Zeng Weidong , Zhou Yigang , Zhou Jun , Yu Hanqing , Zhang Xuemin , Xu Bin
2006, 35(5):673-677.
Abstract:Processing map is an effective tool for the optimization of materials workability, product property control and defect avoidance. Processing map is constructed by the superimposition of power dissipation efficiency and the instability maps, and can be divided into a safe domain and an unsafe domain. The developments of the Raj map and the processing map based on Dynamic Material Model (DMM) were reviewed in this paper. The DMM theory was introduced first, and then a comparison of different instability criteria were made to help to achieve a better control of microstructure during processing. Different deformation mechanisms, including dynamic recrystalli- zation, superplastic deformation, wedge cracking, formation of adiabatic shear bands and globulazation of lamella alpha were explained by the processing map based on DMM.
Xiao Shulong , Chen Yuyong , Zhu Hongyan , Tian Jing , Wu Baochang
2006, 35(5):678-681.
Abstract:In this paper the development and study status of precision casting for the large-thin wall-complex titanium alloys casts are introduced in the aspects of melting, precision casting and defect detecting. The correlated casting technologies and numerical simulation processing are presented. Development trend of the large-thin wall complex titanium alloy castings by precision casting is described.
Chen Lixin , Liu Jian , Wang Xinhua , Zheng Fangping , Dai Fabang , Chen Changpin
2006, 35(5):682-685.
Yan Yigang , Chen Yungui , Liang Hao , Liang Jie , Wu Chaoling
2006, 35(5):686-689.
Abstract:The hydrogen storage properties of V-Ti-Cr-Fe alloys with compositions of V(30 at%)-Ti(15 at%~55 at%)-Cr(7 at%~43 at%)- Fe(2 at%~18 at%) were studied in this paper. It is found that the hydrogen absorption capacities and the effective hydrogen capacities of the alloys are largely dependent on the Ti/(Cr+Fe) ratio. The alloy shows the largest effective hydrogen capacity at a Ti/(Cr+Fe) ratio of 1.0. With the increase of Ti/(Cr+Fe) ratio (0.9~1.05), the lattice parameters of the alloys and the enthalpy of hydrides grow, and the hydrogen desorbing plateau pressure declines. The alloy of V30Ti35Cr25Fe10 with 10at% Fe exhibits a hydrogen capacity of 3.6wt% and an effective hydrogen capacity of 2.0wt% at 298 K.
Huang Weigang , Tu Mingjing , Chen Jiming
2006, 35(5):695-697.
Chen Xiaowen , Jiang Jianping , Chen Hong , Bai Xinde , Xue Xiangyi
2006, 35(5):698-702.
Abstract:利用MEVVA源对Zr-4合金分别进行1×1016 ions/cm2至1×1017ions/cm2剂量的铈离子与铌离子注入,比较了Ce/Nb离子注入对Zr-4合金氧化行为的影响.结果表明,铈离子注入可以较大程度地提高Zr-4合金的抗氧化性能,而铌离子注入则在一定程度上使Zr-4合金的氧化性能下降.GAXRD分析显示,铈离子注入促进了氧化锆由单斜相向六方相的转变,但铌离子注入却对氧化锆相的转变没有影响.并探讨了Ce/Nb离子注入影响Zr-4合金氧化行为的机理.
2006, 35(5):703-706.
Abstract:Low cyclic fatigue behavior of Ti-1023 titanium alloy has been investigated under a fully reversed total strain-controlled mode. The strain-life and cyclic stress-strain data were analyzed to determine the individual strain fatigue parameters. It is found that the Ti-1023 alloy exhibited an initial slight cyclic hardening, followed by stable cycle at a total strain amplitude of 0.6%-0.8%, then cyclic softening at a total strain amplitude of above 0.8% to 3.0%. It is considered that the cyclic stress response behavior of Ti-1023 alloy depends on the total strain amplitude.
Ge Peng , Zhao Yongqing , Zhou Lian
2006, 35(5):707-710.
Liu Lirong , Jin Tao , Zhao Nairen , Wang Zhihui , Sun Xiaofeng , Guan Hengrong , Hu Zhuangqi
2006, 35(5):711-714.
Zhang Guangye , Zhang Hua , Wang Zhensheng , Guo Jianting , Zhou Lanzhang
2006, 35(5):719-723.
Peng Delin , Sun Jianfei , Shen Jun , Chen Yuyong
2006, 35(5):724-727.
Abstract:Zr41.2Ti13.8Ni10Cu12.5Be22.5 bulk amorphous alloy was prepared by arc-melting and rapid casting into a copper mould. Hydrogen charging was performed electrochemically in glycerine-phosphoric acid electrolyte. The effects of hydrogen on the crystallization process of Zr-Ti-Cu-Ni-Be bulk amorphous alloy were studied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), Kissinger equation and high-resolution transmission electron microscope (HRTEM). It is shown that hydrogen increases the activation energy of the glass transition and crystallization, and retards the nucleation and crystal growth. Moreover, hydrogen charging contributes to the formation of isolated crystals, resulting in the precipitation of fine and uniformly distributed nanocrystallines.
Dong Wei , Hui Xidong , Wang Meiling , Liu Xiongjun , Chen Guoliang
2006, 35(5):728-731.
Sun Yufeng , Liu Xiaofang , Wang Yuren , Wei Bingchen
2006, 35(5):732-735.
Abstract:The Ag-Ge alloy melts with deeply undercooled hypoeutectic, eutectic and hypereutectic were obtained via glass fluxing technique. The nucleation of the deeply undercooled alloy melts were triggered by atoms cluster sputtering on the surface of the melts. The atoms clusters were generated by an ion beam bombarding on the Cu foil fixed above the alloy melts. The resultant microstructure reveals that the induced atom clusters exert great influence on the microstructural evolution of the highly undercooled eutectic and hypereutectic Ag-Ge alloys, but no obvious influence on the highly undercooled hypoeutectic alloy. The microstructural evolution and formation mechanism were analyzed and discussed.
Zhang Changzai , Li Guodong , Yun Yuehou
2006, 35(5):736-739.
Ye Jinwen , Liu Ying , Zhu Guoli , Gao Shengji , Tu Mingjin
2006, 35(5):746-748.
Hou Xueling , Zhou Bangxin , Xu Hui , Ni Jiansen , Kong Junfeng , Zhang Shaojie
2006, 35(5):749-751.
Xu Chunjie , Zhang Zhongming , Guo Xuefeng , Feng Juanni , Liu Li , Jia Shuzhuo
2006, 35(5):752-756.
Wu Shigang , Shao Jianda , Yi Kui , Zhao Yuanan , Fan Zhengxiu
2006, 35(5):757-760.
Abstract:By analysis of impurity elements in HfO2 coating material, the influence of main impurity elements on the characteristic of coatings were studied. The results indicate that the metal elements and absorptive dielectric elements damage the HfO2 coatings. The more the Zr element content is, source center and form an the more the absorption is for the coatings in ultraviolet wave. The negative ion element will become the gas ejection in the process of evaporation of coating material, so decrease the damage threshold of the coatings.
2006, 35(5):761-765.
Abstract:Based on residual strength interference model and life interference model, a sensitivity analysis method on reliability was proposed for the fatigue crack growth life of powder metallurgy materials. The characteristics were considered on the multiple inclusions in the powder metallurgy materials, especially on the sensitivity analysis method. The relationship of sensitivity for the system failure probability was firstly constructed between multiple failure modes and single failure mode. The advanced method of first order and second moment was employed to calculate the partial derivatives of the system failure probability for the distribution parameters of the process variables and some basic variables. Then by use of regression analysis and numerical property of process variables, the sensitivities of parameters were derived for the process variables and basic variables. Finally, the sensitivities of system failure probability to the distribution parameters of the total basic variables were obtained. Then the proposed reliability sensitivity model was applied to a powder metallurgy turbine disk. The reliability sensitivity results show that the system failure probability of the turbine disk is significantly influenced by the crack growth coefficient c1 of Paris law at a given condition, and the essential relationship is clarified between the model and the distribution parameters. It is proved that the model might supply guidance to the design of powder metallurgy turbine disks. The calculated results were consistent each other with the residual strength interference model and the life interference model, and showed the feasibility of the proposed analysis method from the good agreement between the quantity calculation and the quality analysis.
Zhang Junwen , Liu Yingliang , Zhang Jingxian , Yuan Dingsheng , Rong Jianhua , Huang Langhuan
2006, 35(5):766-769.
2006, 35(5):770-773.
Abstract:In the present work, the low-load uniaxial and biaxial tensile testers were employed to carry out the uniaxial and biaxial tensions systemically for porous metal bodies at different uniaxial and biaxial tensile rates. The uniaxial tensile failure mechanism is analyzed, and the results show that the macroscopical failure behavior of the foam metals with open cells differ from either the transverse rupture by maximum tensile stress criterion, or the plastic flow failure by maximum shearing stress criterion, but behaves a complicated failure mode between these two criterions. In addition, the percentage elongation after fracture results mainly from the plastic deflexion of metallic struts within the three-dimensional reticulated structure, hardly from the plastic deformation of the metallic body under uniaxial tension. From the fracture morphologies under biaxial tension, it is found that the distribution of the stress field in the cruciform specimens of the foamed metal under biaxial equal-speed tension is similar to that under biaxial unequal-speed tension, and the maximum stress line of the stress field presents the four-fold symmetric curved-side tetragon.
2006, 35(5):774-778.
Abstract:In this paper, 3 types of surface modes and 2 types of center modes and their practical applications were proposed and analyzed for the thermal stress analysis during quenching for no phase transformation alloy. And the 2D and 3D boundary and comer models without corner effect and their practical applications during quenching were also established and analyzed. The dynamic film effect, the phenomenon of dynamic wave of fathom line vs temperature, temperature gradient, thermal stresses and shape of plastic deformation zone were proposed. Also the thermal stress distribution, important to the technology, was analyzed with/without consideration of dynamic film effect. The relationship between the dynamic film effect and the comer effect during quenching was also analyzed.
Wang Hang , Ding Xingdong , Xiao Lin , Sun Jun
2006, 35(5):783-786.
2006, 35(5):791-794.
Abstract:Ti-Al intermetallic composile with Al2O3 fiber interpenetration was fabricated in situ in slight-oxidizing atmosphere by the heat-treatment of the prefabricated pieces consisted of Ti, Al and other trace metallic elements. The final phases composition and mierostrueture were analyzed by XRD and SEM. The principle of the synthesis process and the influertce of the processing parameters on the mierostructure development were investigated in order to study whether the Al2O3 fiber would exist and what kind of matrix phases would be formed easily according to the molar ratio of components and the processing parameters.
2006, 35(5):795-797.
Xu Guangliang , Liu Wenbin , Xiao Dingquan
2006, 35(5):798-801.
Lin Genwen , Zhou Guozhi , Li Qian , Cheng Xiaoying , Zuo Zhong
2006, 35(5):802-805.
Abstract:The dehydriding kinetics for MgH2 material synthesized by catalytic method under atmospheric pressure has been studied experimentally. A new kinetic model has been used to describe the curve tendency of the reacted fraction vs. time, to calculate the apparent activation energy of dehydriding reaction and to explain why this catalytic synthesis method can get a good kinetic result.
2006, 35(5):806-809.
Sun Mingtao , Sun Juncai , Ji Shijun
2006, 35(5):810-813.
Zhou Xiaolong , Chen Jingchao , Cao Jianchun , Du Yan , Zhang Kunhua , Gan Guoyou , Yah Xinli
2006, 35(5):814-816.
Abstract:Silver copper oxide composites were prepared by reactive synthesis and powder metallurgy methods, Microstructures and properties of silver copper oxide composites by the two methods were studied in the present paper. The results show that silver copper oxide fabricated by reactive synthesis possess unique ringed microstructure that brings its good mechanical and alternating current contact properties. It means that reactive synthesis method can obtain better mechanic properties than powder metallurgy method in fabrication silver copper oxide composites. The service life of Ag/CuO material with reactive synthesis was twice as long as it with powder metallurgy under AC (220 V) and DC (24 V).
Li Shudong , Yuan Ying , Zhao Kang
2006, 35(5):817-819.
Xia Mingxiang , Wang Chuanbin , Gong Yansheng , Shen Qiang , Zhang Lianmeng
2006, 35(5):820-823.
Abstract:利用脉冲激光沉积(PLD)技术,在Si(100)衬底上制得了导电氧化铱(IrO2)薄膜.讨论了沉积参数(O2分压、衬底温度)对IrO2薄膜的结构、表面形貌和导电性的影响.结果表明20 Pa为最佳O2分压、400℃~500℃为适宜的沉积温度,此条件下制得的IrO2薄膜结晶完整,组织均匀、形状一致,排列致密,其最低电阻率约为42μΩ·cm.
Chang Gengrong , Guo Yan , Ma Shengli , Xu Kewei
2006, 35(5):824-827.
Ren Chengjun , Zhong Benghe , Chen Guoqiang
2006, 35(5):828-831.
Abstract:TiO2 thin films pre-coated with CuO can induce the formation of their rutile type structure. The pre-coating process was completed through the deposit of TiO2 sol-gel onto a glass substrate smeared with a layer of Cu(CH3COO)2 solution. The photocatalysis activity of the TiO2 thin films obtained was improved significantly. When a Cu(CH3COO)2 solution of 1(wt)% was used in the so-called pre-coated process, the activity of formed thin films reached their maximum, 53% higher than the untreated TiO2 thin films. Experimental results reveal that the greater the deformation of TiO2 lattice and the more the rutile type structure in the thin films, the higher the photocatalysis activity the thin films possess. SEM shows that the particle size of TiO2 films pre-coated with CuO is finer than that of the original films. XPS analysis demonstrates the Ti3+ content in the TiO2 thin films increases also when pre-coated with CuO.
2006, 35(5):832-835.
Abstract:Highly preferred orientation TiB2 coatings were obtained by electrochemical techniques of continuous current plating (CCP) and pulse current plating (PCP) in fluoride-chloride electrolytes (KF-KCl) containing K2TiF6 and KBF4 as the electrochemically-active components. The effects of cathode current density on the crystal size, preferred orientation, micro stresses and lattice constants were studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD). The results indicate that the crystal size gets smaller with the increase of the cathode current density due to the increase of the nucleation rate at the over-potential. Compared with the CCP, the crystal size of TiB2 coatings prepared by PIC is finer because PIC can weaken the concentration polarization and increase the nucleation rate by increasing the ion concentration of diffusion layer. The preferred orientation of TiB2 coatings prepared above is (001) plane at the experimental conditions, which can be well explained by the two-dimension crystal nuclei theory. The lattice constant of TiB2 coatings deviates from the theoretical value due to the stress in coatings. Besides, it is confirmed that the binding between TiB2 coatings and graphite substrates is the physical binding from the results of thermodynamic predictions, XRD and EDS (Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrum). The existence of some cracks at the interface may be attributed to the difference between the thermal expansion coefficients of TiB2 and graphite.
Yang Haibo , Liang Hui , Huang Jicheng , Liu Ping
2006, 35(5):836-840.
Abstract:以从废旧锂离子电池中回收的钴锂为原料,Na2CO3为沉淀剂,聚乙二醇为分散剂,用共沉淀法制备了LiCoO2粉体.用DSC-TG对前躯体进行了差热分析.结果表明在煅烧过程中有3次明显的失重,650℃以后失重曲线趋于平直.用XRD对LiCoO2进行了晶相分析,在750℃制备的LiCoO2晶格常数为a=2.810 13×10-10m,c=14.034 6×10-10m,c/a=4.994 29,接近于标准LiCoO2的晶格常数.用BET分析了LiCoO2的粉体比表面积,其值为18.55 m2/g,并通过SEM观察到平均颗粒半径为70 nm左右,属于纳米级粉体.首次充电容量达146 mA/hg,放电容量达142 mAh/g,10次循环后仍保持96%的放电比容量.
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