2007, 36(1).
Zeng Weidong , Zhou YigangI , Shu Ying , Zhao Yongqing , Yang Jin , Zhang Xuemin
2007, 36(1):1-6.
Sun Ronglu , Niu Wei , Wang Chengyang
2007, 36(1):7-10.
Ma Qiulin , Zhang Li , Xu Hong , Wang Zhiwen
2007, 36(1):11-14.
2007, 36(1):23-27.
Abstract:To understand the characteristics of extruded, forged and annealed tantalum(Ta), the chemical composition, hardness and microstructure of Ta in each working process are measured. Mechanical performance of Ta after each working process was studied. The thermomechanical responses of forged and annealed Ta were investigated at different temperatures and different strain rates, using Instron servohydraulic testing machine and the split Hopkinson compression bar. Results show: (1) elements O and C in as-extruded Ta were 30% higher than those in Ta powder, but element of N was 50% lower than that of powder; (2) as-extruded Ta was forged and annealed at 1523 K for 2 h, complete recrystalization occured. Grain number and hardness of Ta disk changed from center to edge; (3) the mechanical performance in certer of the Ta disk showed remarkably anisotropy, this phenomenon appeared slightly at edge of the disk. Finally, Based on mechanism of thermal activation glide of dislocation, and physical concept of plastic deformation, a constitutive modeling was deduced to predict palstic flow stress of Ta. Modeling results were compared with the results of Johnson-Cook modeling and experimental results. The results show that the present dynamic constitutive modeling can make a satisified predication to the plastic flow seress.
Xie Feng , Li Yunkai , Li Shukui , Wang Fuchi
2007, 36(1):28-31.
Abstract:In order to increase the density of W-Ni-Mn alloy, some alloying elements were added into W-Ni-Mn alloy for improving sintering characteristics. SEM and EDS were used to study the microstructure of sintered W-Ni-Mn alloy. The results show that MnO can be deoxidized by aluminum and silicon, to purify the binder phase;Zn and Sn can reduce the sintering temperature. The two approaches improve the density of W-Ni-Mn alloy.
Mo Zunli , Liu Yanzhi , Chen Hong , Li Hejun , Sun Yaling
2007, 36(1):32-36.
Abstract:以SmCl3为原料,硼氢化钠为还原剂,低代(2.0G3.0G,4.0G)PAMAM树形分子为模板兼稳定剂、制备出纳米颗粒。实验发现,其他条件相同时,树形分子代数越高,所起的模板作用越显著,即Sm/4.0GPAMAM的复合纳米颗粒粒度均匀,分散度好。应用Virtual Materiale(VM)软件对Sm/PAMAM纳米颗粒进行分子动力学模拟。从分子结构和能量变化角度研究了正则(恒定的NVT)系中复合体系的稳定性及其机理。分子动力学模拟结果显示:4.0GPAMAM更适合于作为模板剂和稳定剂,表明动力学模拟结论与实验结果一致。
Shi Shengfeng , Lin Jun , Zhou Bing , Wang Xiaoxiang
2007, 36(1):37-41.
Yang Jinxia , Zheng Qi , Sun Xiaofeng , Zhang Chengzhong , Guan Hengrong , Hu Zhuangqi
2007, 36(1):42-45.
Wang Chuntao , Tian Sugui , Wang Minggang , Yu Xingfu , Zhang Luting
2007, 36(1):46-49.
Lin Huimin , Feng Keqin , Yang Yi , Bai Chenguang , Wang Wenjuan , Wang Hongliang
2007, 36(1):50-53.
Yan Bo , Liang Difei , Han Mangui , Deng Longjiang
2007, 36(1):54-58.
Abstract:The static magnetic characteristics and microstructures of FeCuNbSiB fibres fabricated by the melt spun process, have been studied in this paper. The electromagnetic parameters (relative complex permittivity and permeability) of the composite have been also investigated using fibres heat treated at 673 K for 1 h in X band (8.2 GHz~12.4 GHz). In the range of 2 GHz~4 GHz, the effect of the content of the randomly oriented fibres in the composites (fibres + spherical magnetic particles + epoxy) on the electromagnetic parameters has been studied. The results show that the electromagnetic parameters can be improved effectively with an appropriate content of FeCuNbSiB fibres.
Wang Liguo , Zhang Baofeng , Guan Shaokang , Qi Xinhua , Geng Jiayuan
2007, 36(1):59-62.
Su Yafeng , Yang Zhimao , Ding Bingjun
2007, 36(1):68-70.
Abstract:By using a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), the tracks of cathode spots on the surface of nanocrystalline Cu cathode produced after the first discharge with peak current of 10 A was investigated. It is found that the movement of cathode spots is sub-directed rather than random. The reason is explained in comparison with conventional Cu. It is suggested that sub-directed walking of cathode spots on the surface of nanocrystalline Cu is beneficial to the diffusion of cathode spots which is responsible for cathode erosion.
Meng Qingge , Li Jianguo , Tan Ning
2007, 36(1):71-74.
Abstract:利用电化学极化曲线和阻抗图谱(EIS)技术研究了Pr60Fe30Al10块体非晶及其晶化后合金在不同pH值的3.5%(质量分数,下同)NaCl溶液中的腐蚀行为。结果发现,随着pH值的增大2种合金的耐蚀性都增强。即在开路电位Ecorr下,腐蚀电流icorr减小,Ecorr向贵金属方向变化,极化电阻Rp及相应的阻抗图谱等效电阻R'p增大;当pH值一定时,非晶合金和晶化后台金相比,非晶合金的阳极极化曲线出现了宽的钝化区,EIS Nyquist图谱呈现出更大的容抗弧幅值,从而表现出强的耐蚀性。由极化曲线和交流阻抗技术所得到的极化电阻及腐蚀电流具有很好的一致性。
2007, 36(1):75-77.
Abstract:Amorphous nickel hydroxide powder was prepared successfully by the method of micro emulsion deepfreeze deposition. Using tiny electrode of sample powder as researching electrode, Pt as assistant electrode and Hg-HgO as referenced electrode, we tested the polarization curve of amorphous Ni(OH)2 powder and calculated j0 and jd. The resalt showed that the number of electron exchange on charging and discharging was 1.35 according to our approximate calculation, and its theoretical discharge capacity was 393.26 mAh/g, so it has high electrochemical capacity.
Cheng Honghui , Chen Demin , Yang Ke
2007, 36(1):78-81.
Abstract:Through analysis of the hydriding/dehydriding process of hydrogen storage material, an apparatus for measuring hydrogen storage properties was designed and set up. This apparatus can be employed to measure the curves of the hydriding/dehydriding dynamics, the PCT curves and the cycle life for hydrogen storage material. The hydriding/dehydriding properties of LaNis was acquired by this apparatus. The result indicates that this design principle of apparatus is reasonable; LaNi5 has excellent hydriding kinetics properties however, the cycle life is rather bad because of quite fast capacity decrease after 60 ab-/desorption cycles.
Song Jiangfeng , Luo Deli , Xiong Yifu , Huang Guoqiang
2007, 36(1):82-85.
Sun Yi , Diao Xungang , Yang Meng , Wu Zhe , Shu Yuanjie
2007, 36(1):86-90.
Duan Yuanyuan , Jia Jun , Zhang Shaofeng , Yao Yueling , Wang Zhongyi
2007, 36(1):91-95.
Du Jihong , Xi Zhengping , Li Qingyu , Li Zhengxian , Tang Yong
2007, 36(1):96-99.
Tan Chengwen , Sun Hongchan , Yu Xiaodong , Li Shukui , Wang Fuchi , Cai Hongnian
2007, 36(1):100-103.
Abstract:High pure tungsten (W, 99.99%) were prepared by chemical vapor deposition (CVD), then high pure tungsten and polycrystalline tungsten prepared by powder metallurgy (PM) process were impacted using Split Hopkinson Bar (SHB) over a narrow range of strain rates, 1000 s-1~2000 s-1. The deformation mechanisms were analyzed by optical microscope (OM). The results show that the main deformation mechanisms of the polycrystalline tungsten prepared by Powder Metallurgy Process are slip and grain-boundary slide, while those of high pure tungsten are slip, twinning deformation and grain-boundary slide. The interaction between the neighbouring twinnings may induce two kinds of intergranular cracks, which is the key reason of the high pure tungsten em-brittleness. The adiabatic shear band (ASB) is not found for the high pure tungsten under the strain rate in this paper e.g. lower than 103 s-1, so the plastic deformation ability of the high pure tungsten can not be improved as that of tungsten heavy alloy (WHA).
Yan Qingsong , Liu Wenqing , Lei Ming , Li Qiang , Yao Meiyi , Zhou Bangxin
2007, 36(1):104-107.
ZhangYanghuan , Li Baowei , Cai Ying , Dong Xiaoping , Ren Jiangyuan , Wang Xinlin
2007, 36(1):108-112.
Abstract:La-Mg-Ni system (PuNi3-type) La0.7Mg0.3Ni2.55-xCo0.45Cux (x=0, 0.2, 0.4) hydrogen storage electrode alloys were prepared by casting and melt spinning process. The microstructure and electrochemical performances of the as-cast and melten spun alloys were analyzed and measured. The effects of substituting Ni with Cu and melt spinning on microstructures and electrochemical performances of the as-cast and melten spun alloys were investigated in detail. The obtained results show that the as-cast and melten spun alloys are composed of the (La, Mg)Ni3 phase and the LaNi5 phase as well as the LaNi2 phase. The melt spinning have an inappreciable influence on the phase compositions of the alloys, but leads to the homogeneity of the diffraction peaks of the alloys. The results obtained by the electrochemical measurement indicate that the substitution decreased the discharge capacities of the as-cast and melt spun alloys, whereas improved the cycle stability and discharge voltage characteristic of the as-cast and melten spun alloys. The melt spinning significantly improved the cycle stability of the alloys, but it notably decreased the discharge capacity of the alloys.
Li Shouying , Li Quanan , Li Kejie
2007, 36(1):113-116.
Abstract:Different-rate rapid quenching was used in the preparation of low-Co AB5 hydrogen storage alloys in order to improve its electrochemical properties. The results show that proper quenching not only increased discharge capacity greatly but also can improved cycle stability and discharge voltage property. Adopting 18 m/s rapid quenching, the alloy can get better electrochemical properties. Mierostructure and phase structure of as-cast and quenched alloys were observed by XRD and SEM. The rapid quenching effects on the electrochemical properties of low-Co hydrogen storage alloy are discussed.
Cao Liyun , Huang Jianfeng , Wu Jianpeng , Zhang Guoyun , He Haiyan , Deng fei , Ma Xiaobo
2007, 36(1):117-120.
Wei Zhiqiang , Xia Tiandong , Ma Jun , Zhang Cairong , Feng Wangjun , Yah Pengxun
2007, 36(1):121-125.
Abstract:Based on thermodynamics and kinetics theory, a theoretical model to illuminate the process for preparing metal nanopowders by anodic arc discharging plasma method was set up, and the origin of plasma, metallic evaporation, the mechanism of particle nucleation and growth were investigated. The influences of various technology parameters on the properties of nanopowders by Anodic Arc Plasma were also discussed. In addition, the samples prepared by this method were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and the corresponding electron diffraction (ED) to determine the crystal structure, morphology, particle size and particle size distribution. The experimental results show that the crystal structure of the nanopowder sample is the same as the bulk material, being fcc structure, with an average size about 16 nm, distribution ranging from 10 nm to 40 nm. The technology parameters (such as the power supply, the pressure of gas, the arc current intensity, water-cooling condition, etc.) have great effect on the particle nucleation and growth, the particle size can be effectively controlled by varying the technological parameters.
Wang Jinyin , Yue Erhong , Yu Gang , Xiao Yaokun , Chen Zongzhang
2007, 36(1):126-129.
Hong Chunfu , Dai Pinqiang , Ke Xuebiao
2007, 36(1):130-133.
Abstract:Nanocrystalline nickel and micro-grained nickel was prepared by pulse electrodeposition, and the corrosion behavior of electrolytic nickel, coarsed-grained nickel and nanocrystalline nickel in 3.5%NaCl solution and 10%HCl solution was studied by soak method and electrochemical polarization method, respectively. Three nickel samples all exhibited well corrosion resistance in 3.5%NaCl solution, however, nanocrystalline nickel was easier to be corroded due to the increase of fraction of interface volum. In 10%HCl solution they also showed good corrosion resistance, the nanocrystalline Ni presented the weakest corrosion resistance among the three nickel samples.
Wan Zhaohui , Tang Haolin , Pan Mu , Mu Shichun , Yuan Runzhang
2007, 36(1):134-137.
Xiong Yifu , Jing Wenyong , Zhang Yitao
2007, 36(1):138-140.
Abstract:The Mg-Ni alloy was prepared by mechanical alloying. XRD and TEM analysis were used to indentify the microstructure and the phase of the Mg-Ni composite during the milling process, the thermodynamic properties of nanocrystalline Mg-Ni alloy were measured The results show that the alloy powder can be prepared by mechanical alloying on the condition that the milling technological parameters were strictly controled, The particle sizes of the powder were between 10 nm and 20 nm. At P-C isotherms there existed good plateau curves with long-width plateau.The nanocrystalline Mg-Ni alloy had a hystersis effect during hydrogen absorption/desorption and the effect decreased with the increase of temperature. The nanocrystalline Mg-Ni alloy has satisfied properties of hydrogen storage and a promising value of engineering application.
Xu Jian , Xiong Weihao , Zeng Aixiang
2007, 36(1):141-144.
2007, 36(1):145-148.
Abstract:GdPO4:Eu3+ nanoparticles were prepared by precipitation method under different conditions with different pH, EDTA-2 Na and different annealing temperatures. The structure, morphology and luminescence characterization of GdPO4:Eu3+ nanoparticles were studied by XRD,SEM and luminescence spectrum. The results of XRD and SEM indicated that all of samples consisted of pure phase GdPO4:Eu3+, the size, and growth of crystal interface were related to synthesis conditions. The results of emission spectra and excitation spectra showed that the relative intensities of emission peaks increased with increasing of pH and annealing temperature, and the emission and excitation intensities of sample prepared with EDTA was lowered due to residual organic groups on the surface. The doping concentration of nanoparticles is about 8x%.
Zhuang Dagao , Zhao Xinbing , Xie Jian , Cao Gaoshao , Tu Jian , Tu Jiangping
2007, 36(1):149-152.
Li Tao , Lin Xin , Chert Guang , Huang Weidong
2007, 36(1):153-156.
Abstract:Using self-made semi-solid mechanical stirring process system, the solidification behavior of Pb-15wt% Sn alloy semi-solid slurry with solid fraction beyond 0.6 was investigated under stirring condition. A detailed microstructural analysis of the solid phase was carried out. The results show that the solid-liquid separation is obvious in the samples with the solid fraction beyond 0.6 and the solid phase is dispersed quasi-globular particles. Based on these results, a kind of single-crystal powders coated with Pb-Sn eutectic was made by continuous stirring and cooling under the semi-solid state and a new method for preparing metal powder is developed. The analysis and discussion indicate that this approach can reduce the content of oxide and impurity in the powder.
Wang Shangjun , Ling Guoping , Meng Liang
2007, 36(1):157-161.
Abstract:The influence of sintering process on the density of nano-AgSnO2 composite was investigated using AgSnO2 powder prepared by electroless plating, adopting air sintering, hot pressing and vacuum sintering. The results show that density changed with compacting pressure, sintering temperature and sintering time when sintered in air, while the final density was close after repressing and resintering. For hot pressing, a density with higher than 96% could be achieved in a short time, but serious expansion and blistering ocurred. Vacuum sintering could help to wipe off adsorbates, but some residual still remained in the compact, and the expansion occurred during resintering. Low pressure compaction and step isothermal sintering could remove most of the adsorbates, and a high density of 94% was obtained after resintering. The large amount of absorbates on nano-AgSnO2 powder surface which led gases closed in the compact during sintering were found to be the main causes that affected densification process .
Tian Jianjun , Zhang Shengen , Qu Xuanhui , Tao Siwu , Feng Peizhong
2007, 36(1):162-165.
Cao Haitao , Hu Rui , Kou Hongchao , Ma Li , Ma Xiaoyong , Gao Enzhi , Zhou Lian
2007, 36(1):166-169.
Abstract:An YBCO sample with high critical current density or single crystal stracture, can be obtained by the directional solidification method. In the present paper the morphology and chemical composition at the growth front of YB CO crystal have been investigate in order to it make clear the stopped growth mechanism of YBCO crystal growth during melt growth moment of the directional solidification. It is found that YBCO crystal will cease growing when yttrium and barium are depleted and copper becomes rich element in the liquid phase at the YBCO crystal growth front. For maintaining the continuous growth of YBCO, the composition of Y, Ba and Cu in raw sample has to be adjusted so as to make yttrium and barium enrichments in the liquid phase at the YBCO crystal growth front during the melt growth process.
Fang Canfeng , Zhang Xingguo , Ji Shouhua , Hao Hai , Jin Junze
2007, 36(1):170-173.
Abstract:The microstructure and the corrosion property of AZ61 magnesium alloy stirred by permanent magnet (PM) were investigated. Based on the principle of electromagnetic field and magnetohydrodynamics, the force field of liquid metal in a PM field was analyzed. As a result, liquid metal in a PM experiences radial and tangential forces that are cyclically variational both in direction and magnitude. This phenomenon, namely electromagnetic vibration, influences matrix microstructure, subsequently affects corrosion property of the matrix.
Feng Jing , Chen Jingchao , Xiao Bing , Zhou Xiaolong , Yu Jie
2007, 36(1):174-177.
Zheng Haizhong , Lu Shiqiang , Xiao Xuan , Li Xin , Wang Kelu , Dong Xianjuan
2007, 36(1):178-183.
Abstract:The research progress on the brittleness of the Laves NbCr2 compounds at ambient temperature is sumarrized. The embrittlement mechanism and several methods of improving toughness of NbCr2 are mainly introduced, such as grain refinement, alloying and soft phase toughening. Finally, the existing problems in these researches are put forward and the future research fields are suggested.
Wu Yufeng , Du Wenbo , Nie Zuoreng , Cao Linfeng , Zuo Tieyong
2007, 36(1):184-188.
Abstract:The latest research status with respect to microstructures, properties and interface behavior of different particulate reinforced magnesium (PRM) matrix composites was reviewed. Based on the problems included in the study of PRM matrix composites, four research orientations in the future are suggested in the present paper, including the development of effective methods to control the interface behavior between reinforced particulates and matrices, the preparation methods of low cost to in-situ fabricate PRM matrix composites, the combination of different processing technologies, and the study of computer simulation technologies for strengthening and failure mechanisms of PRM.
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