→4I15/2跃迁。
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