| Volume ,Issue 3,1998 Table of Contents
Contents | | | Cyclic Deformation Characteristic of Ti-31 Alloy | | 胡耀君,马红征,刘果宗,叶红川 | | 1998(3) [Abstract(1283)] [View PDF] | | | | γ-TiAl基双相合金片层组织不连续粗化的驱动力与动力学 | | 王继杰,蒋敏,郝士明 | | 1998(3) [Abstract(1439)] [View PDF] | | | | MgLi Matrix Composites | | 马春江,张荻,张国定,覃继宁 | | 1998(3):125-129 [Abstract(1194)] [View PDF] | | | | Effect of Element Substitutions on Flux Pinning in PMP YBCO Superconductors | | 冯勇 | | 1998(3):130-134 [Abstract(1301)] [View PDF] | | | | 掺杂Fe对贮氢合金Ml(Ni—Co—Mn—Ti)5电化学性能的影响 | | 陈立新 | | 1998(3):135-138 [Abstract(1165)] [View PDF] | | | | Ti—31合金循环变化特性研究 | | 胡耀君 | | 1998(3):139-141 [Abstract(1199)] [View PDF] | | | | Formation Enthalpies of Noble Metal-Aluminium Binary Alloys | | 欧阳义芳 | | 1998(3):142-145 [Abstract(1511)] [View PDF] | | | | Investigation on the Stability of the Hydrides of Ml 1-x Ca x Ni 5 Intermetallic Compounds | | Wang Xinhua | | 1998(3):146-148 [Abstract(1484)] [View PDF] | | | | 微晶Ni3Al高温氧化的动力学规律 | | 王永刚 | | 1998(3):149-151 [Abstract(1258)] [View PDF] | | | | TiMe合金的价电子结构分析及结合能计算 | | 贾堤 | | 1998(3):152-155 [Abstract(1333)] [View PDF] | | | | Study on the Low Cycle Fatigue Fracture in TA5 Titanium Alloy Plates | | 张文毓 | | 1998(3):156-160 [Abstract(1598)] [View PDF] | | | | γ—TiAl基双相合金片层组织不连续粗化的驱动与动力学 | | 王继杰 | | 1998(3):161-164 [Abstract(1126)] [View PDF] | | | | Ti(Ⅳ)在氯化物熔体中的电化学还原 | | 杜继红 | | 1998(3):165-168 [Abstract(1363)] [View PDF] | | | | 外加拉应力对TiNi合金马氏体相变点Ms的影响 | | 王学成 | | 1998(3):169-172 [Abstract(1495)] [View PDF] | | | | 正交实验设计在钽片加工工艺设计中的应用 | | 郑欣 | | 1998(3):173-176 [Abstract(1459)] [View PDF] | | | | Study of A Composite Hard Metal-Roller Made by HIP Diffusion Bonding | | 陈飞雄 | | 1998(3):177-181 [Abstract(1605)] [View PDF] | | | | Electroless Plating Improving the Bending Strength of Copper Graphite Material | | Li Yawen,Ding Huadong,Hao Hongqi,Jin Zhihao | | 1998(3):182-185 [Abstract(1286)] [View PDF] | | | | A CAS Spectrophotometric Method of Determining Aluminium in Pure Titanium | | 牛金龙 | | 1998(3):186-188 [Abstract(1613)] [View PDF] | | |