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    • Progress of Study on Additive Effect of High-Temperature Oxide YBCO Superconductors

      2007, 36(4):565-568.

      Abstract (1223) HTML (156) PDF 0.00 Byte (1) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The recent developments of additive effect of high-temperature oxide YBCO superconductors were reviewed. The critical current density and transition temperature were improved by chemical addition. The additive can improve the mechanical property and affect precursory powder thermal behavior of YBCO. The research of additive effect can improve applied properties of YBCO .and supply more informations for exploring mechanism of superconductors.

    • Valence Electron Structure and Properties of HfC1-xNx Solid Solutions

      2007, 36(4):569-572.

      Abstract (1504) HTML (142) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To forecast the properties of the HfC1-xNx solid solutions, their valence electron structures were analyzed and compared with those of the HfC and HfN matrix on the base of the empirical electron theory (EET) of solids and molecules. The results showed that, when the HfC and HfN dissolved each other, the step numbers of two nonmetallic atoms (C and N) were invariable, and the step number of Hf element increased form B11 to B16. With the x value increasing, the covalent electron amount and the bond energy on the strongest bond and the melting point, all dropped gradually, while the percentage of total covalent bond number increased, indicating that the hardness, bond energy, melting point and toughness decreased, and the strength increased.

    • Multi-Phase Field Simulation of Isothermal Free Binary Eutectic Growth

      2007, 36(4):573-577.

      Abstract (1291) HTML (132) PDF 0.00 Byte (2) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The multi-phase field model of Nestler is used to simulate the free growth of isothermal binary eutectic and to study the growth mechanisms under different initial nucleation conditions, including the given quantity and morphology of nucleus and the stochastic nucleation. The variety of Avrami exponent calculated through the relationship between solid volume fraction and transition time demonstrates that there are three possible eutectic growth mechanisms, i.e. the diffusion limited growth, the lamellar growth and the spinodal decomposition growth. And the process of free eutectic growth is the transition process of the three growth mechanisms from one to another.

    • Plastic Deformation of Bulk Metallic Glass Zr55Al10NisCu30 during Nanoindentation

      2007, 36(4):578-582.

      Abstract (1225) HTML (142) PDF 0.00 Byte (2) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Plastic deformation of bulk metallic glass (BMG) Zr55Al10Ni5Cu30 was investigated by nanoindentation experiments at room temperature. The characters of plastic deformation were studied by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The results indicate that the discrete shear bands are formed around the indent and the local free volume is increased in the bulk metallic glass by deformation. The mechanism governing the plastic deformation was discussed in terms of the free volume mode.

    • Effects of Incident Angle on Microstructure of Ni Thin Film Deposited by PVD

      2007, 36(4):583-586.

      Abstract (1952) HTML (160) PDF 0.00 Byte (8) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:采用动态蒙特卡罗(kinetic Monte Carlo,简称KMC)方法研究物理气相沉积(physical vapor deposition,简称PVD)制备Ni薄膜过程中入射角度对薄膜微观结构的影响。该KMC模型中既包括入射原子与表面之间的碰撞,又包括被吸附原子的扩散。模拟中用动量机制确定被吸附原子在表面上的初始构型,用分子稳态(molecular statics,简称MS)计算方法计算扩散模型中跃迁原子的激活能。对于模拟结果,采用表面粗糙度和堆积密度作为沉积构型评价指标。研究结果表明:当沉积速率是5μm/min,基板温度是300K和500K时,表面粗糙度和堆积密度曲线在入射角度等于35°时出现拐点;入射角度小于35°时,入射角度增大对表面粗糙度增加和堆积密度减小的影响很少;但是入射角度大于35°时,随入射角度增大表面粗糙度迅速增加、堆积密度迅速减小。另外,当基板温度是300K时,入射角度对薄膜微观结构的影响程度大于基板温度为500K时的影响程度。说明高基板温度促使原子更加充分地扩散,从而能削弱自阴影效应的作用。但是,在保证足够高基板温度和合理沉积速率的情况下,入射角度过大同样不利于致密结构形成。

    • GaAs/AlAs DBR Optimized Growth by GSMBE and Its Characterization

      2007, 36(4):587-591.

      Abstract (1276) HTML (149) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:采用气态源分子束外延(GSMBE)技术优化生长了GaAs/AlAs分布布拉格反射镜(DBR)材料,并用X射线衍射(XRD)及反射光谱对其生长质量进行了表征。结果表明,采用5S间断生长的GaAs/AlAs DBR材料质量和界面质量优于无间断生长,并且10对GaAs/AlAs DBR的质量优于30对,说明DBR对数越多,周期厚度波动越大,材料质量越差。优化生长得到的30对GaAs/AlAsDBR的反射率大于99%,中心波长为1316nm,与理论设计结构的模拟结果基本一致,可用作1.3μm垂直腔面发射激光器(VVSEL)直接键合的反射腔镜。

    • Hot Deformation Characteristics of Ti-22Al-25Nb Alloy Using Processing Maps

      2007, 36(4):592-596.

      Abstract (1141) HTML (131) PDF 0.00 Byte (2) Comment (0) Favorites


    • The Study of Deformation and Damage Mechanism of Aluminum Alloy (6063) under Different Stress States

      2007, 36(4):597-601.

      Abstract (1410) HTML (131) PDF 0.00 Byte (1) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Microstructural Analysis of SiCp/Al Composites

      2007, 36(4):602-606.

      Abstract (1091) HTML (145) PDF 0.00 Byte (4) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Influence of Trace Zr on Quench Sensitivity of 7055 Type Aluminum Alloy

      2007, 36(4):607-611.

      Abstract (1541) HTML (147) PDF 0.00 Byte (3) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The influence of trace Zr on the quench sensitivity of 7055 type aluminum alloy was investigated by ambient tensile testing, optical microscopy(OM), scanning electron microscopy(SEM) and transmission electron microscopy(TEM). The results showed that the addition of trace Zr increased the quench sensitivity for the strength of alloy, but decreased the quench sensitivity for elongation, especially when the Zr amount was not less than 0.1%. The recrystallization occurred in the Zr-containing alloy not only increased the amount of random high angle grain boundaries, but made Al3Zr dispersoids losing the coherency with the matrix. As a result, the nucleation sites increased for heterogeneous precipitation during slow quenching, and the quench sensitivity of strength increased. The reasons for the decreased quench sensitivity of elongation were mainly due to the inhibition of recrystallization and the grain refining effect by Zr adding.

    • Research on Microstructures of Deposited TC21 Titanium Alloy by Laser Rapid Forming

      2007, 36(4):612-616.

      Abstract (1438) HTML (134) PDF 0.00 Byte (3) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Effect of Thermosolutal Convection on Microstructure of Directionally Solidified Al-Al2Cu Hypereutectic Alloy

      2007, 36(4):617-620.

      Abstract (1176) HTML (160) PDF 0.00 Byte (1) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Microstructure Evolution of Laser Cladding with Feeding Powder for Co-Based Alloy in Addition with WC in Reheating and Cooling Process

      2007, 36(4):621-624.

      Abstract (1299) HTML (133) PDF 0.00 Byte (1) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Electrochemical Behavior of TAMZ Alloy in Artificial Saliva Solution

      2007, 36(4):625-628.

      Abstract (1335) HTML (150) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Investigation of the Tarnish Film on the Surface of Commemoration Silver Coin

      2007, 36(4):629-632.

      Abstract (1615) HTML (149) PDF 0.00 Byte (1) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In natural environment, tarnish was observed on the surface of a commemoration silver coin of China. In order to identify the nature of the tarnishing film, optical microscope(OM), scanning electron microscope(SEM), electron microprobe analyses(EMPA), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS), and X-ray diffraction(XRD) were applied to examine the tarnishing areas. It was found that the tarnishing position is uniformly moderate brown and several dark brown spots are randomly distributed. Groups of corrosion holes are distributed over the forging stress zones formed in the struck process. As result of surface analyses using EMPA, sulfur and oxygen were detected besides silver with uniformity of sulfur. Furthermore, distributions of silver and oxygen were in correspondence with the morphology of dark brown spots. XPS and XRD showed that components of spots are Ag2S, Ag2O and Ag2SO3, with a predominance of the first one. It could be estimated that the tarnish of silver is a series of electrochemical process that requires the presence of sulfur and oxygen.

    • Dynamic Mechanics Properties and Microstructure of Fine-Grain Tungsten Heavy Alloy

      2007, 36(4):633-635.

      Abstract (1162) HTML (145) PDF 0.00 Byte (1) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Surface Modification of Iridium Oxide pH Electrode

      2007, 36(4):636-639.

      Abstract (1487) HTML (143) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The ion selective film of Nafion was used to modify the iridium oxide electrode, and it is found that the coated ion selective film on the electrode improves the resistance to the interference of oxidative/reductive negative ions. SEM was used to observe the pore size distribution on the surface and cross-section of the coated selective film on the electrode for the purpose of optimizing the preparation process of the film. Cyclic voltammetry experiment was carried out to study the electrochemical behavior of the Nafion-coated electrode. The ion selective mechanism is suggested based on the calculation of positive/negative ion transport coefficient, i. e. t+ and t-, using the method of film potential measurement.

    • Effect of La0.5Sr0.5CoO3 Coating on the Conductivity and Microstructure of Fe-13Cr Alloy

      2007, 36(4):640-643.

      Abstract (1086) HTML (110) PDF 0.00 Byte (12) Comment (0) Favorites


    • CMR Effect and the Photo-Induced Properties in La0.52Te0.18MnO3 Thin Film

      2007, 36(4):644-647.

      Abstract (1825) HTML (131) PDF 0.00 Byte (12) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Using pulsed laser deposition method, the La0.82Te0.18MnO3 thin film was prepared on LaAlO3 (012) single crystal substrate. The structure of the film studied by X-ray diffractometry shows that the film has perovskite pseudocubic structure, and is of preferential orientation (012). The R-T curves show the metal-insulator transition (MIT) and CMR effect. And the TMI are 283 K and 303 K for 0 T and 0.7 T, respectively, and they are both near room temperature. The maximum MR is 30.6% at 0.7 T. Correspondingly, the peak temperature at the maximum MR is 263 K. This shows that the films display CMR effect in the mental region. Moreover, the magnetoresistance ratio at the room temperature (303 K) is 4.8% at 0.7 T. The results show that the data satisfy R=P1+P2T2+P3T4.5 for TTMI, it is satisfied with small polaron model. The effect of the continuous wave laser (532 nm, 40 mW) on the film was also investigated. Below TMI, the resistance increased under photo inducing. Above TMI there was a decrease of the resistance. The maximum photoinduced resistance change is 33.6%. This is attributed to the change of the magnetic order in the film because of photoinducing, which might reduce the double exchange, and change electronic transport.

    • Microstructure and Growth Mechanism of Diamond Film Prepared by DC-Plasma CVD

      2007, 36(4):648-651.

      Abstract (1303) HTML (132) PDF 0.00 Byte (2) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Diamond film wafers were prepared by high power DC-plasma jet CVD method. The microstrures and the orientation of grain growth for the diamond film were studied by XRD, OM. SEM and Raman spectroscop. The results showed that grains grew in random orientation. Atom hydrogen etching benefited the nucleation and growth of crystal embryo. Methane concentration has important influence on the preferentially orientated growth of the grains. Upon a low methane concentration, (111) facet of the diamond film grew in preferential orientation, and an octahedron crystal was formed. Finally the optical diamond film with uniform center and edge, high quality was prepared. Adopting high power DC-plasma jet CVD method, the speed of growth of diamond was lower. Meantime, the vacancies and vacancy clusters were also found.

    • Self-Propagating Combustion Preheating and Explosive Consolidation of Mo/Cu Functionally Gradient Material

      2007, 36(4):652-655.

      Abstract (1286) HTML (166) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:设计并采用自蔓延燃烧预热,水介质缓冲双向爆炸固结的方式制备了Mo/Cu功能梯度材料(FGM),观测了Mo/Cu FGM的显微组织并分析了固结过程。对各层的密度、硬度、电导率等进行了测量和分析。发现随着Cu含量的增多,材料的密度平缓递减但相对密度逐渐增大,硬度降低,电导率升高。相对密度从Mo层的94.2%到Cu层的98.4%,试样整体的相对密度达95.5%。Mo/CuFGM第1层与第2层间的剪切强度为214.8MPa;Mo/CuFGM第3层,第4层的热导率分别为204.76W·m^-1·K^-1和249.71W·m^-1·K^-1。

    • Comparisions of Microstructures of Spray Deposited and Cast 7A60 Alloy

      2007, 36(4):656-659.

      Abstract (1294) HTML (143) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:7A60 alloys were prepared by spray deposition and casting techniques. The microstructures of the spray deposited and cast 7A60 alloys were studied using scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and X-ray diffraction. The results indicate that the cast 7A60 alloy exhibits coarse grains and macrosegregation. The microstructure of the spray-deposited Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy is composed of the refined, equiaxial grains without obvious segration. Compared with the traditional technique, the spray deposition technique increased cooling rate greatly, refine the microstructure of 7A60 alloy obviously.

    • Effects of Minor Contents of Sc and Zr on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu Alloy

      2007, 36(4):665-670.

      Abstract (1159) HTML (125) PDF 0.00 Byte (1) Comment (0) Favorites


    • An Investigation of Properties and Microstructures of Mg-Al-Cu Sand-Cast Magnesium Alloys

      2007, 36(4):671-675.

      Abstract (1681) HTML (154) PDF 0.00 Byte (2) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Preparation and Controlling Factors of Electrode Material of Amorphous Nanometer Ni(OH)_2

      2007, 36(4):676-679.

      Abstract (1426) HTML (137) PDF 0.00 Byte (18) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Study of MMO Coating Titanium Anode for Cathodic Protection in Reinforced Concrete Structure

      2007, 36(4):680-684.

      Abstract (1457) HTML (148) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:IrTa-X mixed metal oxide (MMO) coating titanium anode was prepared by thermal decomposition process. The electrochemical performance of Ti anode was investigated by means of polarization curves. The surface morphology of the coating was observed by SEM. The relationship between the anode lifetime and coating thickness and the anode current density was studied. The results indicate that the Ti anode has the superior electrochemical performance and the longer lifetime. So the MMO anode will be the promissing auxiliary anode of impressed current cathodic protection for reinforced concrete structure.

    • Solid Oxygen-Permeation & Diffusion-Solution Treatment of Titanium Alloy at High Temperature

      2007, 36(4):685-689.

      Abstract (1418) HTML (141) PDF 0.00 Byte (16) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to improve the wear resistance of titanium alloys, a process of oxygen-permeation & diffusion-solution (OP-DS) was developed, by which no oxide film was formed on the surface. The titanium alloy of TC11 was studied by TGA, SEM, XRD, XPS and micro-hardness tester at high temperature. The results indicate that the hardening depth and the hardness of surface layer can be remarkably enhanced, and the surface oxide film is decreased by the OP-DS process. The pre-OP treating time exhibited significant effect on the following DS treatment, even a hardened layer without oxide scale could be produced by proper combination of OP and DS. The OP-DS process was also discussed in terms of thermal diffusion mechanism.

    • Effect of Microstructure on Hot Corrosion of Ni-Cr Alloys

      2007, 36(4):695-699.

      Abstract (1316) HTML (125) PDF 0.00 Byte (2) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Structure and Forming Process of the Ti/Al Diffusion Bonding Joints

      2007, 36(4):700-704.

      Abstract (1370) HTML (155) PDF 0.00 Byte (12) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Structure and forming process of the Ti/Al diffusion bonding joints were studied by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffractometry (XRD) and shear strength measurement. The TA2 and L4 were used as bonding couples. The results showed that the forming process of joints included four stages. The primary and unique phase was TiAl3 from the diffusion reaction for long time. There was a delay time tD before TiAl3 appeared, mainly affected by temperature. The joint strength depended on the metallurgical combination percentage and interface structure of diffusion zone, reaching or even exceeding the strength of L4 when the TiAl3 formed like sheet and layer. The shearing fracture of joints occurred on the interface of Al and diffusion zone or in the Al-based metal.

    • Research on Vacuum Electromagnetic Casting of Superalloy Master Ingot

      2007, 36(4):705-708.

      Abstract (1346) HTML (84) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to improve the inner quality of superalloy master ingots, a technology of vacuum electromagnetic casting (V-EMC) was developed for the superalloy, i.e., applying electromagnetic stirring to the solidification process of vacuum casting. The effect of electromagnetic stirring on the inner quality of superalloy master ingots was studied with EPMA and optical microscope. The results show that the equiaxial crystals of superalloy master ingot can be effectively refined and increased, and the central shrinkage porosity and the dendritic segregation are greatly reduced, so the inner quality is obviously improved for the superalloy master ingots when electromagnetic stirring at a frequency of 50 Hz and a current of 60 A.

    • Research on Preparation of Spherical Nanosized Silvery Powder

      2007, 36(4):709-712.

      Abstract (1547) HTML (148) PDF 0.00 Byte (2) Comment (0) Favorites


    • A New Approach to Synthesize Core-Shell Nanosized Ni/Al Composite Powder

      2007, 36(4):713-716.

      Abstract (1133) HTML (150) PDF 0.00 Byte (1) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Neural Network Prediction of Transformation Efficiency of DyFe2 Alloy Prepared by Reduction-Diffusion Process

      2007, 36(4):721-723.

      Abstract (1221) HTML (140) PDF 0.00 Byte (4) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on the main experiment parameters of DyFe2 alloy preparation by reduction-diffusion process: reaction temperature, holding time, added quantity of Ca and particle size of Fe, the BP neural network was established and used to predicate the transformation efficiency of DyFe2 alloy. The neural network was simulated by 44 groups of experimental data and was tested. It has been proved that the neural network has good performance to predict the transformation efficiency of DyFe2 alloy. This design of neural network is able to shorten the time of experiment, reduce the experiment cost, and optimize the preparation processes.

    • Effect of Surfactants on Dispersing Properties in Alcohol Solvent for Silver Nanopowders

      2007, 36(4):724-727.

      Abstract (1632) HTML (127) PDF 0.00 Byte (8) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:On the basis of Zeta value measurement of the silver nanopowders prepared by DC arc plasma evaporation, the influences of supersonic dispersing time and surfactant concentration on the dispersing properties in alcohol solvent were studied systematically for the silver nanopowders by using polyvinylpirrolidone (PVP), cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB), sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) and oleic acid as surfactants. The results show that the suspension dispersion effects increased up to a maximum, then decreased with the increasing of ultrasonic dispersing time, similar to the increase of surfactant concentration. PVP is the best dispersant for the four kinds of surfactant using in the experiments, the optimum dispersing condition is PVP of 1.5wt% for the ultrasonic dispersing time of 40 min.

    • The Preparation of Graphite-FeNi Core-Shell Structural Composite Microspheres

      2007, 36(4):728-731.

      Abstract (1277) HTML (171) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Influence of Minor Re on Properties and Microstructure of 93W-4.9Ni-2.1Fe Alloys

      2007, 36(4):732-735.

      Abstract (1519) HTML (143) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Investigation on Electrochemical Properties of Pure La and Ml Mg-Based Hydrogen-Storage Electrode Alloys

      2007, 36(4):736-739.

      Abstract (1564) HTML (140) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Rare-earth Mg-based hydrogen storage electrode alloys of LaMg2Ni9-xCox(x=0.3~6.0) and MlMg2Ni9-xCox(x=0.3~4.5) with different stoichiometric ratios were prepared by coprecipitation-reduction-diffusion method. Electrochemical analyses showed that the alloys prepared by this method can be easily activated; with x increasing, no obvious change for the activity numbers, and the discharge capacity decreased and the cyclic stability of alloy electrodes was effectively improved. Their activity numbers were larger than La-alloys, the discharge capacity decreased and the cyclic stability of mix-alloys was better than La-alloys. Structure analyses showed that the main phases of alloys were MgNi2 and LaNi5, the amount of LaCo5 phase and LaCo3 phase increased with Co content increasing.

    • The Preparation and Research of Al2O3/Ag Cermet

      2007, 36(4):740-743.

      Abstract (1160) HTML (151) PDF 0.00 Byte (2) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Substance Transfer Phenomenon in the Process of High-Energy Shot Peening

      2007, 36(4):744-746.

      Abstract (1198) HTML (134) PDF 0.00 Byte (1) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Preparation of Nd2Fe14B/a-Fe Nanocomposite Permanent Bulk Magnets by Field-Activated Sintering Process

      2007, 36(4):747-749.

      Abstract (1629) HTML (165) PDF 0.00 Byte (22) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The permanent bulk magnets of Nd10.5Dy0.5Fe76.9Nb1Co5B6.1 were prepared by the process of field-activated sintering in this paper. The microstructure was discussed by XRD, SEM and so on. The results show that the optimal magnetic properties of Nd10.5Dy0.5Fe76.9Nb1Co5B6.1 (Br=0.6498 T, Hcj=714 kA/m, (BH)max=63 kJ/m3) magnets have been obtained while treated at 823 K for 300 s by field-activated sintering. The compressive strength increases as the increase of sintering temperature.

    • Study on the Low-Temperature Instantaneous Liquid-Phase Sintering Method for Terfenol-D with Addition of Sn

      2007, 36(4):750-752.

      Abstract (1112) HTML (143) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites


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