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Special Issue: Hydrogen Storage Materials 2024
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Message from Guest Editor-in-Chief:

Developing safe, reliable, compact , and cost-efectivehydrogen storage lechnologies is one of the mosttechnically challenging obstaclcs to the widespreaduse of hydrogen as a form of cnergy medium. In thefield of hydrogen storage matcrials, mctal hydrides, complex hydrides, porous materials, and clathratehydrates have been researched widely. Despite the enormous effort being put in researchactivities, we are still far froam reaching a widespreadand safe use of hydrogen as our primary energysource.

The aim of the spocial issue is to accelerate thedevelopment of hydrogen storage materials and topromote an open exchange of acadlemie infotmation.


Manuscript requirements: original research papers or reviews; Accepted after my peer review.


Scope: Including but not limited to alloy hydrogen storage materials, physical adsorption hydrogen storage materials, nano-hydrogen storage materials and other related research progress.


Guest Editor-in-Chief: Chen Ruirun


Schedule: Deadline: November 31, 2023


Publication Date: 2024


Submission to http://www.rmme.ac.cn/rmme/ch/index.aspx


Contact: Qi Guocui 0086-029-86231117-802


Introduction of Guest Editor-in-Chief:

Chen Ruirun, Professor, Ph. D. supervisor, Chief of Department of Interdisciplinary Sciences, Harbin Institute of Technology. Gainer of the National Outstanding Youth Science Fund, "Ten Thousand People Plan" scientific and technological innovation leader. He is mainly engaged in the research of advanced materials melting and solidification, equipment and technology, and related theoretical directions. He has presided over more than 50 projects, such as National Key Research and Development Plan and "973" Project Sub-Projects, National Natural Science Foundation Projects, and Nuclear Power and Atomic Energy Projects. He won the first prize of Science and Technology in Heilongjiang Province (2 times, both ranked 1st) and has 60 authorized invention patents. He has published more than 400 SCI papers and published the national key book "Alloy Melt Treatment and Quality Control" for the 13th Five-Year Plan. He is also the vice Chairman of the Non-ferrous Alloy Committee of the International Casting Organization, the director and deputy director of the Youth Committee of the Chinese Non-Ferrous Metals Society, the standing member of the Casting Branch of the Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, the member of the Casting Alloy Special Committee of the Chinese Rare Earth Society, the director of the China Nuclear Materials Industry Development Alliance, and the Editorial board member of Journal of Materials Science and Technology and IJMMM, Director of Youth Editorial Committee of China Foundry and Special Casting and Non-Ferrous Alloys.


Email: ruirunchen@hit.edu.cn


Published date:2023-12-04Click:

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